Hair Scenario... Would You Do It?

You MUST choose one!

  • I'll do the photo shoot and interview with black hair magazines

    Votes: 48 78.7%
  • sorry, i love my chocolate caramel twirl.. so you wanna clean cut? fade? anything for you!

    Votes: 13 21.3%

  • Total voters
Screw that!!! #1!! First, I'm not interested in any of those guys (I don't even know who they are!!). Second, I wouldn't shave my hair for any ****...Third, Hollywood is brutal and I'd rather have my long gorgous hair than to have to endure all the Hollywood drama. With all that mess, even if I didn't shave my hair, I'd lose it due to all the stress!! Fourth, I like the first choice better-it's more productive and beneficial.

What she said!! :lachen:(laughing at the first bolded)
but its a movie :look:

# 1 no doubt :) thats real :yep: you'll be a role model and people will use you as insperation. :D
Option #1 for me. I'm not cutting my hair for Reggie Bush. Or Will Demps...I'm not even familiar with this guy.

Besides, Reggie Bush has been with Kim K..:perplexed
Number 1 because
1. It will have the greatest impact economically in the black community...think billions of dollars.
2. It will have the greatest health impact, I would stress eating healthy, drinking water, vitamins which in turn would result in less heart disease, diabetes
3. It would efficiently take down those BSS stores or atleast result in better quality products
4..... I don't want to do love scenes.
#1 If I could help just one black woman from having to go through the hair drama I went through,it would be worth it. Plus I tell any man from the door, my hair is about me. If you don't like it keep a rolling. So I definitely wouldn't shave my hair for a man. But if Will wants to watch me at my commercial I wouldn't mind. Plus I want to direct movies, not star in them.
I'm all over bush. ALL OVER!! Football is my passion and Bush is my dream, I'd lace it up like Bey for a couple years and hit.
I'll take both

for the movie they can put that skin cap thingy on my head to make me appear bald..... it's already been done in many a movie. Then I can still do the photoshoot and revolutionize black hair
I chose #1, i would rather make an impact in the community than shave everything off for a movie role with two men that i have no interest in. plus thinking of all the effort and time it takes to get to that point....nah i'm good.
I'd take the role in the movie. It's bound to be much better paying than those Pantene commercials. But I feel like I'm kinda cheating when I answer this, cuz no way do I want unstretched waist length hair. Do you know how much hair that is? If I have unstretched waist length non-dreadlocked hair, I have quit all my activities - work, school, knitting, pet bunny long since starved to death - to maintain my unstretched wsl 4b hair, which is really like at least ankle length stretched. So if my choice is to be a slave to my hair or to make out with a couple hot guys (i actually have no idea who those dudes are) in a high-paying movie role, I choose the second!
LMAO :lachen: at this whole scenario your popular BECAUSE of your long thick hair yet your asked to SHAVE IT ALL OFF. :wallbash:

i would be doing neither. but start my own line of hair products which would be promoted in black hair and white hair mags. BUT..... if the ballplayers wanna play....they can holla :lick:


not on reggie bush tho i am deadass serious