I Did a Flexi Rod Set - PICS

Simply Beautiful!! I have a question...how do you get the ends or your hair to stay on the rod? I havent had a chance to watch the video yet...I'm sneaking on this site:grin: I am supposed to be studying...:rolleyes:

LOL @ sneaking on this site! Ok; so wrap the ends of your hair around the flexi rod once, and then you roll the rod up the hair, covering the ends. I hope that made sense, it's almost the same technique as using perm rods, but much easier for me. So basically the concept is to wrap the ends around the rod, and then wrap more hair around it to keep it in place.
i hate you.

the end.

btw, because I hate you so much, I've subscribed to your youtube & blog.

but don't get it twisted, i still hate you.

jk, this is gorgeous
I love your hair :love: I could never get the hang of flexi rods but maybe one day I shall return thanks to your inspiration. Oh and I watched your first video already...on to the next!
I love it. My problem is separating the curls. How did you do it?

I love flexi rod sets. In fact, I have one in right now. I have to give props to the OP, because her set looks nicer than mines. :lachen:To seperate the curls you simply grab it close to the root and pull the section that you want to seperate, and twist your fingers in the direction of the curl...being careful not to disturb the curl. Does that make sense? It also helps if you use some moisturizer for this step as well,
That is one of the best flexi rods sets I've seen. Gorgeous hair and you are very beautiful :yep:
This is a gorgeous set.

Usually when I do mine I use just 20-25 rods but I'm going to try this with slimmer rods, I love it!
It's very pretty!
umm.. did you say you sat under the dryer for 2 hours. This is why I can't do this style.
My munchkins won't leave me alone that long! LOL