I really really really need help please. :(

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The Ladies Have Been Very Helpful Thus Far!


The Ladies Have Been Very Helpful Thus Far!

OMG, that's horrible. :grin: This isn't my first ride around the mulberry bush. :lachen:lol.

I do appreciate everyone's help. It's just alot of information to take in at one time, but I'm soaking it in.
OMG, that's horrible. :grin: This isn't my first ride around the mulberry bush. :lachen:lol.

I do appreciate everyone's help. It's just alot of information to take in at one time, but I'm soaking it in.

:lachen:@ The bolded You Go Boy!!!
I know it's a lot to absorb & it'll have your head :spinning:
MSA is really great with the newbies. She is very
knowledgeable, honest & straight foward when it
comes to hair. You may want to pm her.
I would stay away from the straightners for a bit...if I were you. I know from experience they mess up your curls. I am still working with patches of bone straight parts on my head...they dont curl for nothing....cos the hair dresser throught burning my hair straight was a good idea:rolleyes:....I think as it grows if you hair is natuarally curly then that will come back and you can slowly snip of the straight bits. Thats what I am doing. (I literally have strands that are half straight and half nappy curly). Then you can throw in some curl activator or try shingling for good measure. Goodluck!
I suggest you take a look at the skinbio website and read information about the use of copper peptides as a means to rejuvenate and strengthen hair folicles. These are excellent products that work really well.

I have three biracial children ranging in ages 30 to 16, so my household has been doing the biracial hair thing for a few decades. The first thing you want to remember is that hair texture changes as you get older, but having straightened your hair for years will also lessen/take away the curl pattern. Both of my girls went through a phase where they had to have straight hair for a couple of years. When they got tired of the work of it, their hair was barely curly at all by itself. After about a year or so, the new growth had returned to something more closely resembling the natural curl pattern. Neither of them are good at taking vitamins, so the biotin should speed up the process for you a bit.

If you keep working at it, you'll get what you want or very close to it. Please remember that it takes time. You've been taking biotin for a couple of months now; you should begin to see the really positive effects of that very soon as it takes a good three months or so of consistent use. The same if you should try the copper peptides which will strength the folicle.

Okay - I just checked the skinbio site - the recommendation is to take flazseed oil and 2-4 grams of msm daily in conjunction with the use of copper peptides, and you should begin to see the positive results in 4-6 weeks.
hi bhj, welcome to lchf! great pics :grin: ... glad to see another guy posting in the hair section:) don't worry you're allowed to post here. the ladies here are amazing, beautiful, funny, saucy, knowledgeable & as you've seen from a few ... :lachen::lachen: very friendly. (your profile says you're an afghani woman, by the way, lol, you might want to look into that:blush: now for your questions:

oh no, what I mean is will the hair growth taper off, and stop after taking biotin for too long.

like most supplements, the effects of biotin (i.e. increased growth, smoother, thicker, silkier hair) will last as long as you take it. that's not to say that the hair you've already grown will "change/revert", but once you stop, any "new growth" will taper off towards your normal rate & texture. a healthy, balanced diet (including vitamins/supplements) will allow your hair to grow at its optimal rate/health. my hair grows pretty slowly -- a little over 4 in. a year -- but with supps i get a little over 5 in. i currently take:

nutri 100 (vitamin shoppe multivitamin)
msm 1000 (vitamin shoppe)
b complex 125 (vitamin shoppe)
super biotin 5000 mcg (vitamin shoppe)
silica plus by kal (i buy at vitamin shoppe, it's made by kal)
whey tech protein shake (vitamin shoppe)
marine greens/kelp (from wholefoods)
chlorella (from wholefoods)

What can I do to get back my naturally near naps? My best friend is mixed like me and has amazingly nappy hair. it grows so fast and it is textured almost like carpet. I wish I could get my hair to do that naturally, but it refuses to do anything similar to that anymore, any way I can? He gets it braided up, and it looks amazing.

you might not be able to get back the hair you had as a child, or like your friend, but you can definitely learn to take care of & embrace the hair you have now. you gotta work with what you got -- you and your hair will be the happier for it. your hair may not look like your friends', but you can still braid it up once its long enough, and have amazing hair of your own. in addition to the info here, these links might help you with getting your natural curls in tip-top shape:


What is a curl activator and will that help?

curl activator is basically a humectant blend of water, glycerine, a bunch of chemicals/preservatives & fragrance, lol. if your hair is naturally oily, you might not need this. but anyways, your hair will tell you whether it likes activator/moisturizers or not. you can buy curl moisturizers or make your own:

my moisture mix recipe:

get a 16 oz spray bottle, fill 1/4 (of the bottle) with wave nouveau finishing lotion, 1/8 veg. glycerin, 1/8 aloe vera juice or gel, 1/2 or rest of bottle with distilled water. shake & go. you can play with the amounts of ingredients if this mix doesn't work for you. drop in some essential oils, castor or jojoba, flax seed gel or fragrance.

store bought moisture spray/activators recommendations:

african pride braid sheen spray, care free gold, wave nouveau finishing lotion or mist, aubrey organics (ao) primrose tangle & go, ao mandarin magic moisturizing jelly

but don't stress it too much. it's been my experience that a little cqc (consistent quality care) goes a long way towards achieving your goals -- no matter what your hair type.
I know you're a guy, but...

Exercising 4-5 times a week will help your hair grow faster and increasing your lean protein intake (I tell everyone this). You are more likely to already be doing this, but if you're not, you should start. You will be amazed at how much faster your hair will grow. Just adding two eggs to your breakfast, or adding a few extra pieces of chicken breast with your lunch will work wonders for your hair growth.

