I really really really need help please. :(

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Also, here is a site with a lot of pictures of Afro/Asian hairstyles

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Why am I dying from this picture? I cannot catch my breath.

Sorry OP, but if you're for real. One thing I've learned from this site is love what you have and try to take care of it by giving it what it needs.

If you don't you will be fooled into the grass is greener mentality and looking like this fool^^^^ here. (Not saying that about his texture, but really!!?? Its so unnatural that it looks ridiculous.) Kind of like this


I just knew in my heart of hearts that someone was going to bring out that 1st pic. I just KNEW it :lachen:

Also, here is a site with a lot of pictures of Afro/Asian hairstyles

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Why am I dying from this picture? I cannot catch my breath.

Sorry OP, but if you're for real. One thing I've learned from this site is love what you have and try to take care of it by giving it what it needs.

If you don't you will be fooled into the grass is greener mentality and looking like this fool^^^^ here. (Not saying that about his texture, but really!!?? Its so unnatural that it looks ridiculous.) Kind of like this


i HATE YOU RIGHT NOW for this pic:lachen::lachen:

Also, here is a site with a lot of pictures of Afro/Asian hairstyles

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Why am I dying from this picture? I cannot catch my breath.

Sorry OP, but if you're for real. One thing I've learned from this site is love what you have and try to take care of it by giving it what it needs.

If you don't you will be fooled into the grass is greener mentality and looking like this fool^^^^ here. (Not saying that about his texture, but really!!?? Its so unnatural that it looks ridiculous.) Kind of like this


LADY LADY LADY lol yes it was a typo. im gon let yall talk 4 a while. I don't want to say anything stupid. lol.

But 4 real thanks for everybodys help.
Try it! Be sure to post some pictures of yourself. You know, so they can better 'equip' themselves to 'assist' you. :look:

Maybe my thread will be.....

Guys, i can't get my bra to work, i really really really need your help!
Then i'll add some pics of boob spillage from different angles and ask these menz if they can help me figure it out what with their handiness and such :look:
Hmm...I might take a page out of Je Ne Sais Quoi's book and go visit the 360 waves forum :scratchch
Maybe my thread will be.....

Guys, i can't get my bra to work, i really really really need your help!
Then i'll add some pics of boob spillage from different angles and ask these menz if they can help me figure it out what with their handiness and such :look:
So thorough!

The sideboob hour. :lachen:

Maybe say that "I wish you mens were here to really see what I mean!"
Maybe my thread will be.....

Guys, i can't get my bra to work, i really really really need your help!
Then i'll add some pics of boob spillage from different angles and ask these menz if they can help me figure it out what with their handiness and such :look:

I found this freaking hilarious. PERIOD!!! HAHAHA
Yes, let's do that before I die of laughter. The personal ads are too much. :lachen:

Y'all are a hot mess.:rolleyes:

Mr. Bhj- get thee to the shower and clarify your hair!
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: at the bolded above. As for the op, my eyebrow is up: I'm from a small town, no women around, can you rescue me? And my hair? Gosh you really think I'm cute:blush:? :grin:

On a lighter note: If you're really serious op, I hope some of these suggestions can help you. Otherwise this is an ingenious way to get phone numbers lol!
Yeah, that's the spirit.

Ok I'm off to a Car Mechanics forum to ask if anybody can teach me how to drive a stick shift :lick:

I am so serious. Do it. If you won't, I will. But I have no sexy pictures. :ohwell:

I can hear the bad puns and double entendres now.
who knew late night studying could be so entertaining lol!!!!
Let me get outta here and go listen to EGO by Beyonce after all this i know thats his new theme song lol!!!
Pantene Curls will really pop the curls and make them looks like very defined spring coils. My daughter has loose curls and the first time I used the shampoo and conditioner I was shocked at how much curlier her hair became :yep:

ETA: OMG! :lachen::lachen::lachen: This is DEF one time I should have read the thread first! I just got done reading and I am LMBO:lachen::lachen:
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