If this doesn't take your hair out .....

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People here get weaves all the time, it's the same, and the glue won't hurt. I'm sure this was not her first time getting a weave from that woman, and she had hair, and a hairline.

I've had a weave in 1984 but it was sewn on. In fact, I never knew anyone used glue on the head to attach hair or for anything until I joined hair forums as late as this millennium. Call me late, but even in my young naive head, it would never have even crossed my mind that anyone would be crazy enough to use glue on their hair or their skin.
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I've had a weave but it was sewn on. In fact, I never knew anyone used glue on the head to attach hair or for anything until I joined hair forums as late as this millennium. Call me late, but even in my young naive head, it would never have even crossed my mind that anyone would be crazy enough to use glue on their hair or their skin.

Yeah. There are so many ways they put weave in now.

If they don't put it on the hair or the skin, where would they put it? It has to go somewhere.
Yeah. There are so many ways they put weave in now.

If they don't put it on the hair or the skin, where would they put it? It has to go somewhere.

But that's what I'm saying. Why use glue at all? If in the 80's there were already safer methods of adding in hair, why would anyone ever consider using glue?
That glue on her hair won't take it out. When she remove it, she just have to put a lot of glue remover on it, and it'll slide off.

The only thing that concerns me about that weave, and ALL weaves is moisturizing underneath. How are you gonna get moisture on it?

People here get weaves all the time, it's the same, and the glue won't hurt. I'm sure this was not her first time getting a weave from that woman, and she had hair, and a hairline.

WHA?????:look: It won't???? You are kidding - right????

In terms of moisture, That is LONG gone with the introduction of that Ampro Brown gel....Its ingredient content is filled with drying agents....

They do?????? They get those kinds of Slap to your head weaves?

HAIRLINE????? Excuse me - the woman in the second video had no visible hairline.... most likely due to over processing - and allowing someone to do what they did to her head....
:nono: Good lord.

After Repeated procedures like this - her Hair will cease to be... So she won''t have to worry about it much after that.
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*clutching m' pearls* :eek:

A garland? OK, I see that now. But what I immediately thought of was a cat:

I was wondering the same thing. :wallbash: I mean, why do all that on someone's head. Why not do it on a mannequin and then when the glue is all dried up, put the stocking on a person's head? Or is the idea to pretend you're getting your hair did :rolleyes: by sitting there while fake hair is worked on? Shouldn't this be illegal?

And what's with all the different things going on on one head? :rofl: The first do looked like two different wigs on one head because the colors didn't even match. The top fluffly one looked glossier too...so while I've seen that look, it probably would have looked less ghetto if there was better blending.

As for the second one... :nono: The first part was OK, but then when we added a cat's tail to a hedgehog's behind, I was lost.

Are these stylists really that clueless or is the greed for the buck so great that their conscience takes a back seat?

"HERE Kitty Kitty!!!"

:lachen::lachen:NONIE - you just made my week.

*clutching m' pearls* :eek:

A garland? OK, I see that now. But what I immediately thought of was a cat:

I was wondering the same thing. :wallbash: I mean, why do all that on someone's head. Why not do it on a mannequin and then when the glue is all dried up, put the stocking on a person's head? Or is the idea to pretend you're getting your hair did :rolleyes: by sitting there while fake hair is worked on? Shouldn't this be illegal?

And what's with all the different things going on on one head? :rofl: The first do looked like two different wigs on one head because the colors didn't even match. The top fluffly one looked glossier too...so while I've seen that look, it probably would have looked less ghetto if there was better blending.

As for the second one... :nono: The first part was OK, but then when we added a cat's tail to a hedgehog's behind, I was lost.

Are these stylists really that clueless or is the greed for the buck so great that their conscience takes a back seat?
Guaranteed... I will laugh at ANYONE posting that sort of weave on this board. I won't post - But I will laugh, hysterically.
That glue on her hair won't take it out. When she remove it, she just have to put a lot of glue remover on it, and it'll slide off.

The only thing that concerns me about that weave, and ALL weaves is moisturizing underneath. How are you gonna get moisture on it?

People here get weaves all the time, it's the same, and the glue won't hurt. I'm sure this was not her first time getting a weave from that woman, and she had hair, and a hairline.

