When will you be satisfied?

I will be satisfied at WL stretched. I want a big fro that eclipses the sun when little children stand in my shadow. LOL

I love long hair and I can't wait to see what my head has in store.
I will be 100% satisfied with:

1) 100% natural 4a/3c hair (besides henna)
2) Apl unstreched
3) No layers

When my non-straightened hair reaches WL and my current shedding issues have subsided. :pray:

In other words, I wanna be like MidniteCurls when I grow up. :look:
i will be satisfied when people hear the name Rapunzel and say, "whatever, she ain't got nothin on LadyLibra's hair" :lachen:

okay seriously? i just wanted to see if i could grow my hair longer than APL (the longest it ever got when i was relaxed). all the rest of this hair-growing is just a bonus, if my hair doesn't grow another inch longer from today i'll still be happy. i am curious to see just how long i can grow it and how long i can stand it. :yep:
I have resolved that now is the time for me to be happy with what I have achieved. I was going to join some other hair growth challenges, but I really think I am done. I am always wowed by other beautiful heads long and short and always will. But with my own hair I no longer have that same zeal....I guess the fun and excitement was in the chase.....like other things in life....:ohwell:

I swear I will not buy another hair product. I have finally found what works and no matter how many other things come out. I am sticking with my tried and true....unless of course it is discontinued or I no longer get the same results.:crossfingers:

i will be satisfied when:
1. my edges on the right side grow back
2. my curls drop
3. my crown reaches my shoulders :lick: i'll be satisfied here the rest is a bonus
4. apl
5. bsl

i dont think i want my hair much longer than that (but that will probably change once i get there)
When my hair is waist length and layerd. My edges are long, full and strong. Overall balance of stregth and moisture. Shiney, bouncy and free moving like Marcherie Amour's (sorry if I spelled name wrong.)

I'm on a mission first to prove to myself that I CAN grow MY hair to any length I choose and then to show it off to other women of color so they know that they can do the same.........Waist length.....NO is no longer an option, CAN'T no longer a word, it's only a matter of WHEN for me. God's blessings on your hair journey ladies.
I'll be satisfied with SL unstretched, and APL stretched. Anything else beyond that, providing I don't cut it like in my relaxed days, is just a bonus!
I have thick hair now and always have. I'd be satisfied when I put my hair in a very nice, thick ponytail that hangs to MBL.
Honestly, I don't know because shrinkage is bananas. I would love to have unstretched hair that was passed my shoulders maybe APL, but I don't know if I'll ever get there.
I will be fully satisfied with natural MBL stretched but I'll be happy with something bw APL-BSL. This is gonna be a looong journey. :look:
i will be satisfied when i reach and maintain midback length until i figure out what do with my hair next.
I will be satisfied with thick healthy well tamed MBL unstretched natural hair!
When it thickens up a bit (I'm using BT and I'm going to stretch my relaxers to 12 weeks)
When I reach full APL (three more inches to go).
I'll be satisfied when I can stop shaving and cutting my hair (5 years of doing that) and stay natural and be able to just pull it back in a medium size puff.
When you can lose your hand in my hair.
When hairstylist turn me away because my hair is too long and thick.
When I can have curly hair.
When I can get back to having no breakage (I've noticed since I moved back home, the breakage won't stop).