If you could change your hair type...

Imagine you've been admitted into a secret hair factory that would allow you to change the state of your natural hair. Would you keep your hair type, color, length and thickness? If you changed anything- what would it be? Why?

For me I think I would like to have wavy, dark brown hair (already my natural color) that was at armpit length. As for thickness, I'd want it to be just a little thicker around my hairline. I've always liked the wavy look and would probably wear it that way most of the time. That would cut down on me handling my hair.

What would you ladies choose?
I would first opt that I had my natural texture back. I have pictures of my hair before it was relaxed and I had perfect ringlet curls!! Besides that I would go for length but thats coming along nicely.
I don't really care which type, anything except straight hair... I just would like it to be very thick in diameter and density.... and be my same dark brown, but with more natural highlights.
i would have it thicker and slightly longer....and NO BREAKAGE!! also, i like the two toned color look, but i can do that myself :D
I would not change my hair type; I am loving my new growth, which is tightly curled (ringlets). :) If I could change anything it would be the color, I would love to have auburn highlights. :D
The perfect head of hair to me is the girl who played
in movie "You got Served" and Tv show "My wife and kids"
Jennifer Freeman. I would kill for her hair texture and length.
sylver2 said:
The perfect head of hair to me is the girl who played
in movie "You got Served" and Tv show "My wife and kids"
Jennifer Freeman. I would kill for her hair texture and length.
Me too! I love her hair.
good question... hmm before i started taking care of my hair i used to want hair like these two girls in my high school. one was this hispanic girl with waist length black wavy hair and the other girl was biracial with waist length dark brown and blonde highlighted 3b type of curls. Now that I have been taking care of my hair I LOVE it. I think I would make it longer. Just to my waist. I kinda want to change the color and texture sometimes, but nothing permanent. I love having options. overall i would keep it the same. If i could go back to the factory and have my original look back, I would!
Consistent texture.

I would want my hair to be consistent in the texture and curl pattern. Currently, the bangs are a bit straight while the rest of my hair is really curly.
I just wish i had all one texture and not 3 different ones!!

i wish my hair was all a 3b/3c then i wouldnt have to put any chemicals on it what so ever
I love my hair exactly as it is now, and I wouldn't change a thing.

But in years gone by, I've always admired ladies who had hair like, say, Hairlove :) You gotta love wavy/curly, thick, healthy looking hair!
I love my natural dark brown color (which also has natural auburn highlights). I love the thickness I already have and my current length although I'll keep on growing it. All in all, I love my hair the way it is.
Nay said:
I love my hair exactly as it is now, and I wouldn't change a thing.

But in years gone by, I've always admired ladies who had hair like, say, Hairlove :) You gotta love wavy/curly, thick, healthy looking hair!

Aww thanks Nay!
I am learning to enjoy my own hair and not wish to have anyone else's but since you asked...I would love it if my hair were a 3a/3b instead of a 3b/3c b/c then I'd have less shrinkage and length would show more easily.
i'd make my hair more 3c than 4a, so then it would be easier for me to stretch out my relaxers. and of course, i'd make it longer :)
i think i would go back to my natural 3b/c (curly ringlets, and thick) hair type and my natural hair color (dark brown), and have it waistlength. those are my wishes.;)
I ain't gonna lie, I'd love to have 3b or 3c hair. Having NO curls/waves whatsoever is simply boring! And hard to style!!!!!!!!
I love my hair as it is now. However, my hair was super thick and long when I was a little girl when it was in its natural state.
I love my hair, I just wish it was hip length stretched and waist length curly.
And I'd love to get rid of all my grey hairs!!! :D
I spent most of my childhood wishing my hair away. Wished it was thinner, wished it was not curly and coarse, wished it was this and that. Then I started getting relaxers and all those things I wished for came true, cause my hair was bone-straight, brittle and was coming out by the hand full.

I finally learned to LOVE my hair and all the things that I wished away I now appreciate, because I've learned to manage it :)
I would go back to my completely natural 4a/4b hair and ofcourse wish I had my old length back and jet black hair!:)
If I could change something I would like for my hair to be a type 3. This way I could wear it natural without a lot of fuss. Other than that I like my hair for the most part, just need more thickness.