Thank you everyone for your advice . Im going to answer your questions. I dont really know what happened between us to cause this riff. One year we were absolutely fine and the next year she wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. She contuinued to be friends with my brother. It's not something I think about on a daily basis for the most part I dont think about her at all but when my uncle called and told me about it It just bought it all back up. I would honestly like to know why she dislikes me the way that she do. I dont think it's a jealously thing. Growing up she was always the star of attention . She's the lightest,slimmest ,prettiest girl in the family and she was also very smart and got the good grades. One year she came down for a visit and was totally uninterested in me. Throughout the years my brother mentioned her alot because they stayed friends and I would physically see her but she never even glanced at me . She totally ignored me and I was feeling like WTF did I ever do to you ?
I honestly want to know why she hates me.What did I do to her back than? I think back and I cant remember a single thing Ive ever done to her. She was always my favorite cousin and even though everyone treated her like gold I never had any jealously towards her whatsoever.
I kinda hate her now for the way she turned on me. I did something rather foul to her a couple years back . I spoke to my brother on the phone one day and he was bragging about her saying "haha ____ still doesnt talk to you..
She hates you for some reason" and I said "Did she say why she hates me I never did nothing to her???" and he said " I dunno she just do . She hates you"
I was so angry because I feel like she isnt justified . I went on her myspace page and read her blog. She said she loves her kids and her ex boyfriend and she wishes he would stay home instead of out with some white girl..I did a little investigating and found the white girl's myspace. I took her picture and mimicked her myspace page and I sent my cousin a message. It was very foul . I said I got your man keep popping those babies out because he's still with me and he loves me and you look like a dumbass pining for him all over your myspace like those kids gonna make him stay . She wrote back saying I could keep him she doesnt want him she's moving on . I wrote back yeah you moving on cause he's with me you bald headed ***** . All those years and you still cant grow your hair past your ear ?
At the time I thought it was funny and justified it by saying well she does'nt like me for no reason so Im gonna give her a reason to make her hate me. She never knew it was me that sent the message because i havent been in contact with her for years . I recently just spilled the beans to my brother about what I did and he went off on me . He said she called him crying and telling all her business. I was cold hearted at the time and I basically rolled my eyes
.Why couldnt' she call me ? Why she speaks to everyone in my family BUT me ? What could I have possibly done at 10 years old to make her hate me like this ? Last year our uncle mailed my brother a plane ticket to go visit them and he didnt mail me one. My brother came back home bragging and saying how he loved her kids and how they had such a great time. I asked him if she said anything about me and he said " she dont think about you girl you aint nothing to her "
WTF??? Why doesnt this chick like me?What could I have possibly done at 10 years old to make this chick act like this towards me after all these years ? I cant think of anything. I know I did the myspace thing but other than that I havent done anything.