He's CHEAP!!!

First we need to clarify the difference between frugal, and cheap!

Frugal= " I like to save money on bills, groceries, etc." Being frugal is a good thing, and these people love to find sales, and budget. A frugal man may be poor in the pockets, but rich at heart. A frugal man knows the worth of a dollar, and is trying to save as much as he can to one day he can "live the good life."

Cheap= " Lemme get a sip of soda for $ 0.10, instead of buying the can for $ 0.50" Cheap is not a good thing. A cheap person will dress up as a homeless person just so they can get a free meal at the local shelter. Cheap people have money, but are so stingy, and selfish that they rarely have friends to spend it with. A cheap person will re-gift the blender you bought them for their birthday. Same wrapping paper, card and all.

With that said, I know you are a woman who is independent, can support herself, blah, blah, blah, and doesn't need a man to pay her way...BUT... It is always nice to have a man that takes care of you, and is willing to pay for a dinner, or movie. My advice is to drop him, move on , and never look back. He will only get worse. Don't wait until he gets your engagement ring from the bubble gum machine...Find a man that know how to woo a lady. Nuff Said!
Yeah, this is the first time I've ever entered a thread and said, without hesitation:

LEAVE! Drop bruhman like a bad habit! Please! Do it for the children!!! :eek:
And shoot! You'd probably end up buying your own engagement ring!

Run far, run fast, and don't look back.

I know someone who did just that. :nono::nono:

^^LOL @ do it for the children! :lachen:

But forreal, he sounds like a straight nickel and dimer. Been there, done that. It may not seem like it, BUT IT WILL GET WORSE!!!! If you don't mind haggling over a penny, then stay. Otherwise, get out now before your feelings get deeper and cloud good judgement!!!
I'm sure he isn't a bad man, but for real, dump this guy. I really think you should ahve this talk againand lay out your expectations. On some real ish, I have never dated a cheap man, but my dad is and I never understood how my mom could deal w it...
Girl, do yourself a favor and drop that losser. He will not change. That almost happened to me about 4 months ago. However, i spotted his cheap a@# a mile away asking me to lunch and it turned out to be a brown bag lunch instead. Yes, this negro had a brown bag lunch and i had to go purchase my lunch. I left his a@@ eating his brown bag lunch by himself.


I have never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever...paid for a drink, piece of gum, snickers, gas, a meal, incents, tic tac on a date with a guy or with a male friend...NEVA!!!
A woman should never have to go in her pocket for any money during a date, or even an outing with a man. If you feel uncomfortable about this, you should leave him now...

Unless you like paying for your Almond Biscotti w/ Mocha Cappucino... and I know you don't. Throw that cheap trash away.
You speak the truth...DAMN ... He was supposed to tide me over till the New Year but at this rate single is looking better and better.

LOLOLOLOL!! tide you over til the new year?
You're going to start the New Year at a LOSS..
(it's not like your enamored with dude right now anyway)

Pay for your dress or outfit, maybe some makeup, gas to get either to his house or the event, THEN you have to pay dutch for Tickets and Dinner ?

LoLol sorry girl... Is that really how you want to start your new year? Counting pennies?
Ok I've been dating this guy for about a month and a half. We decided to make it official about a month ago. So I expected that eventually the "honeymoon" phase would wear off and it has. He's cheap, cheap for no reason cheap and it's starting to bug me. The little things that I thought were just quirky little aspects of his personality are now annoying. He works in the hi-tech industry makes a very good living. Brags about how he payed cash for his car $28k, he only owns 5 pairs of shoes, one pair he bought in 2000!!!! Who does that?

So here's where it got interesting. The last few dates I payed for dinner, DVD rental whatever. Which is fine but he seemed to have forgotten where his wallet was. So I was determined not to pay for anything on our next date. We went to a late movie Friday night. He had some corporate passes he wanted to use I think it came out to $6 a piece. After the movie he wants to go to IHOP, it's 2 a.m he hasn't eaten since lunch. The check comes and we just sit there he becomes fascinated w/ his glass of water or his fingernails. It was really uncomfortable...in my mind I was like "there is no way I'm paying this time." So after an hour I finally grab the ckeck and pay it so he can take me back to his place I can get my car and bounce. We get back and I tell him "I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving" and start to get out. He says, "What, you're not going to stay over?" I say "HA... that check B.S. was not cool. I have payed for 3 meals for you. Not cool." So I come to find out he's trying to make our spending for our dates even. "It's not 1950's, I'm not wining and dining you...etc." WTF? He counts gas!!! Is it my fault he chose to buy a gas guzzling european car that needs premium gas? We went to clubs on guest list, or free festivals and national parks w/ free admission. I invited him to a Halloween party free again. He payed cover $10 at a bar on our first date and bought me a drink there. For one thing I don't think first dates count. He's supposed to be trying to win me over. The next time we went to a club I drove (45 miles) and I bought one round and he bought one round. He payed for $7 tickets to a comedy show. He had the nerve to say he pays 20 cents more for gas! I told him he should have been upfront w/ his little policy.

I have never experienced this. ALL of the other guys I have gone out w/ were quick to pay. Money was NEVER an issue. I don't mind rotating once we're in a relationship so I guess I assumed that's what we would do because that's what I'm used to. We agreed to go dutch from now on b/c he "doesn't want money to affect our relationship :rolleyes:" Ugh....I dunno...it might be back to the drawing board. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Thanks Girl, for the laugh. . . wow. :nono: just wow. . .

He's gangsta. :lachen:See, he's got this down to a science. . . he's definitely out waited others before re: the check. :nono: MEN ONLY DO WHAT WE ALLOW. Not sure if he's waited longer than an hour. . . at IHOP :perplexed. . . but he got what he wanted--having YOU to pay.

I WISH A NI@@A WOULD. . . . :rolleyes:
I would have walked out, caught a cab and let him figure the rest out.

Abort! Abort! Abort!
:lachen:No seriously :look:
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If it were me, I would walk away simply because of his behavior in IHOP. If he wanted you to pay, then he should have manned up and asked you to pay or even split the bill but to act like that, NO. That is unacceptable.
Aww hrtbndr, leave him alone, please.

He paid cash for his 28K car because he hasn't spent a dime on anything else in life. Five pairs of shoes and a pair is at least 8 years old?!? Seriously, I'm mad he told you that. How does he dress?!? Ugh, let it go, love! :nono:

Come up to SF and go out with us again. I'm sure you'll meet better guys. :yep:
Honestly, I would have never gotten my wallet out of my purse. So that would have been the end of that.

It sounds crazy but I told my last date 'I don't touch the bill' and it's never come up again. I might surprise him here and there with a little something if I want to but it is NEVER expected.
Honestly, I would have never gotten my wallet out of my purse. So that would have been the end of that.

It sounds crazy but I told my last date 'I don't touch the bill' and it's never come up again. I might surprise him here and there with a little something if I want to but it is NEVER expected.

:yep: The 'check' is none of my concern. . . not-my-business. . . "Not on the first date nor the 50th Anniversary" (his words, not mine).
I have yet to pay for a meal.....and I am now married to the man. He never allowed it. Just keep moving. That is a straight buzzkill....I cannot be attracted to a man who cannot at least pay for the meal (AT I-FREAKIN' HOP at that)....I mean REALLY??

Girl, you are to valuable. It's not 1950, but we hold the same value today as we did back then. EXPECT any man to value you.
I have yet to pay for a meal.....and I am now married to the man. He never allowed it. Just keep moving. That is a straight buzzkill....I cannot be attracted to a man who cannot at least pay for the meal (AT I-FREAKIN' HOP at that)....I mean REALLY??

Girl, you are to valuable. It's not 1950, but we hold the same value today as we did back then. EXPECT any man to value you.

And there it is . . .
Your story annoys me. Leave him. You can do better, and I personally think he was lying to you about balling,sweetie. Your pretty. You'll replace him in no time.
oh helllll no..... don't even waste your time on him...at this early stage you should not be paying for anything...you can do much better than that!
run fast and far, he just sounds weird. How is he even remembering all these little "prices' to equalize!?! NEXT! :yawn: