If He Isn't Spending Money On You Then He's Spending It On Another Woman..


Well-Known Member
Do you agree with this sentiment? To the ladies that aren't married, is it a must that he spends money regularly on you (outside of dates) whether it's him paying a bill, for maintenence, gifts or cold hard cash?
Uh, hm, that's really weird. Not looking for handouts. But, I like small thoughtful gifts. I look for someone who is generous, but I am self-sufficient.
I'm not sure why this post is giving me déjà vu...

I don't agree with the statement as a whole. It depends on the man.
No because I can do that for myself. If he wants to help or I need help I appreciate it and will humble myself and take it. But I will not be looking for some dude to make an allotment to my account each week, 2 weeks or month.

Any bills I make in relationships and marriage I make sure I can handle on my own bc ain't nothing guaranteed.
The statement assumes men spend their money on women period....and I don't agree with that. I am surrounded and raised by men who prefer to spend money on themselves. :lol: so it definitely depends on the man.
It is half true. IMO if a man has some extra money, like anyone else he'll want to spend it on something that makes him happy. That could be him, his kids, his woman or another woman :look:

Reminds me of when I was out last weekend at an African club (the context is important :lol: ) and a dude asked to buy me a drink. I was quite right already and had to drive back to my city, so I said no. This dude looked right at me and said I'm asking you to let me spend my money on you and you are saying no. Why are you doing this to me? :sad:

His face was so sad I started laughing and let him buy me something :lachen:
If he's not spending money on you,

-its probably because he's broke.
-he could be spending it on crack.
-he could be spending it on booze
-he doesn't have a job
-he doesn't think you're worthy of his money

This could go in many directions.. I'm glad you bought this up OP. I have a story to tell.
Or he's spending it all on himself. :ohwell:

There's a guy who is so sweet and fun to be around, but he's tight with his cash. Even his friends joke about how cheap he is. (Example: He hasn't been to a barber in 15 years because he says 10 or 15 dollars is too much money for a haircut).

He wants a relationship but I just can't see it happening. I don't think it's even a thought in his mind to spend money on anyone but himself.
If he's not spending money on you,

-its probably because he's broke.
-he could be spending it on crack.
-he could be spending it on booze
-he doesn't have a job
-he doesn't think you're worthy of his money

This could go in many directions.. I'm glad you bought this up OP. I have a story to tell.

Oohh do tell!
Reminds me of when I was out last weekend at an African club (the context is important :lol: ) and a dude asked to buy me a drink. I was quite right already and had to drive back to my city, so I said no. This dude looked right at me and said I'm asking you to let me spend my money on you and you are saying no. Why are you doing this to me? :sad:

His face was so sad I started laughing and let him buy me something :lachen:

in the past few weeks i've had quite a few African guys wanting to spend their money on me.:lol: i know they're out there but i haven't yet met any super generous American men like that.
in the past few weeks i've had quite a few African guys wanting to spend their money on me.:lol: i know they're out there but i haven't yet met any super generous American men like that.

Lol, it's so funny that you said that because all of the American and West Indian men I've come across have been very generous, but 2 of the 3 African men that have liked me have been pretty cheap.

The guy I mentioned in my first post is African.
Uh yeah and I never entertained a man that didn't like spending money on me. I'm self sufficient but that is a man's job to take care/help out his woman.

That is what I was raised knowing, taught and saw with my own eyes daily. It cost to be the boss.
Uh yeah and I never entertained a man that didn't like spending money on me. I'm self sufficient but that is a man's job to take care/help out his woman.

That is what I was raised knowing, taught and saw with my own eyes daily. It cost to be the boss.


If it's hard for you to spend money on me while we're dating, I don't see how this will work when we marry:look:
Not neccessarily. He could be broke. Or he could have gotten burnt by a gold digging hussy. I could care less. It would be nice for a change if a man would spend some coins on me once in a while. But then again, I rather just not be bothered. I'd rather be alone.
Oohh do tell!

It's a loong story that happened to me a couple years back. I wrote about it in my blog on here, and I'm searching for it. The story is called, Girl you So Sweet, You worth 16 Dollars :look: I don't want to jack you thread so I'm making a thread about it. I will be back in a second to post it.

If it's hard for you to spend money on me while we're dating, I don't see how this will work when we marry:look:
:grin::grin: You are so right. I've seen this play out irl with quite a few women. Mad because the man is tight and only spends real money on himself after they been together for years. Men don't like to change horses in the middle of the road. If you start out w/o set guidelines/roles alot of men will refuse to change because you allowed him to start out not doing what a man is suppose to do.

How you start could be how you finish if you don't allow the man to be a REAL MAN. Real man means head of household aka provider of his family.
LoveLiLi said:
Or he's spending it all on himself. :ohwell:

There's a guy who is so sweet and fun to be around, but he's tight with his cash. Even his friends joke about how cheap he is. (Example: He hasn't been to a barber in 15 years because he says 10 or 15 dollars is too much money for a haircut).

He wants a relationship but I just can't see it happening. I don't think it's even a thought in his mind to spend money on anyone but himself.

That's going to shoot him in the foot later when it comes to getting quality women.
The statement assumes men spend their money on women period....and I don't agree with that. I am surrounded and raised by men who prefer to spend money on themselves. :lol: so it definitely depends on the man.

This...and I think it also depends on the man AND the woman. Many women simply don't/won't ask.....there's also men who don't/won't offer.....for some strange reason men seem quicker to give up cash when it goes into a woman's maintenance (hair, nails, etc.) as opposed to a woman's bills I think they don't feel like they're being used? IDK
There are too many variables. Gifts are not everyones love language. If its what you expect, you should be open about it.
This dude looked right at me and said I'm asking you to let me spend my money on you and you are saying no. Why are you doing this to me? :sad:

His face was so sad I started laughing and let him buy me something :lachen:

You should have told him your car payment was due since he was so damn pressed to spend money on you. :lol:
firecracker said:
Uh yeah and I never entertained a man that didn't like spending money on me. I'm self sufficient but that is a man's job to take care/help out his woman.

That is what I was raised knowing, taught and saw with my own eyes daily. It cost to be the boss.


And IMHO anything less makes men lazy. They start counting on you to provide instead of themselves. As my Mother said just last night: her money is by His grace. It's extra, don't count on it to cover any bills.

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Depends. My husband spends $ on me now and if he were to abruptly stop (given that his financial situation continues to be stable) I would :look:.

He buys me nice things quite often and I don't see any reason why he would stop other than a change in his finances or another woman. *Shrug*