I Did a Flexi Rod Set - PICS


How much does the Monoi oil cost at TJ's?
Also do you think there is a big difference between the Monoi and regular coconut oil?

I saw in an archive thread on here whee Amel Larrieux stated that she used this oil too.

I'll have to try this on my mine and my dd's hair! I use flexi-rods almost every week, but I haven't yet tried it like this. I certainly will now! :yep:

How much does the Monoi oil cost at TJ's?
Also do you think there is a big difference between the Monoi and regular coconut oil?

I saw in an archive thread on here whee Amel Larrieux stated that she used this oil too.

I pay about $10.00 for this oil - They also have the oil unscented online here

In my opinion there is a notable difference between Monoi, and regular coconut oil. My hair is a lot softer, than if I were to use regular coconut oil. I think that it is attributed to the properties of the Tiare/Gardenia flower that they soak the coconut oil in.
I know this thread is from months ago but I'm just now seeing it and I HAD to complement you on how well this came out. It's gorgeous on you!!!!

You have inspired me to try this on my hair this weekend!!
YES! YES! YES! - That's what i'm talking about!!! Girl you worked the heck out of those rods! Your results are awesome. You're hair is shiny, bouncy, healthy, smooth, kicking butt and taking names!!! YES!

Thanks for posting your method. I'll be trying that out on my next set. It's a big help, really.
I am pretty sure I posted in this thread, but Gabanna Girl, I really don't think there is a style you can try out that wouldn't look nice on you. This set is stunning!