Thank you! I'm like, "I can't be the only person on here that has had some hair glued in back in the day." I used to get french rolls and the stylist would glue in a track or two vertically to cover the sponge.

I used the glue remover once. All other times, just oiling my scalp regularly would cause the tracks to loosen up to the point that I could just pull them off without any problem.
Glue on the hair will not take your out unless you rip it out. I have worn glued in tracks before and all I did was use an ample amount of oil and the track slid right on out. Hair still in tact.

ETA: Avaya we posted at the same time, lol
What in the world are you talking about???!!!???

First of all, I'm talking about the 1st video and there's NO brown gel anywhere in that video. And she does have edges.

Second, the glue won't take her hair out done that way. She just have to use a lot of remover to take it out.

That glue on her hair won't take it out. When she remove it, she just have to put a lot of glue remover on it, and it'll slide off.

The only thing that concerns me about that weave, and ALL weaves is moisturizing underneath. How are you gonna get moisture on it?

People here get weaves all the time, it's the same, and the glue won't hurt. I'm sure this was not her first time getting a weave from that woman, and she had hair, and a hairline.

WHA?????:look: It won't???? You are kidding - right????

In terms of moisture, That is LONG gone with the introduction of that Ampro Brown gel....Its ingredient content is filled with drying agents....

They do?????? They get those kinds of Slap to your head weaves?

HAIRLINE????? Excuse me - the woman in the second video had no visible hairline.... most likely due to over processing - and allowing someone to do what they did to her head....
:nono: Good lord.

After Repeated procedures like this - her Hair will cease to be... So she won''t have to worry about it much after that.
Thank you! I'm like, "I can't be the only person on here that has had some hair glued in back in the day." I used to get french rolls and the stylist would glue in a track or two vertically to cover the sponge.

I used the glue remover once. All other times, just oiling my scalp regularly would cause the tracks to loosen up to the point that I could just pull them off without any problem.

I agree totally.
Glue on the hair will not take your out unless you rip it out. I have worn glued in tracks before and all I did was use an ample amount of oil and the track slid right on out. Hair still in tact.

ETA: Avaya we posted at the same time, lol

Thank you! So true.
Thats been going on for a long time..as long as i dont do it its fine with me..whateva floats ur boat..some women dont care about thier hair underneath ..

EXACTLY! Some women actually give up on having healthy hair after experiencing so much damage from styles like these, relaxers, etc.
As long as its covered, they don't care and can ignore the problem. :nono:
Lol! My eyes got big when she put the clippers to weave! WTF? It doesn't seem right. And she said the style was for clients who want ppl to think they have curly hair? Sounds shameful...blonde hair...pretending that her hair is naturally curly...too much self-hate..

Wow, why do women, of any ethnicity, think platinum blonde hair is cute? It looks so fake, especially on olive to darker skin tones. Anyway...

This weave style is called a "27 Piece Quick weave" and it is not regular brown gel on their hair, but a "special" protective gel used as a foundation for the bond glue. Mostly women with hair too short to do a sew-in use it. I honestly can't imagine how long it would last though. Just imagine the NG coming in and lifting up the tracks. How do you workout with this in your head? Lol!
ok......i dont know about hair extensions or weave...but just putting the glue on her hair just looks bad and unhealthy, and yes the client did not look happy, she probably took it out after she got home..and plus her real hair looked good, I don't know whatever floats your boat......
Thank you! I'm like, "I can't be the only person on here that has had some hair glued in back in the day." I used to get french rolls and the stylist would glue in a track or two vertically to cover the sponge.

I used the glue remover once. All other times, just oiling my scalp regularly would cause the tracks to loosen up to the point that I could just pull them off without any problem.

OK..... So - Glue and Ampro Gel Actually is Good for the hair.....OK!:rolleyes:

Glue on the hair will not take your out unless you rip it out. I have worn glued in tracks before and all I did was use an ample amount of oil and the track slid right on out. Hair still in tact.

ETA: Avaya we posted at the same time, lol

I do agree with this...But most times you cannot see the damage until later...

What in the world are you talking about???!!!???

First of all, I'm talking about the 1st video and there's NO brown gel anywhere in that video. And she does have edges.

Second, the glue won't take her hair out done that way. She just have to use a lot of remover to take it out.

In the second youtube video - you know - the one with the cat tail hanging off???? The woman has no edges....ampro gel is covering her slick bald spot.....

Granted, Back in the day - lot of folks used Glue for weaves..... And oil can get it out....That does not mean - there is NO problem with the hair later.

Hair health does not seem to be a priority to many stylists or clients.....:nono: And - I will just be that the 'remover' may not be oh so wonderful for the tresses....
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*clutching m' pearls* :eek:

A garland? OK, I see that now. But what I immediately thought of was a cat:

I was wondering the same thing. :wallbash: I mean, why do all that on someone's head. Why not do it on a mannequin and then when the glue is all dried up, put the stocking on a person's head? Or is the idea to pretend you're getting your hair did :rolleyes: by sitting there while fake hair is worked on? Shouldn't this be illegal?

And what's with all the different things going on on one head? :rofl: The first do looked like two different wigs on one head because the colors didn't even match. The top fluffly one looked glossier too...so while I've seen that look, it probably would have looked less ghetto if there was better blending.

As for the second one... :nono: The first part was OK, but then when we added a cat's tail to a hedgehog's behind, I was lost.

Are these stylists really that clueless or is the greed for the buck so great that their conscience takes a back seat?

This stuff is REGIONAL! I noticed the second video was from Detroit. People ASK for these styles...SUPPLY and DEMAND...
You will see some WILD stuff out of Detroit.

http://www.hairwarsustour.com/Photo Galleries.html

WHAT is THAT......:blush::blush:
gurrrrrl, you don't know about the hair helicopter....:lachen:
I guess the only real way to protect, would be to put a plastic cap on underneath the wave cap...then you would have the crunchies though. Or do it on a mannequin, but then you wouldn't have that "perfect" fit..I don't know. I have never had a 27 piece...But now seeing these, I know QUITE a few people who have...:lachen:
WHAT is THAT......:blush::blush:

Oh brother!:rolleyes: Do I have to 'splain e'rything to you? Can't you see it's a helicopter? :lachen:

Dude looks very proud of it too. Might have been a gift for him too if he's into choppers. :look:

ETA Crlsweetie912, I see you told her before me. :rofl: How about using Saran wrap instead of rustling plastic cap? How about just getting a wig?
I've seen this upclose recently. I was in a wedding 3 months ago with a girl that had this done. Brown gel wasn't used to wrap it underneath, she said it was some type of mousse(sp?) stuff (its probably just as drying though).

I asked her so how does it come out? She said she has a oil based remover and it slips right out after you let it sit...ehhh

I wouldn't do it personally.
gurrrrrl, you don't know about the hair helicopter....:lachen:
I guess the only real way to protect, would be to put a plastic cap on underneath the wave cap...then you would have the crunchies though. Or do it on a mannequin, but then you wouldn't have that "perfect" fit..I don't know. I have never had a 27 piece...But now seeing these, I know QUITE a few people who have...:lachen:

:lachen::lachen:Lawd h'a mercy!!!! The plastic cap!!!!:lachen: The hair heli!!!:lachen:

Absolutely hilarious!!!
I am sure someone here would love to have a Heli....:giggle:

Be warned - I will laugh at you, and talk about you......
Oh brother!:rolleyes: Do I have to 'splain e'rything to you? Can't you see it's a helicopter? :lachen:

Dude looks very proud of it too. Might have been a gift for him too if he's into choppers. :look:

ETA Crlsweetie912, I see you told her before me. :rofl: How about using Saran wrap instead of rustling plastic cap? How about just getting a wig?

That guy is the "king" of detroit stylists...Mr. Little. He started it all....I guess a wig would be just as good...:lachen:

ETA: I should say was. Mr. Little died a few years ago..RIP
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Oh brother!:rolleyes: Do I have to 'splain e'rything to you? Can't you see it's a helicopter? :lachen:

Dude looks very proud of it too. Might have been a gift for him too if he's into choppers. :look:

ETA Crlsweetie912, I see you told her before me. :rofl: How about using Saran wrap instead of rustling plastic cap? How about just getting a wig?

I KNEW what it was - But - I really just could not believe my eyes.....:lachen:

Wow - what a novel idea. A wig!
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