
New Member
Anybody else think it's really rude when you're with
someone and they answer their cell phones? or checks it
every 2 seconds?

I hate hate hate hate hate it.

I think it's like the rudest thing EVER !!! ...
It's a big turn off with men...
and with girlfriends it just makes me not want to hang out with that
person anymore... it's like... get over yourself

My entire family is obsessed with phones...
I can't ever see anyone for longer than 30 minutes without

also seeing them on the phone...

I'm an Aquarius like Oprah... you know she doesn't have a cell
phone right? I mean... she's OPRAH and doesn't have a cell phone.
I just think people like that think they are sooo self important...
no offense if you're the type... maybe you can give me some insight...
am I missing something...

I do have one but only because I felt like I had to have one for emergencies, but you can ask anybody I know and they'll say...
I don't even bother calling... she won't answer

MY SO is always checking his phone
and it's never for anything important
or anything that couldn't wait until after
I left or something...
it's really coming between us...
I had a best friend and I just gave the cold shoulder after awhile

What ever happened to etiquette????

I feel like I'm from another planet...
is this anyone else's pet peeve ???


Oh... I felt like I had to put this out into the universe... pay it forward...
for those of you who need some etiquette lessons in regards to cell phone
usage and those who need to pass it on to a loved one....

The Ten Commandments of cell phone etiquette

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I have one and will check it because I have kids at home and you never know what can go wrong. Most times I keep it on vibrate so I check it often to make sure I have not missed a call from them. Why do i keep it on vibrate because I am quick to forget to put it on vibrate when i get to work
No you are not alone. The loud conversations in inappropriate places, with the loud ringtones. Drives me crazy!

I have a phone, but I like human interaction more. I don't talk on it when I'm out with friends and especially not out on dates.

I actually forgot my cell phone at home today...it's kind of nice not to have that electronic leash from time to time.
I have one and will check it because I have kids at home and you never know what can go wrong. Most times I keep it on vibrate so I check it often to make sure I have not missed a call from them. Why do i keep it on vibrate because I am quick to forget to put it on vibrate when i get to work

Oh... I get if you have kids... or sick parents or things of that nature...
I totally get that... but when people pick it up over nonsense and don't
excuse themselves when they find it could have waited... that irks me!!!
No you are not alone. The loud conversations in inappropriate places, with the loud ringtones. Drives me crazy!

I have a phone, but I like human interaction more. I don't talk on it when I'm out with friends and especially not out on dates.

I actually forgot my cell phone at home today...it's kind of nice not to have that electronic leash from time to time.

YES!!! I'm not alone... okay I got 1... I know there are more of you
come out come out wherever you are.. that was creepy...
anyway... I'm very heated... and upset... I need to be validated :sad:
Teehee I'm guilty...my ringtone is a milli by lil wayne and you can just picture how loud and annoying that is to people around me :P but i love the song!

and i don't really check my cell phone that much unless i'm bored and not really doing anything or i'm bored with your conversation lol.
I understand that as well. for the most part i check the phone when if vibrates and if it's not the kids(if i'm with friends of course) i will silent so it goes to voicemail
Oh... I get if you have kids... or sick parents or things of that nature...
I totally get that... but when people pick it up over nonsense and don't
excuse themselves when they find it could have waited... that irks me!!!
I don't really get the cellphone thing either. I have a cell phone and it's about 4 or 5 years old :ohwell: Not exactly top of the line. And I RARELY use it. No one calls me on it because I don't answer it and I don't even have voicemail or caller id. I just don't use it. If I'm at home... I have a home phone and if I'm out with friends then I'm not going to spend time talking to someone else :perplexed ... so there's really no point. I mainly have it just in case of emergencies when I'm driving somewhere.
And I too deal with people's obsession with their cell phones... my SO texts EVERYONE all the time... including me. I hate it! I had to add the texting feature to my phone just so I could communicate with him... but sometimes I just don't answer cause either I forgot my phone or because texting takes too long... and it drives him nuts :grin:
myronnie- Teehee I'm guilty...my ringtone is a milli by lil wayne and you can just picture how loud and annoying that is to people around me :P but i love the song!

Love that song!! PPL either get mad when they hear it or sing to it! Hate it or love it!

OP- I feel you about cell phones. I hate going anywhere with my sister cuz she is loud on the phone and will cut off anything she is doing to run for the phone. I mean 100-yard dash over chairs, break her toe for a missed call!

Some ppl like to talk on the phone I have to be face to face in order to carry on a conversation longer than 10 mins. What do too ppl have to talk about for an hour everyday. I used to hate my ex cuz he would answer the phone while we could be talking and having a good time and carry on a convo. And ppl are rude they know you doing something and never think to say I 'll call YOU back!
Teehee I'm guilty...my ringtone is a milli by lil wayne and you can just picture how loud and annoying that is to people around me :P but i love the song!

and i don't really check my cell phone that much unless i'm bored and not really doing anything or i'm bored with your conversation lol.

Yeah... I thought maybe it was because I was boring... but no...
plus I'm a very energetic silly fun-loving person...
I'm the life of the party most times... so I know it's not me...
it's them... it's rude. If I were with a boring person I'd honestly
just say "okay... you're boring me" throw up the dueces and be out...
plus I never ever volunteer myself to hang out with SO...
he always wants me to be all up under him
and then he says he feels trapped because
I hate it when he talks on the phone...
I usually just walk out the house
and don't come back...
or else if he puts me on hold...
something else he likes to do...
I just hangup right after he says hold on
and don't answer for the rest of the night
I don't really get the cellphone thing either. I have a cell phone and it's about 4 or 5 years old :ohwell: Not exactly top of the line. And I RARELY use it. No one calls me on it because I don't answer it and I don't even have voicemail or caller id. I just don't use it. If I'm at home... I have a home phone and if I'm out with friends then I'm not going to spend time talking to someone else :perplexed ... so there's really no point. I mainly have it just in case of emergencies when I'm driving somewhere.
And I too deal with people's obsession with their cell phones... my SO texts EVERYONE all the time... including me. I hate it! I had to add the texting feature to my phone just so I could communicate with him... but sometimes I just don't answer cause either I forgot my phone or because texting takes too long... and it drives him nuts :grin:

YES!!! YES !!! That's exactly my situation.
I had this really old cell phone but then I got
a new phone plan and company b/c of my SO...
now I'm regretting it... I really don't like people
keeping tabs on me... you know... that's another
reason... why make yourself SO AVAILABLE
where's the mystery anymore :nono:
myronnie- Teehee I'm guilty...my ringtone is a milli by lil wayne and you can just picture how loud and annoying that is to people around me :P but i love the song!

Love that song!! PPL either get mad when they hear it or sing to it! Hate it or love it!

OP- I feel you about cell phones. I hate going anywhere with my sister cuz she is loud on the phone and will cut off anything she is doing to run for the phone. I mean 100-yard dash over chairs, break her toe for a missed call!

Some ppl like to talk on the phone I have to be face to face in order to carry on a conversation longer than 10 mins. What do too ppl have to talk about for an hour everyday. I used to hate my ex cuz he would answer the phone while we could be talking and having a good time and carry on a convo. And ppl are rude they know you doing something and never think to say I 'll call YOU back!

YES!!! YES !!! That's exactly my situation.
I had this really old cell phone but then I got
a new phone plan and company b/c of my SO...
now I'm regretting it... I really don't like people
keeping tabs on me... you know... that's another
reason... why make yourself SO AVAILABLE
where's the mystery anymore :nono:

I upgraded my cell a yr ago and I hardly ever use the new features, I just wasted my money. I admit they are convenient at times but for long involved conversations I'll wait until I get home. Lot's of times if I'm out I won't answer anyway.

By the way my soon to be ex took a call during a couples counseling session....:wallbash:
I have a friend and she is addicted to her cell phone. I've gone to movies with her and she will actually sit there in the dark texting folks while the movie is playing. And she may as well have that ear piece sewn to her ear permanently. I'm not sure why she is like this. Her kids are grown, so it's not like she needs to be available to them 24/7. She doesn't have an on-call job or anything like that. I like her very much, but I have to admit it bothers me.

As for me, I will answer my phone if it is my family. But I keep it short. Everyone else gets my voice mail.
I forgot about texting...I'm guilty:look:

I have unlimited text messaging because of a texting fool that I know, and now I prefer to send them vs. call. But, in my defense, I don't have a ringer on text alerts, nor is my keypad volume on...so I'm not disturbing others by typing...right:ohwell:
I forgot about texting too. My friend will text and drive at the same time, mind you this is AFTER she shelled out $100 in tickets for talking while driving.
Anybody else think it's really rude when you're with
someone and they answer their cell phones? or checks it
every 2 seconds?

I hate hate hate hate hate it.

I think it's like the rudest thing EVER !!! ...
It's a big turn off with men...
and with girlfriends it just makes me not want to hang out with that
person anymore... it's like... get over yourself

I agree. That really gets on my nerves, I think it is very rude. And I personally notice girlfriends doing it more than men (IME)
I agree that the cellphone can be very annoying at times and a lot of people don't have proper cellphone ettiquette. Some folks are a little too obsessed...It wasn't too long ago that everyone didn't not have cellphones, so I just don't get why some act like everywhere they go they have to be on the phone...I can't stand to hear every bit of peoples private conversation when out in public...sometimes people just want a peace of mind you know, especially when riding the metro to work early mornings! My phone gets on my nerves too...sometimes I can't be bothered when I'm out doing me...the constant ringing is very annoying and disruptive...oh and using your phone while on a date is the rudest thing ever....a guy tried that mess with me one time and I never answered anymore off his calls after that. :look:
I agree with you, OP. :yep: Some ppl are obnoxious with cell phones.

if I'm out with a few friends, I'll put my phone on vibrate. I don't want to seem too available, anyway. :lol: But I am guilty of checking the time on my phone a lot.
I love my cellphone bc I have a child and I like to be available 24/7 when she's away from me (which is the entire summer now). But I do think its rude when your talking to someone, their phone rings, and they just start talking like your not there. I also hate when Im in the car with someone and they stay in their cellphone the entire time like you dont exist. Say excuse me if you have to the call and if your in the car just tell the person you'll call back if its not an emergency, dangit! :wallbash: Its rude :look:
I have a friend and she is addicted to her cell phone. I've gone to movies with her and she will actually sit there in the dark texting folks while the movie is playing. And she may as well have that ear piece sewn to her ear permanently. I'm not sure why she is like this. Her kids are grown, so it's not like she needs to be available to them 24/7. She doesn't have an on-call job or anything like that. I like her very much, but I have to admit it bothers me.

As for me, I will answer my phone if it is my family. But I keep it short. Everyone else gets my voice mail.

@ bolded: Now, that I cannot stand. The whole ear piece/bluetooth thing, and I usually see only men with this. I think it looks so weird. Sorry. Does everyone have to be connected like that? I even criticize my friends that have them. :lachen:

In school, the guys that had them would actually leave the lecture as soon as someone called them, and would carry on a conversation about some nonsense. I just didn't get it.

My husbands family are always blowing his cell phone up. We are trying to play in the park with our son and his mom is calling about her computer. We are trying to grocery shop and someone is calling about their latest car problem. We are trying to eat and someone needs something. I told him a few times that I would like to break that darn thing. I get so tired of being interrupted by people's cell phones or their loud arse ring tones.
You know I am a cellphone fanatic, but to a point. When I am with my friends, and it rings, I answer and say I will call them back or I let it go to vmail. On a date, I turn it to vibrate, because I have a child. Actually it seems as if my phone is always on vibrate, and when it rings I don't hear it, so it doesn't get answered a lot.

When I do check it, I will call people back when I can, and text them back too.

I think balance is the key, and in truth, I love spending time with people, and if it is going to help me get to them faster then I am on the phone. But I don't allow it to take me away from anyone...

Now my daughter, she is on that thing all the dang time, but she is 13/14 and its whatever..... :rolleyes:

Now when a guy can not prioritize who he is spending time with (me or his phone), he becomes a joke to me, and I don't take his calls after that.
I feel like I'm from another planet...
is this anyone else's pet peeve ???


I am so with you on your entire post!

I can't stand cell phones either!

My phone is for emergencies also--however, the only person that I will have lengthy conversations with on my cell, is my sweetie.
So basically my cell is for calls from him---and emergencies.

I still have my land line phone, so I speak to all of my family/friends on my home phone. If someone calls me on my cell while I'm at home---I just call them back on my home phone. That is, IF I want to talk to them.

Most of the calls that I receive on my cell are just friends who want to talk about absolutely nothing!
I don't need to hemhaw about nothing while I'm shopping, while I'm at dinner, or while I'm driving.

The only time that I will call someone or talk to someone on my cell is if I know that conversation is going to be 5 minutes or less.
I used to keep my phone powered off, until my sweetie started cuttin a fool. :look: So now, alot of times I'll put it on vibrate.
I really don't need someone knowing where I am, or having access to me 24/7.

I don't text either---and all of my friends and family knows this.

If it's some kind of emergency text, then I'll respond.
But just some ole regular bull, you're not getting a response from me.
And don't get me started on that forwarded text message ****!

I'm thinking about getting a pre-paid, because it really doesn't make sense for me paying for extra bells and whistles on a cell phone that I rarely use.


I work in retail at my pt gig, and I simply can not STAND when folks come to my register justa yapping away on the phone!

That is the rudest thing to me!

Have some respect and hang the damn phone up for a minute please!!
And that Bluetooth earpiece has taken rudeness to another level!

If I happen to be on my cell while I'm about to check out at a retail business, or a grocery store, I ALWAYS hang up, and have that person call me back.
Or, I'll return the call and resume our conversation after I'm done with my transaction.

Some folks just have absolutely no cell phone etiquette at all!

Sorry so long....but I feel ya on this one sis.
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I know folks who will come to church or know that you are in church and will call folks or folks are calling them and they spend more time in the narthex on the phone then in the sanctuary. Why are you here?

It's Sunday and if you call/text me betweeen 11-1:30 and I don't answer, don't call right back like I didn't know you called. You are home and you know I am in church..and YOU DON'T WANT ANYTHING.

Don't text folks while you are on THE SAME PHONE WITH ME!!!

I know a girl that does all the above. She HAS to be on the phone 24/7. Folks are constantly calling or she is constantly calling them. Um you are not that important and it's not that deep.

When I am home, I turn my phone off..if it is on it is because I forgot and I won't go check it for a while if I am not going anywhere. Sometimes when it is off I get text messages a day later and am thinking it is that same day and folks are like I sent that yesterday. Um when I didn't respond did it occur to you to call me?

Also....please for the love of GOD stop with the freakin' text forwards. I hate that ist in an email, please don't send it to my phone and think I am sending it to 8 more friends..um nope..only sending to trash.

I am a bluetooth person but only when I drive or am walking around and have calls to make. But I won't have it in just cause. I will take it out if I don't think anyone is going to call (but then I get a call and can't find the darn thing lol). I HATE driving and holding my phone. I think it should be outlawed for folks to do that. Some people can't drive as is and now you just added salt to that mix. sigh..

even though folks have certain ringtones (so I know who is calling), it's standard mode is vibrate. I don't need to know everytime your phone rings and you don't need to know mine. And I hate hate HATE when folks have prepaid ringtones that are so loud that I can hear it and you are sitting no where near me. Why do you need it that darn loud? Helen Keller knows your phone is ringing! Turn it down please.

end rant.
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I can't stand them either and half the time folks calling don't want jack. "Hey, you are not that important". If you were you would have an answering service.


If a persons phone rings while they are in church, they surely don't go to church often because everyone would know not to call them during Sunday serivice, bible study.........
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My husbands family are always blowing his cell phone up. We are trying to play in the park with our son and his mom is calling about her computer. We are trying to grocery shop and someone is calling about their latest car problem. We are trying to eat and someone needs something. I told him a few times that I would like to break that darn thing. I get so tired of being interrupted by people's cell phones or their loud arse ring tones.

:nono: :nono: :nono: Oh ... hell... no

If someone send me a mass text/forwarded text...
I promptly delete their names/numbers from my phone
and put them on BLOCK !!!
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I think you're making a huge deal.

There's nothing wrong with being put on hold. There's nothing wrong with talking to a friend for a while and just having small talk. There's nothing wrong with texting. It's called communication, and everyone does it. Ignoring calls for the whole night just because you got put on hold seems a bit selfish and high maintenance.

Now I do hate when people are on the phone when they're supposed to be spending time with someone, and I hate chain text messages and stupid things like that. But like, if my boyfriend gets a call from an old friend he hasn't heard from in a while, I'm not going to get bent out of shape if he talks for 5 minutes or so.

And I don't see the difference between talking on a cell and calling them back on the landline. A phone is a phone, at least to me. I barely use the landline at my parents' house.

I understand your frustration but just because someone likes to keep in communication with people most of the day isn't so horrible. They just need balance.
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