If His Momma Ugly Then...

That's how I feel about my SO....
He's handsome, but not someone I would really want to make a child with solely based on looks alone. His mother is :nono:, though she is soooooooooo sweet and nice.. and his father is, just very average, his sister is also very average. My genes won't bring me but so far... i'd be playing the genetic lottery .
Yeah, let's not even talk about prefernce for nice looking people in jobs, extracurricular activites such as cheerleading/danceline, certain cliques, etc.

I know that has helped me get jobs (besides the fact that I'm actually capable of doing the job). They say looks aren't everything, but they help with a lot of things.
It is what it is!!!!!!! Wow, shoot me:210: for wanting to have nice looking kids.
Uhm, okay! People acting like you're a terrible person for wanting to have attractive kids. All this 'have kids with your twu wub' crap is just selfish! It's thinking like that that has prevented us from breeding ugly into extinction. :look:
LMAO :lachen::lachen::lachen:This had me on the floor and I bet she was serious too :)

I just want to have a healthy and happy baby. My family just wants for me to have the same. The child will be a child of love that will be loved and that's most important. So many babies are born with defects, it's just best to pray for a healthy and strong baby first and foremost!

Oh, Please Energist! As gorgeous as you are, and with your DH who is :lick: :lick: :lick: like THAT! (Seriously, be glad you met him before I did! :lachen:) You two will have some beautimous babies.