I really really really need help please. :(

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Welcome aboard!!!:yep:

In terms of hair growth, I agree w/ the poster who suggested exercise. I like to think of it as my personal scalp stimulant.

OT: As the other ladies have mentioned, you're very easy on the eyes:lick:.
omy i think I have gotten myself into a bit of a pickle. lol. no no no. No six pack. working on it though lol. more than six inches? . . . hmm I'll give you that one. lol . . .

omg Im so gonna shut up. I really don't think im that cute. like I said Im dreadfully shy u wouldn't want to date me. I'm boring and 6 foot 3 inches tall and lanky btw im too clumbsy. I would be stepping all over your feet if we ever danced or anything haha.

lol and im a horrible student I dont even know if Ill make it through college, im a procrastinator. Im gonna try hard as hell though lol

anyway, my parents tell me im still single because of my lack of self confidence. Idk though.
Im Just Brendan. lol nothing special
Awwww!!! Come here and let me give you a big ole hug!!!!! :lachen:
Ok now that I have actually read your post I dont think theres much you can do to get back any tight curls that you had as a very young child. Hair at that stage hasnt really "set in its ways" IMO and now that you are grown (ARE YOU GROWN?!?!?) I think you are going to just have to roll with whatcha got.

You have really nice hair so dont be too bummed about it!
I have 4 bi-racial kids and they all have the hair you speak of! Since they were born there hair takes on 2 different personalities when there hair is dry with nothing in it, it's tight coiled like you probably want it and when it wet or has product in it, its like "white peoples hair" I have never flat ironed or straightened they hair though. What happens if you don't put any product in your hair?
Ok now that I have actually read your post I dont think theres much you can do to get back any tight curls that you had as a very young child. Hair at that stage hasnt really "set in its ways" IMO and now that you are grown (ARE YOU GROWN?!?!?) I think you are going to just have to roll with whatcha got.

You have really nice hair so dont be too bummed about it!

yea im 22 lol. yea, i think im just gonna let what I have grow out and see what it does, if it starts to go straight I might actually take the perm route. (cautiously)

I have 4 bi-racial kids and they all have the hair you speak of! Since they were born there hair takes on 2 different personalities when there hair is dry with nothing in it, it's tight coiled like you probably want it and when it wet or has product in it, its like "white peoples hair" I have never flat ironed or straightened they hair though. What happens if you don't put any product in your hair?

SAME HERE!!! when it's dry it just goes curly (minus the back which can go straight sometimes) and when I put product in my hair it goes straight. I used to sometimes in the morning comb all my hair back slick and let it dry with a little bit of pomade. Then when I combed it forward dry it would be straight as an arrow. But thats back when I was straightening it ALL the time too. So it was damaged.

I really wish you ladies could run your fingers through my hair to see what I'm talking about. My hair is silky fine like white people's (feels like a 2b). it just curls up to 3a 3b. (ive done my research now on hair types)
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OP, I actually read your post. You need to embrace your hair for what it is now. My son is mixed too and has grown out his hair. If he wants an afro he will use a pick, if he wants to enhance his curls he will wash it and add conditioner and that's about it. I know that my son hates the fact that he's so light, wishes he looked "more Dominican" like me (I'm black Latina and his father is white). But it is what it is. I think your hair is lovely and whatever your doing is just fine. I would even volunteer to do your hair! But I love my dear husband... forget his name right now... LMAO :lachen:
I really wish you ladies could run your fingers through my hair to see what I'm talking about. My hair is silky fine like white people's (feels like a 2b). it just curls up to 3a 3b. (ive done my research now on hair types)

Boy you need to stop...don't give these ladies false hope.

And anyway how many pm's have you gotten?
I really wish you ladies could run your fingers through my hair to see what I'm talking about. My hair is silky fine like white people's (feels like a 2b). it just curls up to 3a 3b. (ive done my research now on hair types)
Hahahahahaha...you really wanna start something. This is the funniest thread ever, anyways welcome aboard!


*3 Showers Later and 3 hours later *

I'm still in heat.......

Actually I noticed it always happens in the summer....and I cant believe some dogs can go into heat all year round.......this gets cumbersome...it feels like you are always charged...like the energizer bunny...hard to explain.
yea im 22 lol. yea, i think im just gonna let what I have grow out and see what it does, if it starts to go straight I might actually take the perm route. (cautiously)

I was JUST about to say you might want to consider a perm. Then again, you'd have a lot of maintenance to deal with. ... but if you don't mind and have the time, you should use that as your last resort.

I really wish you ladies could run your fingers through my hair to see what I'm talking about. My hair is silky fine like white people's (feels like a 2b). it just curls up to 3a 3b. (ive done my research now on hair types)

Oh re-eh-eeeeally?


*3 Showers Later and 3 hours later *

I'm still in heat.......

Actually I noticed it always happens in the summer....and I cant believe some dogs can go into heat all year round.......this gets cumbersome...it feels like you are always charged...like the energizer bunny...hard to explain.
You doing okay over there? :spinning:

*3 Showers Later and 3 hours later *

I'm still in heat.......

Actually I noticed it always happens in the summer....and I cant believe some dogs can go into heat all year round.......this gets cumbersome...it feels like you are always charged...like the energizer bunny...hard to explain.

I'm gonna need you to keep some details to yourself.

*3 Showers Later and 3 hours later *

I'm still in heat.......

Actually I noticed it always happens in the summer....and I cant believe some dogs can go into heat all year round.......this gets cumbersome...it feels like you are always charged...like the energizer bunny...hard to explain.

POOR CHILE! Someone needs to fedex you a man:lachen:
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