My Very First Flexi-Rod Set (Pic Heavy)

BEE-U-TEE-FUL!!!!....Another hair tool I can't seem to master...but you did an amazing job, ur hair looks luscious!!!...Good work lady!
Nice Job!

So want to try this but I need a lot of rods. Anyone know where i can get cheap ones online?
I was lik "I'm tagged in something...lemme find out" then I saw your flexi-rod set and was lik "OH WORRRRD. Dats cute...dats cute" *shouldn't be up at 4:30am anymore*
Off to buy me some flexi rods! :) Still can't believe it's taking me so long to get a set.
I love how it turned out, especially after separating the curls a little!
Your hair is beautiful! I'm really loving those curls!! :yep: Ok, I really need to try those flexirods. I just saw them the other day in a BSS, stared at them and in the end did not buy them. :ohwell:

Thanks for the tag!
Great job! Can you update the thread to let everyone know how long it lasted and anything you did to maintain it. I have flexi rods and tried a set a while back. I loved the initial results but my curls only lasted a day so I will take any pointers if yours lasted longer
Beautiful! I wouldn't believe that was your fiesta had you not informed is. Perfect the very first time!
Niiiiiiice! Thanks for posting OP! I've been thinking about trying this with smaller rods. I need to find tuts on how to roll them.

Below are the videos I watched to learn how to manipulate the flexi-rods. I start at one end and roll the hair on top of itself a few times. Then continue to roll in spiral direction an fold the flexi-rod over at the root. The spiraling stretches the hair. HTH