I have been stabbed in the back and I need advice

miss cosmic said:
OP, sorry for your situation.
You do realize that your mother is picking sides too? family is messy and when parents collude with one child...:nono:
they have all shown you where you stand in their lives. Learn the lesson well and let it guide you in future. Be civil, do only what you decide in your heart to do, and never expect a 'thank you' from any of them. They will talk ish about you so make sure you have a strong support system outside the house for when they drive you crazy. Dont stoop to their level.

I said my mother was picking sides too but when he threw the money at me, her response was: " You should have been gave her the money.". I don't think she's trying too much to get involved, but I'm aware they probably are saying things behind my back.
People who are not responsible hate to repay loans - even to family.

I'm sorry this happened. But I agree that you should not have posted that on Facebook - it was passive aggressive.

Just love your brother, but know what kind of person he is when it comes to money. And don't forget, cause they will be broke again really soon and knocking at your door.

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He gets sick sometimes and he quickly recovers but nothing too serious. He is actually in good condition to work but I don't know what he told the Social Security people to get his benefits.

He has two conditions that would automatically qualify him for SS...

Girl, that is deep; and I am holding your family up in prayer.

As others have said, you have to let bygones be bygones. Additionally, although you didnt infect him with HIV; that is an extremely tough situation to contend with. As for the schizoaffective disorder ~ I wouldnt put myself in a position to argue with someone in that condition.

Love them from afar...

Hurt people, hurt people...
Don't loan money to anybody. If you can/want to give it to them, then give it to them.

When I was young I loaned my sister five dollars, she refused to give it back to me. I went and told my daddy thinking he was going to make her give it to me. He didn't. I never got my money back. Lesson learned.

Your brother may grow up and get it together one day. Don't let this keep you from having a relationship with him. No more loans - to anybody.