I cant stop crying...


Active Member
I finally made BSL and thought I would try protecting my hair the rest of this summer with a full weave. I researched hair, nets, thread, everything. I had my hairdresser put it in last night and it was soooo tight I could see it pulling the folicles. My entire head was throbbing and all I could think of was scalp scarring, damage to my already thin hair and total hair loss. I decieded to remove the tightest track and when I did, I realized she cut my hair. Once I saw that I removed the entire weave-at 2:30 in the morning-crying the entire time.

She braided my hair and mixed it with what she called braiding hair. she took the braides and wrapped them around my head and this is what she attached the tracks to. Well she cut the braids to make them fit in the pattern she used and in the process of cutting the fake hair, she cut my real hair. It is neck lengths in some places, shoulder length in some and two inches past shoulder length in others. It look horrible.

Thanks for listening.

I am so angary I haven't called her to tell her yet. What can she do anyway, apologize-it won't bring my hair back. I have had so many set backs and worked so hard, I can't believe this. I am so mad at her and myself. I am so stupid!!!!!! What was I thinking?
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i am so sorry this happened to you.

i'm in the process of recovering from a huge setback myself: parts of my hair are neck length, and some parts are apl: i'm going to have to chop everything up to shoulder to make me look normal when i wear my hair down...

it might be hard to hear this now, but your hair will DEFINITELY grow back.

in the meantime, try at-home protective styles. flexi-rod sets, buns, or maybe just clipping your hair up off your shoulders with cute clips.
I'm sorry this happened to you.:sad:

You should tell her as this may happen to other women who have/will acheive great lengths.

Your hair will grow back though.:yep:

Do you know how to weave your own hair? This is what i do now as i have had so many dramas. However i am aware there are fab stylists out there, just have to find them!

Sue her! I am not licensed But I never even add hair during a sew in unless the person doesn''t have much hair! Not to mention that there was no reason what so ever for her to cut any braid to fit the pattern!

ETA: she did not know what the :censored::censored: she was doing and I hate seeing someone pay to get their hair chopped off and damaged! Completely unnecessary! End rant....

I am so sorry that this happened to you! :rosebud::brucelee:
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That is so messed up:nono: - she is evil, she must have known what she was doing. Don't stress to much cause that won't help...this has happened tom me before...i went for a trim, i was bra strap length and she took me right back to shoulder.!!:wallbash:
I am sorry about what happen, but I believe that you need to call her and tell her what happened. She needs to know that she cant cut the braids to make them fit, so she wont do this to someone else.
This is utterly ridiculous to cut up your hair like that, I would be seeking legal help. Either pressing charges against her or for myself after I got a hold of her.

This just makes me want to cuss......
That's insane...how could she not know she was cutting your hair? (and hoping you wouldn't notice???)

Call her and let her know, and that stupid woman better either offer to shape your hair (not that I'd trust her) or refund part if not all of your money.
I'm sorry that this happened to you. Please call your stylist to let her know that she cut your hair. Although she can't bring it back she needs to know what she did wrong.

ETA: I agree with WomanlyCharm - you need a refund.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. :hug3: It'll be ok.

I hope you sue the snott out of her. I'm not even violent but I want to whoop that *****'s behind.

I would definitely let her know what she did. I'd SHOW her what she did and demand that she give me a full refund. I'd also tell everybody that would listen what she did. Put her on blast so she can't do this to anyone else.
what in the world? how is she going to cut your real hair in order to make the fake hair look cute? i'm mad just reading this, i can't even imagine how you feel. i am so sorry. at least now you have the knowledge you gained from overcoming those previous set backs (and this one) and can probably get your hair back to bsl more quickly than before. Still. :angry2:
she should be the one crying and feeling bad. she doesnt know what she was doing and you should tell EVERYONE about what she did for your hair so she will lose all the business she has :look: your gonna be right at full bsl right away mama!!! call that lady and ask for your money back :yep:
I finally made BSL and thought I would try protecting my hair the rest of this summer with a full weave. I researched hair, nets, thread, everything. I had my hairdresser put it in last night and it was soooo tight I could see it pulling the folicles. My entire head was throbbing and all I could think of was scalp scarring, damage to my already thin hair and total hair loss. I decieded to remove the tightest track and when I did, I realized she cut my hair. Once I saw that I removed the entire weave-at 2:30 in the morning-crying the entire time.

She braided my hair and mixed it with what she called braiding hair. she took the braides and wrapped them around my head and this is what she attached the tracks to. Well she cut the braids to make them fit in the pattern she used and in the process of cutting the fake hair, she cut my real hair. It is neck lengths in some places, shoulder length in some and two inches past shoulder length in others. It look horrible.

Thanks for listening.

I am so angary I haven't called her to tell her yet. What can she do anyway, apologize-it won't bring my hair back. I have had so many set backs and worked so hard, I can't believe this. I am so mad at her and myself. I am so stupid!!!!!! What was I thinking?

This kind of story always reminds me of why I decided to stop going to beauty shops and to learn how to take care of my own hair. At least, if I jack myself up I have no one to blame but myself. But, to have someone else mangle your hair? Oh, no. I decided I was done with that a while ago. I know that there are some good stylists out there, but they are extremely hard to find.

I've discovered that a vast majority of beauticians no very little about haircare. It amazes me how ignorant and careless some stylists are. It seems that they'll let anyone...and I mean ANYONE graduate from beauty school. That woman had to know that she was taking a chance at cutting your real hair as she was cutting the braids. That just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

I'm really sorry you had to go through that. I know I'd be very upset if someone just recklessly cut off all my hard earned growth. But, at least, it will grow back. :yep:
I'm so sorry that happened to you, especially after you did your part to ensure you'd have proper haircare. I hope you can get your money back......don't let this "stylist" hinder you from the haircare path you had going on.
she should be the one crying and feeling bad. she doesnt know what she was doing and you should tell EVERYONE about what she did for your hair so she will lose all the business she has :look: your gonna be right at full bsl right away mama!!! call that lady and ask for your money back :yep:

Yeah, get your money back, too!
Thanks Ladies. I know it will grow back but, it takes forever (it seems) and I feel like I keep taking one step forward and three steps back. I do almost feel like she did it on purpose (I know that sounds awful). The first thing she said when I walked in is wow, your hair has grown really long. I'm just sick-and I look sick.

Oh well, I guess I better get to work. Thanks again so much for listening. I need someone who would understand my pain. All DH says is it doesn't look that bad.
I'm really sorry this has happened to you. I know all about setbacks, and I know how it must feel to be so angry, that you don't even know how to bring it up to the lady. It wont bring your hair back, and that pisses you off eeven more. Honestly, I would say get your money back.
Sweetheart...I am so sorry this happened to you. You are not stupid. You went to a licensed professional and expected to receive professional results. You need to let her know, ASAP. If an apology is offered fine, but she at least needs to give you your $$$ back. I am not sure whether I would want to trust her with my hair again.
I agree with the other Ladies, your hair will grow back. You may have to start with a good trim/cut and go with a regimen that works for you, using protective styles until you have the length you want. Blessings!
I am sorry, so very sorry. Unexpected setbacks can be so disheartening, esp. when you made every effort to ensure that things would go well. I completely understand the slow-growing hair syndrome but take heart- it will grow back. Quality just takes time:)
Some people just can't be trusted. I was thinking of getting a weave myself but instead opted for a half wig. You can do protective styles until it grows out a little, then shape the choppy pieces the stylist made.
I finally made BSL and thought I would try protecting my hair the rest of this summer with a full weave. I researched hair, nets, thread, everything. I had my hairdresser put it in last night and it was soooo tight I could see it pulling the folicles. My entire head was throbbing and all I could think of was scalp scarring, damage to my already thin hair and total hair loss. I decieded to remove the tightest track and when I did, I realized she cut my hair. Once I saw that I removed the entire weave-at 2:30 in the morning-crying the entire time.

