I have been butchered...3 inches gone


New Member
Today started off as a really good day. I decided to go get a wash and set at the local beauty school since I was feeling lazy. Off I went with my conditioner expecting the same wonderful results I have had every time I have been before. Every thing was going great until I was dry. He girl fluffed up my curls but my head looked very lopsided. I was confused and I asked what was up and proceed to try to comb it out myself. That when I saw what happened.... SHE CUT ME AND I DIDN'T ASK FOR IT NOR DID I SEE ANY SCISSORS!!! She admitted that she "Trimmed" me but did it as she rolled each piece. WTF!!!!! I didn't ask for a trim for starters but trimming each piece as you rolled it was sneaky and left me with a choppy cut. I start to cry and put my head down on her station and a teacher comes over. She combs out my head and orders the student to her office. At this point I am still crying. I couldn't even stand to look at. I just kept running my fingers over it trying to guess who much was gone. The teacher offers to try to fix it and at this point I am thinking WTH since I can't go home with a choppy uneven cut. She does her best to fix it without taking off any more. 45 mins later I leave, still red in the face. I lost 3 inches in total. I will admit that my cut is cute, its kinda like a full 60's bob but I DIDN'T WANT A HAIRCUT!!!!! Its not what I asked for so who decided to take artistic liberities with my hair. I went from having my longest parts when wet touch my collarbone to now the longest sections barely reach my chin. All of my progress over the last 5 months was just snipped away during a harmless wash and set. At this point I don't know what to do. I am going to rewash and condition tonight given all the extra stress it when through today and hopefully it will lift my spirits but right now I feel bald. Its hard enough trying to grow your hair out without damaging it yourself but when someone totally disregards your wishes it feels like an extra slap in the face. If I wanted to mess up my hair, I could have done it myself, I wouldn't have sought out being screwed over.
I am so sorry this happened to you. I had a similiar experience around the end of last year (only it was a regular stylist), so I feel your pain! ALl I can say is keep your head up and GROW on :sad:
LuvLiLocks said:
I am so sorry this happened to you. I had a similiar experience around the end of last year (only it was a regular stylist), so I feel your pain! ALl I can say is keep your head up and GROW on :sad:

Thanks. You looks hair looks great btw. I am trying to find the bright side of this mess.....haven't quite found it yet but I am still looking
I am sooo sorry this happened to you, but I am going to say that I will take your experience as a lesson learned. I almost went to a beauty school to get a trim once and the director came out to look at my hair and started telling me how I needed to trim my hair every 3 weeks - I ran out of there toooo fast.

Girl work that cut while it is that length and just love and baby your hair (since you know all the right things to do) and in no time, it will grow back even faster. Look at it as starting from a clean slate and know that the same techniques that got you to "pre-haircut" status, will get you back beyond that length.


awwww! that sucks so bad. did you not notice her cutting, i dont go to salons for this reason; if i did though i would be sure that the woman never touched scissors. 3 inches is a lot! im sorry this happened to you but dont give up u will have that length back b4 u know it.
blackbarbie said:
I am sooo sorry this happened to you, but I am going to say that I will take your experience as a lesson learned. I almost went to a beauty school to get a trim once and the director came out to look at my hair and started telling me how I needed to trim my hair every 3 weeks - I ran out of there toooo fast.

Girl work that cut while it is that length and just love and baby your hair (since you know all the right things to do) and in no time, it will grow back even faster. Look at it as starting from a clean slate and know that the same techniques that got you to "pre-haircut" status, will get you back beyond that length.


That sneaky little *****. I could just, girl, I am so pissed just reading this. I am sooooo sorry this happened to you, just so unfair. Try to keep your head up girl, but I know I would have cried too.
OMgoodness! :eek: My heart goes out to you girl. I can only imagine how you must feel right now. This really scares me about letting any stylist near my hair now that it has grown out. A family member trims me and she is the only, only, only person I trust. That was downright sneaky of the student to cut without asking and that's probably why she did it the way she did. She wanted to cut so bad, and she just knew you would not notice if she did it that way. :evil: I know this doesn't help much right now, but we are all here for ya girl! :Rose:
Girl, I'm mad for you. This is why it's so hard for me to go to a salon. I'm scurred. I wonder what that students teacher said to her.
Oh my gosh. :( I am sooo sorry to hear this story. It really hurts me to read such a thing. I cannot BELIEVE that hussy would take it upon herself to "trim" your hair without permission, and to do it piece by piece no less!!!! :mad: Are you kidding me??!!! I hope that teacher took her into that office and gave her a GOOD tongue lashing, hear?!!! You poor thing, i would have been crying too, for sure.

Dont worry, as Black Barbie stated, now ure hair is in TIP TOP perfect health.... you know exactly what you need to do to grow it out, and in a few months it'll be right back where you started, but probably thicker and even stronger!!!! We're all rooting for you. Grow on girl!!!!!!!!! *hugs*
Thanks yall. I guess I am not the only one having to deal with "fresh" starts. Hopefully, I will be able to grow it out better than the last time.

I don't know what happened to the student but I don't think she will be on the floor anytime soon.
I am going to try to post a pic of it when I get out of class wed. I just gotta figure out how to resize the pic so I don't hog up the screen.
Im pissed as well...I think I would have been a lil violent up in there...it had to be a hair hater:mad:
hopeful said:
That sneaky little *****. I could just, girl, I am so pissed just reading this. I am sooooo sorry this happened to you, just so unfair. Try to keep your head up girl, but I know I would have cried too.
I cannot BELIEVE she would cut your hair without your permission! I hope she got kicked out of beauty school for that. That's just basic salon etiquette.:nono:

I know that with your vitamin regimen and haircare practices, you'll be good as new in no time. But that girl had no right to "experiment" on your head!:mad:
I'm sorry you had to deal with this...I've been there too! But like everyone else said, you have a fresh new start, and I firmly believe that you get the most growth after a healthy start.
patiencevirtue said:
Im pissed as well...I think I would have been a lil violent up in there...it had to be a hair hater:mad:

And I don't know what she was "hating" on because my hair was not long by any means.
These stories are scaring me from going back to the salon. I really loved the difference the lye relaxer did to my hair, and also having it professionally put in, but I'll be damned if I reach APL at the end of my braid process just to have someone sneak snip it. :mad: I lucked out finding my stylist though, she was really great at hair care and helping me to get back on track with strong healthy hair to start-up my hair growth journey, so I'll keep my fingers crossed in 5 months, but the more and more I'm on this board the more and more I get scared of anyone touching my hair but me.
im soo sorry this happened to you.....

from now on you know to make sure you know who is puttin thier hands in your hair...

and your hair is still growing so it will grow back b4 you know it :)
I feel so sad reading your post. I know our words won't make it better. The only good thing is that you said your hair is cute...despite the chop. In a lot of cases, they end up with a jacked up 'do along with the unwarranted cut. Hang in there.
This is terrible. I am so sorry that happened to you. I know to be afraid and anxious when I am getting a trim and I always worry that they might trim too much. But a ROLLER SET???! That's Crazy. :mad:
Awwwhhhhh sweeeeet-tie ! I'll cry with you cause me understands :cry: honey i wit cha be-CAUUUUUUSE.....

I spent the last year thickening my hair from being overprocessed, HOURS and HOURS and HOURS and HOURS of careful detangling from transitioning, $ and $ and $ of bottled gallons of water because the water where i live is super duper hard. Only for the hairstylist to put a perm instead of a texturizer , and get this...she let it stayed on like 30 mins or more :eek: !!!!!
I didn't even realized it at first.

When I sat in her chair, I had the hair I'd alllllways wanted, I took hours detangling to keep length, I spent MUCH $ on...she knocked that out on my first trip with her.

D-M !
D-M !

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
**Pulls razor from cheek and pulls up hood on my LHCF sweatshirt***:sekret:

Damn, she was BOLD!!:mad: I was recently considering a beauty school for my next relaxer. Now.....:nono:

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I just can't believe that she cut your hair like that. I've always been a little scared of trimming (I've also had unsolicited hair cuts) so I know how devastated you must feel. I'm sure you still look absolutely beautiful and can't wait for you to share the pictures with us.
gymfreak336 said:
Today started off as a really good day. I decided to go get a wash and set at the local beauty school since I was feeling lazy. Off I went with my conditioner expecting the same wonderful results I have had every time I have been before. Every thing was going great until I was dry. He girl fluffed up my curls but my head looked very lopsided. I was confused and I asked what was up and proceed to try to comb it out myself. That when I saw what happened.... SHE CUT ME AND I DIDN'T ASK FOR IT NOR DID I SEE ANY SCISSORS!!! She admitted that she "Trimmed" me but did it as she rolled each piece. WTF!!!!! I didn't ask for a trim for starters but trimming each piece as you rolled it was sneaky and left me with a choppy cut. I start to cry and put my head down on her station and a teacher comes over. She combs out my head and orders the student to her office. At this point I am still crying. I couldn't even stand to look at. I just kept running my fingers over it trying to guess who much was gone. The teacher offers to try to fix it and at this point I am thinking WTH since I can't go home with a choppy uneven cut. She does her best to fix it without taking off any more. 45 mins later I leave, still red in the face. I lost 3 inches in total. I will admit that my cut is cute, its kinda like a full 60's bob but I DIDN'T WANT A HAIRCUT!!!!! Its not what I asked for so who decided to take artistic liberities with my hair. I went from having my longest parts when wet touch my collarbone to now the longest sections barely reach my chin. All of my progress over the last 5 months was just snipped away during a harmless wash and set. At this point I don't know what to do. I am going to rewash and condition tonight given all the extra stress it when through today and hopefully it will lift my spirits but right now I feel bald. Its hard enough trying to grow your hair out without damaging it yourself but when someone totally disregards your wishes it feels like an extra slap in the face. If I wanted to mess up my hair, I could have done it myself, I wouldn't have sought out being screwed over.

Ahhh, Gym, please stop the tears; we cried for you too. Your hair will grow back out and will more than likely be even more beautiful. Show that bob cut, keep it healthy and grow, grow, grow.