I need to get a life.....


New Member
Hi ladies. I am part of the 30 and single club but sick of the single part. I am such a social misfit. I wouldn't know the first thing to do to attract a man's attention. I was in a bad bad relationship a while a go and spent several years depressed. I cut myself off from the world socially so I could get myself together. Here I am being harassed by my family about being single with no kids and in my 30's. My mom, (God bless her) keeps telling me I need to get out there and find a husband before it's too late. I hate to disappoint my family but I am so bad at this. Any tips for a super shy grown woman? :nono:
Don't worry about what other people say. Live your life to the best you know how and do the things that make you happy. Find a hobby, travel, take some classes, join some business associations. I just finished reading two books called The Attractor Factor and Life's Missing Instruction Manual. If you're into LOA you will like them. Even if you're not you can still get something out of it that you can use in your life.
Actually, I'm 26 and I'd love to be single for the next four years :ohwell:, but I'm not :wallbash:, but I understand your dillemma.
I've never been on a quest to attract guys as they always approach me so I would be no good at telling you how to do it.
However, do you go out with friends, work colleagues, etc... maybe they could help you out if you see a guy that you want to speak to, approach him and introduce him to you. Ofcourse, there's nothing wrong with going out alne... say you're at a bar, I think the best thing to do is take a deep breath, walk up to him, smile, say 'hi', introduce yourself, (hopefully he'll introduce himself), and take it from there.
I've found eye contact is a powerful thing :yep:... I get a lot of guys approach me this way.
You need to get out there. You you don't put yourself out there, no one will find you, or vice versa.
I know it's easier said than done (I really understand), but once you start, it will get easier.
What about internet dating or speed dating?

BTW, 30 is actually still young in my opinion and I wouldn't worry about not being married or having kids just yet :nono:.

Good luck!
Thanks ladies. I've tried the internet dating thing and have had no luck. (Guess I'm too shy) But I am willing to try going out more. Thanks for the suggestions.
Try to force yourself to go out. Head to a coffee shop with a book on the weekend. Find somewhere local for a glass of wine and some live music. Just getting comfortable within your skin at multiple venues will help you to relax.

PM me, I too am thirty-something, single and looking in NYC.
And how do you look when you leave the house??

Always leave the house looking presentable if you don't want to be single.

You don't have to put yourself out like you are looking for someone, but someone is bound to notice you if you took the extra 10 minutes to iron your clothes, put some earrings in your ear and apply some lip gloss.
Many women have expressed that smiling and looking approachable is a magnet for males. I agree with everyone's suggestions.

Plus, if a guy is desirable, 9 times out of 10 he's already being approached by aggressive women. So you've got to step your game, get out there, get noticed, and be approachable.
Many women have expressed that smiling and looking approachable is a magnet for males. I agree with everyone's suggestions.

Plus, if a guy is desirable, 9 times out of 10 he's already being approached by aggressive women. So you've got to step your game, get out there, get noticed, and be approachable.

Good advice. :yep:
Many women have expressed that smiling and looking approachable is a magnet for males. I agree with everyone's suggestions.

Plus, if a guy is desirable, 9 times out of 10 he's already being approached by aggressive women. So you've got to step your game, get out there, get noticed, and be approachable.

Ding ding ding!!!

Do you look confident when you're out and about? Posture is extremely important, you must walk tall and proud...no slouching. Are you avoiding eye contact, that avoidance tells people that you are not open. Don't get me wrong, men will still approach the woman trying her d@mndest to avoid him, but they are usually buggaboos.
Thanks ladies. I am far from aggressive,timid is more like it. I smile and dress pretty decent for my age but nothing. I but I guess I can work on the approachable part..lol. A man smiles at me these days I thing he wants something..lol. Maybe I should try church.