I give the hell up

I replied because I really think it is stupid and when or if I have advice to give on a situation and someone says that I just don't say anything because I feel as though they have not recognized the wrong in whatever situation they are in and only want people to co-sign with how/what they are feeling and if it goes the opposite way they can erase it and act like it never happened. So it makes no sense for people in denial to post:grin: happy now.

Maybe he's just not that into you....smdh....move one and find someone that is.

Well you can sydh all you want :lachen:. I was assuming that since he continues to call me everyday, text, and occasionally email that he IS into me. It's never this hard for me to move on actually...I think that the fact we have this one issue versus all the good keeps me around.

As I've said before, the issue I believe is depression but I'm not one to tell someone how to handle their life. I only make suggestions and he doesn't seem to want to do anything about it.

We're supposed to have a date later this week but I'm really not up for going right now.

Edit for spelling
Sounds like he may be a Cancer? Or maybe some other water sign. Hey...some people just don't mesh that way. If it is already a bit of an annoyance to you then just let it go. Not like you have history with the fella yet. Put him on Plan C status and start dating your Plan B or A if you have one. Life is too short to waste precious time. Especially if you're a woman.
Well you can sydh all you want :lachen:. I was assuming that since he continues to call me everyday, text, and occasionally email that he IS into me. It's never this hard for me to move on actually...I think that the fact we have this one issue versus all the good keeps me around.

As I've said before, the issue I believe is depression but I'm not one to tell someone how to handle their life. I only make suggestions and he doesn't seem to want to do anything about it.

We're supposed to have a date later this week but I'm really not up for going right now.

Edit for spelling

He's not that into you....and he's passing the time with you....leave him be and allow him to find someone that excites him because clearly you don't.
Whether it's you that's not exciting him or him being depressed, really who know exactly what's going on here? You are what matters, you feeling happy and loved, understanding you can't make people be what you want, having faith that you will find the one, and even if you don't, having the self-love to say I don't want to spend time around a miserable and negative man. If he's depressed, not your problem. If you're not doing it for him which could be possible, that is not your problem either, that's his issue and awful silly of him to pursue you then, but men often do silly things. All that matters is you, what you want, and having the courage to walk away from people who don't adore you, and having the faith that someone will love you for you and put a smile on your pretty face.
OP, I don't burn bridges. Keep him around but date other people. This way you won't be focused only on him. He's calling you so I think something is there. But if he is always melancholy and pessimistic, only he can change. And he will only do that when he is ready.
I don't see the problem with what was said. The fact op needs to question if dude is into her confirms he is not.

I didn't question or rather I'm not questioning if he is into me. He told me he is but he keeps stating it's hard for him to open up. Oh well at this point.

You and that other poster are bitter acting. :lachen:Lighten up.

I wasn't being mean...I honestly believe that if a person is having a hard time opening up it's because they aren't into you and the OP should move on.

That was actually average in my opinion, I can be rude but that wasn't it.

I didn't question or rather I'm not questioning if he is into me. He told me he is but he keeps stating it's hard for him to open up. Oh well at this point.

You and that other poster are bitter acting. :lachen:Lighten up.

We weren't acting bitter......I honestly think he can't open up to "you" because he isn't in to you.

It happens and people try to force it only to be disappointed.
I wasn't being mean...I honestly believe that if a person is having a hard time opening up it's because they aren't into you and the OP should move on.

That was actually average in my opinion, I can be rude but that wasn't it.

We weren't acting bitter......I honestly think he can't open up to "you" because he isn't in to you.

It happens and people try to force it only to be disappointed.

I can honestly see your point from how you said it this time...so I guess it more so rude earlier. All good though...I open to all opinions. I guess I was waiting to see if he would cause he keeps calling. However, I guess if I keep allowing him to call then that's my fault. Nuff said there.

I was attempting to talk with him (the other night) so that I can let him know how his behavior is a turn off. He stated that women always say he's a nice guy BUT and follow up with the rejection. My thing is if he treats women the ways he treated me I can see why. :ohwell:
He's not that into you....and he's passing the time with you....leave him be and allow him to find someone that excites him because clearly you don't.

:lol: This was funny but...its not the OP's job to excite him. It also sounds like he is the one doing the calling/reaching out. IMO this is a case of 2 people who are just incompatible. Nothing more nothing less. Your personalities clash and there's nothing wrong with that.

Girl, I wouldn't even bother asking him why he seems melancholy or if he's even into you. Date other people and put him on the backburner.

I remember dating this guy who was just boring as hell. He would call and the conversation seemed forced, we would hang out and it felt awkward everytime. I tried to give it some time cause he was cute and seemed nice but when things didn't get better I kept it moving. This was 5 years ago and this dude will still call me from time to time but I don't even answer cause why be bothered? One of my line sisters tried to date him a year back-I guess she thought maybe things would be different but nope! Same ol Shaun.:rolleyes:

So I emailed him since he's avoided calling me the last couple of days. He's been texting :rolleyes: though and I made it clear Monday that I wanted to talk with him and he said cool. I resorted to sending an email.

It was a clear and to the point email but I made sure to show that I was concerned. I haven't really gone into a lot of detail about him but what I wrote about here is just the tip of the iceberg to be honest. I basically suggested that he get professional help for his depression and if the doctor he saw previously couldn't help then find a new one.

I think he gets rejected a lot because of his demeanor. It's literally draining and I explained to him that the fact that I feel like this bothers me cause he's not my man :nono:. I can't invest myself in something that's obviously not going anywhere and maybe like others have said...maybe he's not into me but I hold his attention. He did thank me for the email and being honest and understands where I'm coming from.

Lynnerie You're right...definitely not my job to excite him and I realize that now after trying to make the best of the situation. I have some other hopefuls out there that I enjoy speaking with so I'll go from there!
I'm not gonna tell you to drop him or what have you cause when the pickings are slim and you meet someone halfway decent, it's hard to know what to do. Should you keep him and hope for the best or dump him and wait for the next decade to go by until you meet another half way decent one? I know, I've been there done that.

I will tell you this though................your time is precious, do not let someone waste it on account of them not being able to get their ish together. Time waits for no one!
I didn't question or rather I'm not questioning if he is into me. He told me he is but he keeps stating it's hard for him to open up. Oh well at this point.

You and that other poster are bitter acting. :lachen:Lighten up.

Hmm I didn't make YOUR post. I don't care at all in the grand scheme of things. Your the one complaining. Why post a thread if your uber sensitive with The responses lol.
If you two cant see how telling someone who is being vulnerable on this board that "maybe he's like that cos you're boring" is mean then I dont know what else to tell you


So I emailed him since he's avoided calling me the last couple of days. He's been texting :rolleyes: though and I made it clear Monday that I wanted to talk with him and he said cool. I resorted to sending an email.

It was a clear and to the point email but I made sure to show that I was concerned. I haven't really gone into a lot of detail about him but what I wrote about here is just the tip of the iceberg to be honest. I basically suggested that he get professional help for his depression and if the doctor he saw previously couldn't help then find a new one.

I think he gets rejected a lot because of his demeanor. It's literally draining and I explained to him that the fact that I feel like this bothers me cause he's not my man :nono:. I can't invest myself in something that's obviously not going anywhere and maybe like others have said...maybe he's not into me but I hold his attention. He did thank me for the email and being honest and understands where I'm coming from.

Lynnerie You're right...definitely not my job to excite him and I realize that now after trying to make the best of the situation. I have some other hopefuls out there that I enjoy speaking with so I'll go from there!

You did well and good luck with the others?
Hmm I didn't make YOUR post. I don't care at all in the grand scheme of things. Your the one complaining. Why post a thread if your uber sensitive with The responses lol.

I came to vent just as others do here all the time. Why would I be sensitive? I'm open to all opinions but rudeness is unnecessary that's all. Ah well, I got some good pointers anyhow.

Get over yourself...you've said absolutely NOTHING worth mentioning. I'm silly for even responding to you. :lachen:
If you two cant see how telling someone who is being vulnerable on this board that "maybe he's like that cos you're boring" is mean then I dont know what else to tell you

You did well and good luck with the others?

Thanks! I've got a few dates lined up so I'll definitely be updating in the dating thread.
Some people are so negative it's sad to read. Anyways maybe he has a personality disorder or just an all around awkward guy. Obviously there are other qualities about him that u like or u would be gone by now. Personally if I can't laugh and have fun with a guy then it's a no go. Like others said date other people while u wait for him to warm up.