Your JC Penny picture is super adorable!
Funny thread! :lachen: The ladies here have given great advice. I agree with the poster who said if you've already got oily hair, you wanna be careful with using some of the things we use here. I think the suggestions on scab hair, mixed hair and the mixed sites will be good. You've got great curls.

And, you were right about the MTG...it's got a heavy does of sulphur which makes you detox heavily if you take too much at one time. I've had major, relentless headaches from it when it was used too often or in too large of an amount. Your neck aches were probably a detox sign.

Good luck and welcome.
Yes I will definitely post pictures of progress.

So what would everybody agree my hair type is? I have heard of the charting system from type 1 to 4c. What would you say mine is right now, and where do you think it could go if this is just scab hair? I have no idea.
it looks in the 3 range to me. i don't really see scab hair from your pics, but if your hair's growing in with a significantly different texture -- might be the case.
Finally, A MAN :woot:. I was wondering when the guys would come in :grin:. Welcome aboard! If you want your curls to be defined I recommend deep conditioning at least once a week, moisturizing your hair regularly, and perhaps using a light gel (Aloe vera gel works well). There's a lot of helpful information here on deep conditioning, moisturizing, shampooing, etc...Have fun and happy growing :yep:.
I heard that fenugreek encourages curly hair. I remember when I did my ayurvedic treatment with fenugreek powder my hair seemed curlier (some areas of my hair are not 100% straight from the relaxer). I definitely think we need the ayurvedic ladies to come in :yep:.

P.S. Fenugreek smells like curry, so if you use it you'll be smelling like that for a couple of days :look:.
Anything worth having is going to take time. be patient w/ your hair. nurture it, care for it, it will come along just fine.
With the biotin, are you trying to say will you get 'immune' to it. To avoid that I take it for like 4 to 5 months then take like a 2 week break and start back. But it your choice. And some people have been taking it for years.

Good luck with your journey!!!

It's hard to tell, but your hair is initially looking like its in the 3 range. I've never quite figured out the scab hair thing, so I can't comment on that. And as for the rest of the comments...:popcorn:
it looks in the 3 range to me. i don't really see scab hair from your pics, but if your hair's growing in with a significantly different texture -- might be the case.

It might be the case. I never remember my hair ever being this curly. But like said before, it might have something to do with me refusing to straighten it this time, and the biotin.

Anything worth having is going to take time. be patient w/ your hair. nurture it, care for it, it will come along just fine.
With the biotin, are you trying to say will you get 'immune' to it. To avoid that I take it for like 4 to 5 months then take like a 2 week break and start back. But it your choice. And some people have been taking it for years.

Good luck with your journey!!!


Thanks! that is true. Patience is a virtue. I will do the same, take a week off, that should work. :spinning:
Hi and Welcome!

Your hair looks really similiar to my daughter's (she's mixed as well) so I might have some insight. . .

With oily hair be careful not to over shampoo as cleansing too often with a sulfate based shampoo can cause your scalp to overproduce oil to compensate for the oil that was stripped from it. If you can, try using a sulfate free shampoo (such as trader joe's nourish shampoo), a shampoo bar (such as the ones made by chagrin valley), or diluting your current shampoo in a separate bottle, to thoroughly clease your hair and scalp without stripping them- remember however there is an adjustment period of at least two weeks after starting a new routine or product to really start seeing full results. If your interesting in using ayurvedic powders you can also look into using amla, in paste form as a treatment, to encourage the curls.

Another thing to keep in mind is to be mindful of products that contain a lot of silicone, as silicones are purposely created to maintain a smooth look, and silicones in your conditioners or styling products can weigh your hairtype down and make it appear straighter than it really is.

My suggestion is to clarify with a baking soda rinse, allow to airdry naturally and then take pictures of both the front and back so that way you really get a clear idea of what you're working with and so that we can better help you.



This last picture is kinda crappy, but yea, im trying to figure out my hair type. It's silky like white people's hair, but it's really really curly and kinky in some spots near the front and top. The back is more loosely curled. like said before, when I was a baby my entire head was kinky curly which is how I'm trying to get it. There's something wrong with my back curls. They are really loose, and they were never like that before.
I'm cosigning on what Starr1 said and to also try to stay away from products that contain MSM...i think some women on LHCF can cosign that he has a tendency to straighten out one's natural curl pattern.....

But HOT DAMN....i think the REAL question is do you have a girlfriend???

Trust me!! Long hair don't care!! That's my motto---in this case no naps, naps...dont care...

Hi and Welcome!

Your hair looks really similiar to my daughter's (she's mixed as well) so I might have some insight. . .

With oily hair be careful not to over shampoo as cleansing too often with a sulfate based shampoo can cause your scalp to overproduce oil to compensate for the oil that was stripped from it. If you can, try using a sulfate free shampoo (such as trader joe's nourish shampoo), a shampoo bar (such as the ones made by chagrin valley), or diluting your current shampoo in a separate bottle, to thoroughly clease your hair and scalp without stripping them- remember however there is an adjustment period of at least two weeks after starting a new routine or product to really start seeing full results. If your interesting in using ayurvedic powders you can also look into using amla, in paste form as a treatment, to encourage the curls.

Another thing to keep in mind is to be mindful of products that contain a lot of silicone, as silicones are purposely created to maintain a smooth look, and silicones in your conditioners or styling products can weigh your hairtype down and make it appear straighter than it really is.

My suggestion is to clarify with a baking soda rinse, allow to airdry naturally and then take pictures of both the front and back so that way you really get a clear idea of what you're working with and so that we can better help you.

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