If this doesn't take your hair out .....

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I know right.. only a couple of the comments mentioned that putting glue directly on the hair might be a bad idea !
Wow. That's all I can say!!!:blush: I wouldn't do that to anyone I love and I wouldn't let anyone convince me to do that to my hair.:nono:
She coulda atleast used a stocking cap to help protect the hair along with that white paper I see they use under the stocking cap so the glue won't get on the hair. My word.
:perplexed Why damage your own hair to put in a nasty looking weave? Maybe I could understand if the style was banging, but pulling your hair out to look like a cocker spaniel died on your head? Hell no.

The next generation is going to laugh at all these women and these dead animal hair dos.
at least this stylist had enough sense to use some kind of cap,
that is after using tons of brown gel on what edges?
lookin a ghetto mess.
the ponytail reminds me of the decorations that I wrap around my christmas tree. can't remember the name of it.

Oh my Word....
Is there a term for this Ghetto ness?????
I thought I was hip and 'with it'.... I guess not....:rolleyes:


Did anyone notice that that woman had NO hairline???? That Gel was her hairline???

Why not Shave your head and wear that sillyness?
I literally started laughing out loud.....:lachen:
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I don't know what will :lachen:
I found this hair video on you tube that made me realize how many stylists / people do not practice healthy hair habits . :nono: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAcGUMn8zbU

I don't evenknow where to Begin with this...................

What - who..... HOW?????

Really - girls - I am speechless.

I know I am going to KEEP on Preaching - STAY AWAY from Stylists... Baldness is GUARANTEED!:lachen:

I would never go to her anyway... I don't like the dancing and the 'sing song' voice....:nono::rolleyes:
I guess I'm in the minority...I think the style itself is cute. Of course I have a weak spot for ghetto fabulous hair. Fortunately I've learned I can achieve the majority of my ghetto fab hairstyles with a wig and encourage that poor lady in that chair to do the same.
at least this stylist had enough sense to use some kind of cap,
that is after using tons of brown gel on what edges?
lookin a ghetto mess.
the ponytail reminds me of the decorations that I wrap around my christmas tree. can't remember the name of it.

I was on board with the style until the ponytail. That's where I draw the line. And I believe garland is the word you are looking for...because that is EXACTLY what it reminded me of.:lachen:
WOW I had no idea that they would actually glue the hair on to your actual hair!!!! Who in their right mind would allow that to happen?
I guess I'm in the minority...I think the style itself is cute. Of course I have a weak spot for ghetto fabulous hair. Fortunately I've learned I can achieve the majority of my ghetto fab hairstyles with a wig and encourage that poor lady in that chair to do the same.

Why would you not use a wig instead of going through all that? It's not as if that looks more real than a wig...
I knew where this was going as soon as the video started. I had no volume and was going by pure mannerism…
Thats been going on for a long time..as long as i dont do it its fine with me..whateva floats ur boat..some women dont care about thier hair underneath ..
That glue on her hair won't take it out. When she remove it, she just have to put a lot of glue remover on it, and it'll slide off.

The only thing that concerns me about that weave, and ALL weaves is moisturizing underneath. How are you gonna get moisture on it?

People here get weaves all the time, it's the same, and the glue won't hurt. I'm sure this was not her first time getting a weave from that woman, and she had hair, and a hairline.
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*clutching m' pearls* :eek:

I was on board with the style until the ponytail. That's where I draw the line. And I believe garland is the word you are looking for...because that is EXACTLY what it reminded me of.:lachen:

A garland? OK, I see that now. But what I immediately thought of was a cat:


Why would you not use a wig instead of going through all that? It's not as if that looks more real than a wig...

I was wondering the same thing. :wallbash: I mean, why do all that on someone's head. Why not do it on a mannequin and then when the glue is all dried up, put the stocking on a person's head? Or is the idea to pretend you're getting your hair did :rolleyes: by sitting there while fake hair is worked on? Shouldn't this be illegal?

And what's with all the different things going on on one head? :rofl: The first do looked like two different wigs on one head because the colors didn't even match. The top fluffly one looked glossier too...so while I've seen that look, it probably would have looked less ghetto if there was better blending.

As for the second one... :nono: The first part was OK, but then when we added a cat's tail to a hedgehog's behind, I was lost.

Are these stylists really that clueless or is the greed for the buck so great that their conscience takes a back seat?
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