She braided my hair and mixed it with what she called braiding hair. she took the braides and wrapped them around my head and this is what she attached the tracks to. Well she cut the braids to make them fit in the pattern she used and in the process of cutting the fake hair, she cut my real hair. It is neck lengths in some places, shoulder length in some and two inches past shoulder length in others. It look horrible.
Thanks for listening.
I am so angary I haven't called her to tell her yet. What can she do anyway, apologize-it won't bring my hair back. I have had so many set backs and worked so hard, I can't believe this. I am so mad at her and myself. I am so stupid!!!!!! What was I thinking?

In all my 22 years I have never heard of not one person needing to cut the braids in any way for a weave. Either she really didn't know what she was doing or (more likely) she just wanted to mess your hair up.

You need to call her and tell her what she did AND you need to call the better business bureau and make a complaint because if she keeps doing things like this she needs to be out of business. And definitely get your money back!

Though I know you're upset now, you and your hair will be alright!
I finally made BSL and thought I would try protecting my hair the rest of this summer with a full weave. I researched hair, nets, thread, everything. I had my hairdresser put it in last night and it was soooo tight I could see it pulling the folicles. My entire head was throbbing and all I could think of was scalp scarring, damage to my already thin hair and total hair loss. I decieded to remove the tightest track and when I did, I realized she cut my hair. Once I saw that I removed the entire weave-at 2:30 in the morning-crying the entire time.

She braided my hair and mixed it with what she called braiding hair. she took the braides and wrapped them around my head and this is what she attached the tracks to. Well she cut the braids to make them fit in the pattern she used and in the process of cutting the fake hair, she cut my real hair. It is neck lengths in some places, shoulder length in some and two inches past shoulder length in others. It look horrible.

this is why i dont trust any stylists :nono:, soo sorry you had to suffer such a set back, what was she thinking?

dont know what i would have done if that was me, i definately think she needs to know what she has done though.

i'm sure with some tlc your hair will back to bsl in no time:yep:
Oh my, I'm so sorry this happened to you :sad: All these setbacks from stylists, just let me know to keep doing what I'm doing. It does feel like when you take one step forward you take two steps back. It will be okay though.
wow..im sorry it happend to you... some people are just totally wrong you should let her know and tell her how mad you are . One thing I know is that if i want a full weave I let the person know that my scalp is sensitive and that my hair cant be pulled ...and If they braid my hair too tight I straight up tell the person << OH NOO THIS IS WAY TOO TIGHT>> If the braider is comprehensive she will understand if shes careless or not happy about it I take off. Its always better to go straight to the point with braiders and stylist before you get your hair done...simply to avoid that your hair gets jacked up.

I am so sorry that happened to you. Please don't cry. Hairdressers can be so evil and it's probably because she was jealous.
Okay ladies, time for another PMS rant


That hateful ***** knew EXACTLY what she was doing! Her triflin jealous a** couldn't take the fact that your hair was so long and healthy, so she decided to be a ***** and cut your hair. She did this on PURPOSE!

Take that scummy waste of oxygen to court and sue her for everything she has! I'd even push to have her liscence taken away. That kind of blatant disregard and cruelty needs to be met with some serious punishment! Get a lawyer, take before and after pictures to court.

SUE THAT H*E!!!! :swearing:

Okay, now that I got that off my chest..... I'm so very sorry this happened to you. As you can see, I'm pretty peeved about it. This is ludicrous! *taking a deep breath* Have you thought about growth aids? I think the best thing right now is to keep it super simple and keep your hair up and out of sight.

This is why I haven't been to the salon in awhile. I have some broken off patches and I don't want my hair cut "even". Aww I am sorry this happened to you. I don't know what I would do or feel if I made all the way to BSL just to have a major set back. At the end of the day it's only hair though and hair grows back.
I'm so sorry to hear that! I know how you feel. Last year a hairstylist decided to "cut my split ends" and ended up cutting my hair neck length. Don't worry, your hair will grow out...it will just take time, care, and patience.
I think we should take a picture before we go to SHS or any hair stylist so we have proof when somebody does some crazy stuff like this to your head.

ETA--Just like Tiffers said. (I went back and read replies)
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