I want it LONGER.....now!


New Member
I did my hair this morning as I am going out with DH tonight to a concert. Hair looks great...but I want it be LOOOOOONGER NOW! So inpatient sometimes. I appreciate my hair, but I'm already on to the next thing...more length. I'm beginning to wonder if waistlength will be long enough? I just don't know. I thought that arm pit length would be enough for me. Then I was sure that bra strap would be enough. I'm not at midback yet, but I already know it won't fulfill my desires. Waistlength??? We'll see. I think I'm gonna make me some of those clip in pieces for times like this, when I want more length. Any of you ever feel like this??
Sometimes I feel that way. My focus is healthy hair and it's that. Instead of it getting longer it seems to be getting thicker. Oh well, I'm just glad that it's growing! Waist length, here I come!
Sometimes I feel that way. My focus is healthy hair and it's that. Instead of it getting longer it seems to be getting thicker. Oh well, I'm just glad that it's growing! Waist length, here I come!

Ooooooooo your hair looks soooo thick and healthy!
everyday of my life lol! i im a little past APL now and i thought i would think APL was long but man it seems short to me. I'm really hopin BSL will seem long to me. I really think once it covers my neepons that i will think its long...well i'm hopin i'll be satisfied ones it covers the girls :rolleyes:
tthreat08, of all people! humph.... :lol:

Your hair is already long. Sheesh, get a waist length wig! LOL

LOL! I know I should just be greatful (and I am). The funniest part about it is that I have had waistlength wigs (and falls) and I ALWAYS feel like everyone is looking at me like "That aint her hair"...so I end up cutting them to match my current length. It makes no sense I know!:lachen:
Girl i'm just reaching APL woes or hopefully i'll be past it when i relax in July so u can just imagine how i feel about getting to BSL or MBL much lest WL
I did my hair this morning as I am going out with DH tonight to a concert. Hair looks great...but I want it be LOOOOOONGER NOW! So inpatient sometimes. I appreciate my hair, but I'm already on to the next thing...more length. I'm beginning to wonder if waistlength will be long enough? I just don't know. I thought that arm pit length would be enough for me. Then I was sure that bra strap would be enough. I'm not at midback yet, but I already know it won't fulfill my desires. Waistlength??? We'll see. I think I'm gonna make me some of those clip in pieces for times like this, when I want more length. Any of you ever feel like this??
Going to a concert, girl you are sooooo lucky!:lachen:
i feeeeeeeel you!!!! im about 1 inch away from bsl ( due to set backs) and i dont care for it...i dont even care for MBL i want full WL...nothig will satisfie me but WL:grin:
I feel like this EVERY DAY. Considering I've been stuck at shoulder length (or a little past) all my life, I think bsl will be more than enough for me.
Your hair is lovely and long btw, so I'm a little suprised that you're so eager for LONGER hair.
i feel you! My I can't do nothing with this short hair! :rolleyes:

Let me stop, before God takes it away from me for being unappreciative :angel: