I have been butchered...3 inches gone

Oh My heart goes out to you. (((((gymfreak)))))

I am glad you got a cut that you like out of it. I am so sorry you had to go through that mess.
Damn, your post confirmed every slight bit of fear I have about going to a stylist. I actually was pondering going to one in the near future.

I can't see myself doing it now. I am so sorry this has happened to you. That ****!:mad:
Man...just speechless. How could she!?

Got nothing for love for ya. Warmer weather coming soon, that will give you some boot.

Mommatide- What relaxer did u used that caused your breakage?
LocksOfLuV said:
Damn, your post confirmed every slight bit of fear I have about going to a stylist. I actually was pondering going to one in the near future.

I can't see myself doing it now. I am so sorry this has happened to you. That ****!:mad:

Okay...I was just thinking how I'll probably go to a stylist soon...but nevermind that now...I'm so sorry Gymfreak...I'm hurt about it so I know you are. But like the other ladies said you now have a very healthy foundation to grow that hair of yours super long! That heifer was a bold student...dang:mad:! You make me want to track her down:lol:.
Okay Gymfreak

1.) Your hair is still growing, although the loss is brutal.:( At least it was not a process like a strong relaxer, bad color or curly perm. A cut will only last as long as your next growing phase which could very well be tonight. The effects of a chemical process could last over a year.

2.) An unexpected mishap could be just what you need to either boost adherence to vitamins, scarf methods, cardio for hair/health, weelky deep conditioning or whatever challenges we got going on here. I hear viviscal really speeds up coming out of a bad cut.

3.) I don't know anyone in your town and no one knows me, It would not be too much for you to ask me to fly there with a jar of vaseline and my ear rings off and tear into .. that scissor happy, un-talented, hacksaw wielding wanna be beautician a new MASS ..Minus the M.:mad:

and lastly..suppose in a a twisted way. Your hair does thrive with this new shape and style and great cut requires less syling less styling= less damaging heat, product build up and plain old irritation.

That makes me so ANGRY!! What was the name of the school. You shoud write a letter to the school board. Please give me the name and address! I have no problem writing one on your behalf!!

I am soooo sorry this happened to you.
PaulaDiddy said:
Man...just speechless. How could she!?

Got nothing for love for ya. Warmer weather coming soon, that will give you some boot.

Mommatide- What relaxer did u used that caused your breakage?

((((((((HUGS)))))))) I feel for you. I just did this same thing...to myself and the more I think about it the more I get upset. I already cut my hair...not I cut even shorter...maybe too short. Its hair it will grow back. ;)
blackbarbie said:
I am sooo sorry this happened to you, but I am going to say that I will take your experience as a lesson learned. I almost went to a beauty school to get a trim once and the director came out to look at my hair and started telling me how I needed to trim my hair every 3 weeks -
I ran out of there toooo fast.:lol: :lol:
Girl work that cut while it is that length and just love and baby your hair (since you know all the right things to do) and in no time, it will grow back even faster. Look at it as starting from a clean slate and know that the same techniques that got you to "pre-haircut" status, will get you back beyond that length.


I see the dust:lol: :lol:

I am so sorry this happened; I was tearing up thinking about it for you!

No more beauty school expeditions, I assume?

Why do stylists think they can do whatever the h*** they want??

((((((((((((((((Big Hugs))))))))))))))))))
tricie said:

I am so sorry this happened; I was tearing up thinking about it for you!

No more beauty school expeditions, I assume?

Why do stylists think they can do whatever the h*** they want??

((((((((((((((((Big Hugs))))))))))))))))))

I always think the same thing. They act like they own your hair once you sit in their chair.

Sorry about the experience gymfreak...I hope your hair grow like weeds this summer!!!
gymfreak336 said:
Today started off as a really good day. I decided to go get a wash and set at the local beauty school since I was feeling lazy. Off I went with my conditioner expecting the same wonderful results I have had every time I have been before. Every thing was going great until I was dry. He girl fluffed up my curls but my head looked very lopsided. I was confused and I asked what was up and proceed to try to comb it out myself. That when I saw what happened.... SHE CUT ME AND I DIDN'T ASK FOR IT NOR DID I SEE ANY SCISSORS!!! She admitted that she "Trimmed" me but did it as she rolled each piece. WTF!!!!! I didn't ask for a trim for starters but trimming each piece as you rolled it was sneaky and left me with a choppy cut. I start to cry and put my head down on her station and a teacher comes over. She combs out my head and orders the student to her office. At this point I am still crying. I couldn't even stand to look at. I just kept running my fingers over it trying to guess who much was gone. The teacher offers to try to fix it and at this point I am thinking WTH since I can't go home with a choppy uneven cut. She does her best to fix it without taking off any more. 45 mins later I leave, still red in the face. I lost 3 inches in total. I will admit that my cut is cute, its kinda like a full 60's bob but I DIDN'T WANT A HAIRCUT!!!!! Its not what I asked for so who decided to take artistic liberities with my hair. I went from having my longest parts when wet touch my collarbone to now the longest sections barely reach my chin. All of my progress over the last 5 months was just snipped away during a harmless wash and set. At this point I don't know what to do. I am going to rewash and condition tonight given all the extra stress it when through today and hopefully it will lift my spirits but right now I feel bald. Its hard enough trying to grow your hair out without damaging it yourself but when someone totally disregards your wishes it feels like an extra slap in the face. If I wanted to mess up my hair, I could have done it myself, I wouldn't have sought out being screwed over.
I feel your pain, a stylist did the same "trimming" thing to me too, it's really sneaky, and mean, they really are supposed to ask permission about what you want and how you want it, b/c you can sue them. Your hair will grow back and she'll get hers karma don't play.
Gosh I wish there was a blog where I knew hair stylists went to and could read the damage they perpetrate on people, maybe they would start respecting people more.
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Oooo:( Im so sorry to hear that Gym i feel ur pain i bet u just wanted to ring dat *****'s neck!!! ...But look at the brighter side u did say it was a cute cut so atleast ur not walking around all jacked up:) ..Now just keep takin care of ur hair it will grow back and beyond trust
gymfreak336 said:
Thanks yall. I guess I am not the only one having to deal with "fresh" starts. Hopefully, I will be able to grow it out better than the last time.

I don't know what happened to the student but I don't think she will be on the floor anytime soon.
I hope not because she was good and wrong for what she did to you. I am:( :( :( :mad: :mad: :mad: right with you... If someone cut 3' from my head, we would be on the floor fighting.. I would cry like you. If you had any damage it is gone now, and you can start a new... Happy Hair growing
I am sooo sad with you. what a terrible perrson to take these liberties with you. Big hugs and your glory will come back very quickly.
I am so sorry this happen to you. I agree with what the rest of the ladies say that it will grow back thicker and healthier. I've been a victim of a shs before but, I came out on top because my hair grew thicker.
hopeful said:
That sneaky little *****. I could just, girl, I am so pissed just reading this. I am sooooo sorry this happened to you, just so unfair. Try to keep your head up girl, but I know I would have cried too.

My sentiments exactly. :rosebud:
:eek: Wow! I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you didn't pay full price and the student was punished:hammer: . The good thing about hair is that it grows back... I had to say that, I know that doesn't comfort you given the circumstances, but it's true. This is one of the reasons I'd decided to do my hair by myself. I've not been to the beauty salon since I BC'd last March. I was sick of going and spending my money and never seeing results. My hair stayed collarbone length all throughout highschool because everytime I went to the shop my stylists (Hi Mrs. Brenda;) ) would chop off any progress I'd had since my last visit. Now I'm almost APL in the back and collarbone in the front:cool: Beauty schools are worse than salons, however: Let this be a message to all the sistas who want to save an extra buck by going to beauty schools! The last time I went 2 years ago to one the girl fried my hair with a blow dryer and gave me the worst relaxer ever, she barely got my new growth... (you get what you pay for, I guess)
aww. my heart goes out to you! if i ever go to a salon again i am for sure gonna make sure i can watch in the mirror. God bless
It has happened to me. This just my happened to my daughter two weeks ago. There was tears for 2 days and I had to get her some micro's because she had so little hair to work with. It is just pure evil, and this kinda stuff keeps happening. Especially because the way its done. You don't even know until your are ready to leave the chair. No apology can fix this!
Your hair will grow back, and will be just as beautiful as before! You know you have everyones support. Always always, make it clear up front, that there will be no trims and ask if they understood. Go to a trusted stylist or trust know one and do it yourself.

Be proud of yourself for not reacting in a manner that could have caused the Police to have to intervene. This would have surely tested me!

Cut THEN roll? WTF! I agree with the other ladies. You'll regain those three inches in no time by babying your hair for the next couple of months. Happy Growing!
I'm sorry to hear this too. My experience with hairdressers is that they think they know more about haircare than the average customer. I've realized that they don't and that's why I don't like going to the salon. They've done more harm than good. Hairdressers don't follow the customer's wishes and think they can just be creative with someone's hair without her permission.