Giving up the goodies early...........

Folks act like pregnancy and stds aren't real until someone gets pregnant or burning sensations in their genitals. Then here comes the threads were people can say how much of an idiot so-and-so is for allowing an obviously inadequate dude to mess up her life.

So I called a male friend of mine on this one and asked what he thought about it. He said this guy is totally right (WHAT!). He agrees that a guy will be on Ps and Qs until he "gets the booty". He told me that a man can't even see straight because he has sex on the brain (esp if that is all he is out for). There are women out there that he has considered loose for sleeping with men too soon, but it was more because of the way they carried themselves than the act. He and his current GF slept together on the first date and are still together a year later. I have the inside track that she is the one he wants to marry. Now I am confused... like most of you I am not into casual sex, but maybe we are all wrong and the men are right about this one.

bwahahahahaha.. please don't let these men mess up your head.

Soo I don't get it, we're supposed to sleep with dudes quick just so we can hurry up and witness them act like the jerks they are deep inside? I don't see the benefit :spinning:

This seems like a completely inefficient way to weed out partners, and not very realistic either. So after you sleep with dude and he starts actin up you're just supposed to walk away and move on to the next? What if he's good in bed? You know how a lot of us will act pull a stevie wonder over some good sex.

This all gets a big yea right.
So I called a male friend of mine on this one and asked what he thought about it. He said this guy is totally right (WHAT!). He agrees that a guy will be on Ps and Qs until he "gets the booty". He told me that a man can't even see straight because he has sex on the brain (esp if that is all he is out for). There are women out there that he has considered loose for sleeping with men too soon, but it was more because of the way they carried themselves than the act. He and his current GF slept together on the first date and are still together a year later. I have the inside track that she is the one he wants to marry. Now I am confused... like most of you I am not into casual sex, but maybe we are all wrong and the men are right about this one.

HELL NO, the men aren't right on this one!

F- no!

They can take that bullsmit and shove it.
Men will come up with any crock of BS to get the panties:rolleyes:.

Most ridiculous thing I've heard, no wonder HIV and AIDS are at an all time high.
Gee, I thought Pimp'in wasn't supposed to be easy! He's a F'n P.I.M.P to the MF'n "G".

Ummm, I digress. That playa's providing advice to make it easier for him & his homies to get the goods. In your next "session' he'll be advising that now that you've successfully completed step 1, you must give the man a child to "keep the man" you have control of"

:blush: My goodness!!!!! If giving up Twat gave us control, there would be no BabyMamaDrama! :wallbash:

I had a conversation with a male friend (a mental health counselor) at a function last night and he explained to me that he would advise any woman to sleep with a man that shes dating EARLY in the relationship :blush:. This way SHE can decide if SHE wants to continue seeing him after that.-Now SHE'S in control.He says that men show thier true colors after sex and sleeping with him early will allow you to figure out what your dealing with instead of wasting several months to sleep with him and find out that he is nothing like the person that he pretended to be. I'm confused!! Has anyone tried this strategy and what was the outcome??:look:
I've had a couple of friends who were hypersexual and gave it out immediately. It didn't improve their relationships with men. At all.

Not to mention, what happens if he's a jerk AND lousy in bed?