I Did a Flexi Rod Set - PICS

Another Winner!! Geez Gabanna girl, you have NO reason to sit up in a stylists chair- your styles look a lot BETTER than anything I've seen walking out of a beauty salon. Beautiful job, really!
You have me ready to go buy some more packs of flexi rods and drive to trader joe's for the tahiti oil.
As you can tell, I watched all of the videos. LOL
This is the best flexi rod set I have ever seen. This should be showcased in one of those black hair magazines. You got skills...
i hate you.

the end.

btw, because I hate you so much, I've subscribed to your youtube & blog.

but don't get it twisted, i still hate you.

jk, this is gorgeous
lolllllllll :lachen:. Try the look!! If I could do it, anyyyyyyone can..trust:yep: - And thank you for subscribing :drunk:
You have me ready to go buy some more packs of flexi rods and drive to trader joe's for the tahiti oil.
As you can tell, I watched all of the videos. LOL

lolll!!! Thank you, I suggest you definitely try the look! If you do, post pics too...lol i love looking at pics..:yep:
Your hair is gorgeous!! I think it's time for me to revisit my flexirods. The process is just so long, bu the results are beautiful!!
It's very pretty!
umm.. did you say you sat under the dryer for 2 hours. This is why I can't do this style.
My munchkins won't leave me alone that long! LOL

*sigh* yup 2 hours, that is my least favorite part :nono:. Air drying is also an option although it takes forever and a day!
This is the best flexi rod set I have ever seen. This should be showcased in one of those black hair magazines. You got skills...

For real!

I just ordered 60 new skinny flexirods on ebay. I thought I'd curbed my PJism! All your fault GabannaGirl, ALL your fault!!!! :lol:
I looked at your final picture and my jaw dropped. Looks absolutely beautiful.
Do you think I could achieve similar results on relaxed hair?
I love flexi rod sets. In fact, I have one in right now. I have to give props to the OP, because her set looks nicer than mines. :lachen:To seperate the curls you simply grab it close to the root and pull the section that you want to seperate, and twist your fingers in the direction of the curl...being careful not to disturb the curl. Does that make sense? It also helps if you use some moisturizer for this step as well,

LOL Thank you!!!!!!

TamedTresses is right, that is exactly how you do it! I rub a little oil on my hands before I start separating.
I looked at your final picture and my jaw dropped. Looks absolutely beautiful.
Do you think I could achieve similar results on relaxed hair?

I most certainly do, this is one of the styles that a lot of transitioners and ladies with relaxers use. It might even be a little easier for you because your hair is already a lot straighter than mine, so fighting baddd frizz isn't so much of a factor for you.

To get it nice and full, use a lot of rollers (I used about 70), and separate the curls a lot.
GG, How long does your set last and how do you protect the curls at night?

Yes, this is my question--please tell me it lasts about a week with all that work :lol: I love the way you separate the curls, it does look really natural instead of looking like "Shirley Temple" :lol:
GG, How long does your set last and how do you protect the curls at night?

It can usually last for two weeks or more, especially since the curls are small. At night, I stuff the curls under a large bonnet, I don't do anything special, or sleep a certain way. I wake up in the morning, fluff out my hair, and that is it.