I have been butchered...3 inches gone

WITCH! This gave me chills and I'm tearing up just reading it. Why OH why do they keep doing this to us. I just went through this Dec, 2 inches gone just like that. I just think from now own we just need to stand our ground and from the moment we hit the salon say, "NO SCISSORS PLEASE". That's it, I just do not trust them anymore. Girl, I really feel your pain, but it will grow back. Be encouraged!
Wow! I can't believe that girl cut your hair off like that. It almost borders on malicious to me. How can she cut THREE inches off and consider it a trim?! SO sorry but you will grow it all back and more. From now on, if you go to a stylist, tell them up front, "I do not want a trim. I do not want scissors or razors touching my hair"
I'm sorry this happened to you gymfreak. The one consolation is that it will grow back healthier than ever.

You should lodge a formal complaint with the school, because if the trainee is doing this, imagine the sort of mischief she'll get up to when she has her own salon.
You are better than me! I would have snatched her up and put a womping on dat ass! :lol: That was extremely sneaky...I hate sneaky people.:mad: It seems like a hairdresser is always sneaky!:(
If you want me or any of us to call that school to help get that student suspended/expelled for this let us know. This is inexcusable, her behavior was disrespectful, unprofessional, and most of all hurtful. She should know that you are a person, not a durned doll head!!! I'm glad she saw how upset you were, what was she thinking:confused: :confused: :confused: I did not get over my setback back in August for a long time, I still don't think I'm completely over it. Last night I was this close to emailing that stylist pics of my progress and detailing all of the work I had to do just to get my hair recovered from the damage she caused. I carry around some resentment knowing that she is still in business, and find myself occasionally wishing hard times on her.:look: I know everyone here is like "it will grow back, make the best of it" and I'm sure it will grow back beautifully, but if this is not rectified at the source I don't think you will feel completely settled. You should confront this student at least once, either in a letter, email, or in person, and you should find out from the beauty school what the heck they are teaching their students and what they are doing to keep rogue students from balding all of their clients.
I don't know what I would do in your situation. I remember once that my hair dresser cut off about 4 to 5 inches of my hair because it was dead. I went home and cried like a family member had died. I have loved long hair since I was born, so it devastated me. But you have to move on and continue working hard on your hair.
Growinpainz said:
I am soooo sorry this happened to you. I have been a victim of this TOO many times.

Same here. I am very sorry. I am only going to let my husband dust my hair as needed from now on.
OMG, I teared up reading what happened to you, Gymfreak! My husband is a stylist, and after being outraged at the student (what colorful language!), he offered a solution. Call the Cosmetology Board of your state, and lodge a formal complaint. If the student isn't expelled, that will be on her record and she will step lightly from then on. The STATE will force her to do only what her clients request.

He also suggested everyone else do the same thing when stylists mangle, damage, or disregard a request. He said, "Hair stylists, whether we like it or not, are in a service industry. If their request doesn't harm them or damage their hair, we are to give them what they want - whether we agree with it or not. If a client doesn't want their hair cut, it's not rocket science, DON'T CUT IT! The clients live with their hair, we have them only for a brief moment to help them maintain it."

He said this business has too many over-inflated egos, divas (male & female), and product-pushers in place of genuine stylists. It hurts him, as I'm sure it hurts the stylists on LHCF to hear how clients are mistreated and treated as though they know nothing. He loves hair, educating clients & other stylists (he does continuing-ed) on how to keep it healthy, and treats his own hair with care. Attached are pics of him getting his hair done the day of our wedding. He takes his business, his livelihood very seriously, and hates how bad stylists are not made liable for their behavior.

ETA: Barbie, that dress is fierce!!! Gorgeous pic!


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Girl, SO sorry this happened to you...This must be any girls worst nightmare.:(
i wish you loads of strength...your hair will grow back
TBeBe said:
OMG, I teared up reading what happened to you, Gymfreak! My husband is a stylist, and after being outraged at the student (what colorful language!), he offered a solution. Call the Cosmetology Board of your state, and lodge a formal complaint. If the student isn't expelled, that will be on her record and she will step lightly from then on. The STATE will force her to do only what her clients request.

He also suggested everyone else do the same thing when stylists mangle, damage, or disregard a request. He said, "Hair stylists, whether we like it or not, are in a service industry. If their request doesn't harm them or damage their hair, we are to give them what they want - whether we agree with it or not. If a client doesn't want their hair cut, it's not rocket science, DON'T CUT IT! The clients live with their hair, we have them only for a brief moment to help them maintain it."

He said this business has too many over-inflated egos, divas (male & female), and product-pushers in place of genuine stylists. It hurts him, as I'm sure it hurts the stylists on LHCF to hear how clients are mistreated and treated as though they know nothing. He loves hair, educating clients & other stylists (he does continuing-ed) on how to keep it healthy, and treats his own hair with care. Attached are pics of him getting his hair done the day of our wedding. He takes his business, his livelihood very seriously, and hates how bad stylists are not made liable for their behavior.

ETA: Barbie, that dress is fierce!!! Gorgeous pic!

Girl, you mean I could have filed a formal complaint with the state board when that witch cut my hair 2in in Dec when I carefully, specifically told her to dust/nip. Had I known this then, I would have filed a formal complaint on that witch. Dag this makes me mad. This is good to know. Stylist have NO MORE times to wack up my hair!
janeemat said:
Girl, you mean I could have filed a formal complaint with the state board when that witch cut my hair 2in in Dec when I carefully, specifically told her to dust/nip. Had I known this then, I would have filed a formal complaint on that witch. Dag this makes me mad. This is good to know. Stylist have NO MORE times to wack up my hair!

Shoot, I didn't know either. I'll ask hubby when he gets home what happens to a stylist when a complaint is filed.

Gymfreak, I did a quick check for your state and found this...
Second link down is a complaint form. From what I read on the form, you can choose to be notified of the outcome of the investigation. Hope that helps!!!

ETA: http://www.beautytech.com/st_boards.htm
This lists all states. From what I'm seeing, most of them include a link, email or number to lodge formal complaints.
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Thank you all for you support. I did decide to call the school today and the teacher wants me to come by so she can talk to me personally. The student is still suspended right now. It happened at a leons school so I did find the headquarters address. The crazy thing is that this is the only negative experience I have ever had at a school. I normally have great experiences and usually keep in touch with the students I like and try to throw some business their way when they get jobs in salons. I have a strong feeling that this is not the first time this student has acted this way. Generally people who think they know it all have problems all the time in the service industry. Its good to know that I can report her to the state board office (Thanks Tbebe). I think I now understand why some stylist will always do what they want to do with clients hair, I think that they are just know it all's and know one has ever called them out. I have had some great experiences with some stylists so I am trying not to be bitter. I do intend on following up with the school tomorrow especially since during the whole fiasco, they were extremely nice and did anything they could do to try to make me happy. The results of the meeting tomorrow will determine whether or not I write to the headquarters. I am confident that if I stay consistent with my regime my hair will rebound from this beautifully. I am currently 5 weeks post with underprocessed hair and a good amount of newgrowth so the next relaxer should show some progress. I ordered some black castor oil for my ends so maybe this will help preserve my ends and keep them healthy so a 3 inch "trim" won't be a thought in my mind or anyone elses. Thank you soo much for your advice and support. The summer is coming so maybe we can all get a growth spurt:D
You're most welcome, Gymfreak! It's awesome the school is following up on this incident. My husband & I were shocked that it happened in a school, because they're usually more careful and hesitant with the scissors. Hopefully they'll nip it in the bud before she does even worse damage to someone else.
A young friend at work who always sported near waist length hair had started bleach blonding her hair due to a weave wearing co-worker with blond 'hair'. I knew my friend was in for a shock in a few months. 7 months later she came to me to complain about her thinning, broken hair; I advised her to moisturize, weekly protein which she did and avoid trimming. Damned if she didn't go for a trim yesterday! I warned:orders: her not to trim as she had no splits I could see upon examination. Well....little girlfriend went for a trim yesterday. Today, she is down at the mouth, the trim took her from just below bra strap to shoulder length; she still looks like a cover girl but she is so sad..{another co-worker with bra length, uneven, fly away, irregular length hair always exposed to the elements} said with a snarl.."Ah, leave her alone, she has growing hair." I did not bother to give her the everyone's hair grows lecture as I realized she is speaking from the antedeluvian age} I asked Little One if she watched the mirror and her stylist's scissors..of course not...now she wants a phony pony, says she misses her hair! Watch those 'beautician' women, experienced or not like eagle eyed hawks, they will screw:angeldevi you without a kiss!!
oooooh GF,

I'm just now seeing this thread and I'm red-hot mad! We're going to start an LHCF activist group against scissor happy ******'s! We're gonna be like the NAACP when something "goes down." This is not even cute.

I'm so sorry honey. At least the cut is cute but I know that's not what you wanted. Bless your heart. Feel better :kiss:
I feel you girl. We're in almost the same boat. I had 3- 5 inches of mine burned off (from cleaning my twists up w/a lighter). When are these so-called stylist gonna learn?!? LHCF needs to be part of the beauty school curriculum so that this kind of stuff doesn't happen to people!
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This is just ridiculous:mad: I cannot beleive she cut your hair w/out your permission like that....she needs a beatdown for real...I would look into reporting this incident to state board if I were you...there is no excuse for what she did...NONE
Hold on? Since when do we not ax to cux on folks wigs...?You are better than me. I am very sorry for what happened to you.

I am also very proud of you for the way you handled the situation. Even though you can report this incident (which I definitley encourage you to do so), it seems as if the school should offer you some type of restitution.

If this were to happen at a private salon you could take a licensed professional to court over this and win. Why are these "students" not being supervised is my questiion. School is s still a learning phase and I am sure that it had to take some time for her to completly roll all of your hair. If appropriate supervision had been in place, at some point, this could have been possibly prevented! There is no way a student should not be supervised on "every" client. I am not saying that the instructor has to micro-manage:hammer:, but the instructors need to be on the floor at all time to see what is happening. These students are NOT licensed professionals.
The only reason they want to talk to you is to make sure that you are not going to file a complaint or suit against them.
You could file a complaint for $5, just to prove a point. It is not the monetary payment but the principle and the business sense that companies need to have when they are responsible for training people. You hair is just as important as the rest of you. If your doctor's nurse took your blood with a dirty needle, what would you do? Your hair is a physical part of your body.

You are truly blessed in that you have the know how to grow your hair back fast rather than someone who has to start from the very begininning and not have the knowledge of what to do.

A womans hair is her glory. She had no right to violate you that way. "The Lord never closes the door without opening a window".

Make sure you stand up for what is right and file the issue with the state regardless. This is business and as a part of the business we as women specifically AAWs have to stand up for our legal rights. You need to be compensated monetarily for your loss as you have to reinvest in the products that you use to maintain your hair. Further, compensated for pain and suffering. You could get an attorney who would be happy to take your case for more than a dollar. I am serious. Professionals need to behave like professionals in any business be it medical, political, etc.... I am sorry for going on and on but they should not get away with this. :swearing: :spank:

:whip: Don't go easy on them just because you feel better. You are obviously a good person, but don't let them take your kindness for weakness. Make sure that they are aware that they should be supervising their students! NO EXCEPTIONS!
I wish you the best. I would be interested in hearing the outcome.:dance7: