If you could win a million dollar by......

Would you shave your head for a million dollars?

  • Yes

    Votes: 158 94.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 6.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes, in a heartbeat. Then I would be able to buy luxurious weaves to cover it up until it grows back.
Giiiiirl....hell yes!!! Hair grows back! This way I could take care of my scalp better...because I could see it.:lol:

My hair is not worth 1 million dollars...and if whomever wants to pay me 1 mill for it...they're the stupid one not me.:lol:
yep. I've BCD almost bald and didn't get a dime.:lol: With 1 million, I could but a wig til some hair grows back.:D
GIRL WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. My hair means a whole lot to me but 1 MILLION for some hair on the floor! ppppphsst I'd buy a cute lace front and still be workin it. I wouldn't care if my hair was too my knees by then. Hair is hair. But a mil could get me set for life (once if invest/flip it :lol: )
For the ppl who said no......why not? Just wondering :D...is it principle? Self-esteem?

BTW, my answer is a big, fat, resounding YES. :lol:
Pass me the scissors:lol: I was chemically "balded" and paid someone to do it to me. My hair grew in decently and I was dumb:eek: Now with all I'm learning I say start cutting AFTER you send the money to Bank of America:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
ravenmerlita said:
Uh.... yeah! I'd shave my head and then some for a million bucks. Heck, I'd shave my head for a $100,000.

Me too....hell, make it $50,000 and I'd still consider it :lol: . My hair would be back to shoulders within a year. Besides I've always wanted to try a twa. I'm not hard up for money, but hair isn't that serious to me.
nurseN98 said:
For the ppl who said no......why not? Just wondering :D...is it principle? Self-esteem?

BTW, my answer is a big, fat, resounding YES. :lol:
Seriously I can't even tell u why. I just don't ever see myself doing something like that. Maybe it's because i don't have any real responsibilties right now. I feel like a weirdo for not wanting to shave my head for money now:lol:
iiBlackBarbieii said:
Seriously I can't even tell u why. I just don't ever see myself doing something like that. Maybe it's because i don't have any real responsibilties right now. I feel like a weirdo for not wanting to shave my head for money now:lol:
Don't feel like a weirdo, I just was wondering :)
I voted Yes! :weird:

I've done it before! (Not completely but I had like less than 1/2 an inch of hair). I always keep in mind that hair always grows back. ;)
Hell to the YES!!!
I would be bald and RICH!!!!! Then I would grow out the prettiest natural head of hair that anyone has ever seen. It's just hair. I think my husband would be right in there like Sistaslick's....shaving it for me in my sleep!! lol
Sistaslick said:

snip.... snip.... snip ....

I just asked my husband and he said he would shave it off for me in my sleep if I thought to even think to say no.:lol:

And I'd be a rich NATURAL! :D
Im sick !
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I've had to shave my hair for free...twice.

so heck yea if I get something out of it, its nothing but a thang.:lol:

As long as I had the option to grow it back I would. I need to cut off about 2-3 inches of overprocessed ends and that would be a great incentive.
No. And hell no.

And even hell to the no.

That would be like cutting my arm off ... stabbing myself in the gut ... like clitoral circumcision. :eek:.

Yeah, um it's that deep for me. My female essence is very much attached to my hair.