I really really really need help please. :(

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Okay...I am going to need you not to play with my emotions...b/c you are hella fine. My hormones are raging like I am fifteen again..and that doesn't happen for me very often...lately..not at all. When I first saw you...I was already prepping myself that you weren't available. How are you available>??!?...I don't care if you are from podunk midwest little town America...you are just too fine. You are like this gorgeous cross of like Rick Fox with body of tyson beckford..it looks like from the pictures...and if thats an accurate description...then you are a perfect 6!

Six Pack
Six Feet Tall
more than 6 inches.....
and obviously on your way to more than six figures...

and with that being said...maybe I should continue this convo via pm....becausue I am trying so hard to be G rated. :sekret:


Never before in my few years here did I think i'd ever see this happen on a hair board. Back to Entertainment and Off Topic I go.....
Boy, you cute as hell. If I was ten years younger I'd volunteer to help you with your *ahem* "hair" in person! I got a daughter who will be 18 soon! lol - Just kidding sweetie!
Jesus Christ, get offline and go take a shower if this is working you up that badly.

I feel like I suddenly walked into an episode of The Love Connection, except he doesn't really want to play and instead he's getting panties thrown at him :lachen:
:blush: Sorry...you guys...I really tried to contain myself....My fingers just got caught up ? :grin: ...........and I was just being honest...isn't honesty the best policy??
Excuse me? Im slightly confused.
I just find her post shocking and funny.

Im assuming youre talking about her and the others?

Yes, I had the same response that you did. Hence the reason for the "thirsty" comment. It's all in good fun:yep:-it's hard to discern body language and intent over the internet
Yes, I had the same response that you did. Hence the reason for the "thirsty" comment. It's all in good fun:yep:-it's hard to discern body language and intent over the internet

Sorry about that. I had a brain fart. I was like huh? :perplexed
omy i think I have gotten myself into a bit of a pickle. lol. no no no. No six pack. working on it though lol. more than six inches? . . . hmm I'll give you that one. lol . . .

omg Im so gonna shut up. I really don't think im that cute. like I said Im dreadfully shy u wouldn't want to date me. I'm boring and 6 foot 3 inches tall and lanky btw im too clumbsy. I would be stepping all over your feet if we ever danced or anything haha.

lol and im a horrible student I dont even know if Ill make it through college, im a procrastinator. Im gonna try hard as hell though lol

anyway, my parents tell me im still single because of my lack of self confidence. Idk though.
Im Just Brendan. lol nothing special

awww, how adorable!
Ain't none of you were this helpful when I first joined! "Go use the search feature!" It's alright, I ain't got no hard feelings :lachen:
ugh...myspace...so complicated....do you do facebook??? I try to avoid these online crazes.....i refuse to join twitter....and myspace.....
Ain't none of you were this helpful when I first joined! "Go use the search feature!" It's alright, I ain't got no hard feelings :lachen:


It's like when white women come on the board...they get the red carpet rolled out for them.

ugh...myspace...so complicated....do you do facebook??? I try to avoid these online crazes.....i refuse to join twitter....and myspace.....

Send the boy a pm, I'm sure he'll be happy to answer.

And how do you fit so much stuff in your siggy? It's wayyyy more than 5 lines.
Hello. And please ignore what I said in OT about becoming a lesbian. I've now reneged on that. Just now. :look:
Welcome lad. I feel this board is for both lads and lasses.

I left a comment on your other topic. Your hair is gorgeous. I too used to be a red head ;-) wear your curls with pride. LHCF loves curls . God doesn't make mistakes.

Wait for the heat damage to grow back and keep your hair moisturised at all times. That should help maintain your curls. Cut out heat

OT: Wow.zers:look::giggle:

Adorable kid pics.

Maybe you could try curl enhancing products. I can't recommend one specifically. I do know amla(indian gooseberry) an ayurvedic herb is astringent and can "accentuate/increase texture."[ I can't really find the right word].
I am just killing ma sef laughing over here in da Bahamas in my hot a** room!!!.........I have neva seen so many fawning ladies........and don't get me wrong I had ma bucket catching the drool as well but I have 4 strikes against me......even though I look like I'm 16 I'm 32, I have a bf (who is 6 years younger and I have probs wit dat), I live in a far away land and ya pics are reminding me of my 21 yo cousin/lil bro whose diapers I changed when he was a baby! :lachen:

Okay on another note, I have no suggestions except that you continually cut off the straightened ends which may be heat damaged henced straighter than your virgin hair. Try the gel directly from the aloe plant as well, I've noticed that it tends to define curls. Good luck with your endeavors!

Wow, this thread is still going strong.:fan:

*Rest in Peace, King of Pop*
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