If He Isn't Spending Money On You Then He's Spending It On Another Woman..

Mortons said:
There are too many variables. Gifts are not everyones love language. If its what you expect, you should be open about it.

this. it would have never occurred to me that if he isnt constantly buying me gifts its because hes buying another woman gifts :look: :rolleyes: hes spends money on me and has even given me cash directly but that doesnt mean much in the context of our relationship because we have independent expenses and its not his responsibility to take care of mine. im not asking him to spend money on my expenses, and i dont want him to. that doesnt mean that if we end up cohabitating in the future that he will be funny with his cash.
It is half true. IMO if a man has some extra money, like anyone else he'll want to spend it on something that makes him happy. That could be him, his kids, his woman or another woman :look:

Reminds me of when I was out last weekend at an African club (the context is important :lol: ) and a dude asked to buy me a drink. I was quite right already and had to drive back to my city, so I said no. This dude looked right at me and said I'm asking you to let me spend my money on you and you are saying no. Why are you doing this to me? :sad:

His face was so sad I started laughing and let him buy me something :lachen:
My dad gets upset when i refuse money when he offers. My mom would call behind his back "your father is HURT"
me: oh ok ill take it then

Well some guys are really good because they spend BOTH on their wife and kids AND their mistress and kids. :yep:
When I was 16, this college guy was interested in me. We were interning together, and one day he texted me asking if we could talk via text. Very randomly. I asked why, and he said he wanted to get to know me better and would like to text me throughout the day while we are at work... Some nonsense like that. I said that my plan did not include unlimited text, so... he texts me to say that he will pay my phone bill if I'm worried about that... He doesn't want us talking to be a financial burden, and he could handle it.

:perplexed it turns me off that someone offers to pay my bills for me... Unless that person is a parent. Only in extenuating circumstances would I accept cash from a SO, and I imagine he would have to offer. My father would have a FIT if he heard that I was asking a young man to take care of me.
When I was 16, this college guy was interested in me. We were interning together, and one day he texted me asking if we could talk via text. Very randomly. I asked why, and he said he wanted to get to know me better and would like to text me throughout the day while we are at work... Some nonsense like that. I said that my plan did not include unlimited text, so... he texts me to say that he will pay my phone bill if I'm worried about that... He doesn't want us talking to be a financial burden, and he could handle it.

:perplexed it turns me off that someone offers to pay my bills for me... Unless that person is a parent. Only in extenuating circumstances would I accept cash from a SO, and I imagine he would have to offer. My father would have a FIT if he heard that I was asking a young man to take care of me.

OR when they ask you to skip work and they'll give you money to make up the hours.
I agree.. If you are in a committed relationship and your dude's not spending on dinner or whatever activities you do, his money's definitely going on someone/thing else.
When I was 16, this college guy was interested in me. We were interning together, and one day he texted me asking if we could talk via text. Very randomly. I asked why, and he said he wanted to get to know me better and would like to text me throughout the day while we are at work... Some nonsense like that. I said that my plan did not include unlimited text, so... he texts me to say that he will pay my phone bill if I'm worried about that... He doesn't want us talking to be a financial burden, and he could handle it.

:perplexed it turns me off that someone offers to pay my bills for me... Unless that person is a parent. Only in extenuating circumstances would I accept cash from a SO, and I imagine he would have to offer. My father would have a FIT if he heard that I was asking a young man to take care of me.

I would be killed twice. It never occurred to me that a beau should be expected to take care of your living expenses while dating.
OR when they ask you to skip work and they'll give you money to make up the hours.

That one cracks me up too :lol: But I think the approach is key. One guy just flat out said I will pay you so you don't have to go to work and you can hang out with me, and in my head I was thinking Even if I wasn't working today I wouldn't want to go out with you :lol:

But another brother asked me if I could spend time with him, and when I said I had to work and pay the speeding ticket I had got, he asked me for the details on the ticket so he could pay it and I could comfortably call off work without worrying. That I liked :grin: