I cant stop crying...

That witch tried to blame it on YOU?! Aw hellz no. :censored:

You know it's time to stop being nice, right? You wash your own hair before you go to the woman, and you still pay her the full amount...she's gotten used to taking advantage of you, figured you'd be a pushover and just go home and cry and not do anything about her hackjob. :nono:

Before you do anything else, take pics of your hair with the uneven cut as evidence.

If she doesn't refund your money and at least apologize, I want you to go to your city's cosmotology board and present them with the before and after shots. Heck, call the the consumer investigator of your local t-v station, put that &%#@* on BLAST!

That butcher should not be allowed to get away with this.

i can understand why you're upset - you have every right to be.... but don't just sit back and be sad, make her pay... that was NOT the service you went to her for and if she's not competent enough to do the service without totally damaging your hair, then she needs to PAY for it...
Awww mama, I'm sooooo sorry that this happened to you.:nono: I would tell her off, I mean let her have it. No it's not going to bring your hair back, but I wouldn't just let it go.
Oh honey, Im so so sorry.
I pray for you. God will bring it back.

I finally made BSL and thought I would try protecting my hair the rest of this summer with a full weave. I researched hair, nets, thread, everything. I had my hairdresser put it in last night and it was soooo tight I could see it pulling the folicles. My entire head was throbbing and all I could think of was scalp scarring, damage to my already thin hair and total hair loss. I decieded to remove the tightest track and when I did, I realized she cut my hair. Once I saw that I removed the entire weave-at 2:30 in the morning-crying the entire time.

She braided my hair and mixed it with what she called braiding hair. she took the braides and wrapped them around my head and this is what she attached the tracks to. Well she cut the braids to make them fit in the pattern she used and in the process of cutting the fake hair, she cut my real hair. It is neck lengths in some places, shoulder length in some and two inches past shoulder length in others. It look horrible.

Thanks for listening.

I am so angary I haven't called her to tell her yet. What can she do anyway, apologize-it won't bring my hair back. I have had so many set backs and worked so hard, I can't believe this. I am so mad at her and myself. I am so stupid!!!!!! What was I thinking?
I finally made BSL and thought I would try protecting my hair the rest of this summer with a full weave. I researched hair, nets, thread, everything. I had my hairdresser put it in last night and it was soooo tight I could see it pulling the folicles. My entire head was throbbing and all I could think of was scalp scarring, damage to my already thin hair and total hair loss. I decieded to remove the tightest track and when I did, I realized she cut my hair. Once I saw that I removed the entire weave-at 2:30 in the morning-crying the entire time.

She braided my hair and mixed it with what she called braiding hair. she took the braides and wrapped them around my head and this is what she attached the tracks to. Well she cut the braids to make them fit in the pattern she used and in the process of cutting the fake hair, she cut my real hair. It is neck lengths in some places, shoulder length in some and two inches past shoulder length in others. It look horrible.

Thanks for listening.

I am so angary I haven't called her to tell her yet. What can she do anyway, apologize-it won't bring my hair back. I have had so many set backs and worked so hard, I can't believe this. I am so mad at her and myself. I am so stupid!!!!!! What was I thinking?
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is just so wrong...girl, I am sorry this happened to you. I can't imagine what you must be going through. I have no better advise than what has already been given, but I just wanted to send out a big hug to you. I am so sorry. Hand in there!!!!
I am at a loss for words. I'm so sorry this happened to you. You received some great advice here. I hope you already feel a little better with the advice you received.
I see that you're in CA. Please click here to file a complaint with the California Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology. The site says that they handle complaints about "gross negligence and/or incompetence" and as we know your stylist was grossly negligent and incompetent.

I agree with the others who said that she knew exactly what she was doing. She couldn't stand to see your beautiful long hair!

Thank you!!! That is great information! I will do that. Thank you so much.
Same thing happened to my coworker....except sections of her hair were cut down to an inch...imagine that! She ended up cutting her APL length hair to Chin Length. She still maintains that length waiting for the section to catch up. I felt her pain and I feel yours.
I would be crying too. After all that hard work and finally making it to bsl. I am heart-broken for you. I just can't imagine what was going through her head. It sounds like she had no idea how to do a full-head weave. I pray you'll get back to bsl again. (((((HUGS)))))

ETA: You are not stupid. I cried when I read that part of your original post. Please don't be so hard on yourself.
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ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh girl I would be p*%@#d Off. That heifer probably cut your hair on purpose. I hope that you can sue her.
The State Board of Cosmetology would probably be a good place to start. I wouldn't want this _____ anywhere near my head. There is nothing she can do for you that can compensate for what she has maliciously done.

That's just it, her apology and a refund will not bring my hair back.:sad:

I guess I wasn't clear, report her sorry hindparts to the State Board for her shoddy handling of your hair. To heck with her apologies and anything else from her.

Girl I'm still mad about this!
OMG.....I read this once and I was pissed :swearing: and I still am! :wallbash: that ish is sooooooooo --:censored:--- up :cry2: what a freaking idiot!!!! I have never heard of such madness! Aside from the thread about the deaf girl that got a relaxer put in her hair when she didnt want one I think this is one of the worst stylist horror stories ever!!! I agree with all the ladies- sue her @$$ , go to the state board, tell any and everybody! Make it known! put her on BLAST big time!!! apologies = useless. A refund would be great. Putting her out of business= priceless.

it won't bring back all of your beautiful hair, but it will prevent her from doing the same to someone else. :yep:
Call her and let her know, yep! As you said there's not much she'll be able to do, but when you agree to that let her know the only thing you can think of right now is to get your money back.
The great thing you did was to take out those too tight braids/weave. The chopped up areas will grow back, but hair loss can be permanent (speaking from experience).
It will get better, you'll get back to your goal in no time. Sorry this happened to you :-(
OMG.....I read this once and I was pissed :swearing: and I still am! :wallbash: that ish is sooooooooo --:censored:--- up :cry2: what a freaking idiot!!!! I have never heard of such madness! Aside from the thread about the deaf girl that got a relaxer put in her hair when she didnt want one I think this is one of the worst stylist horror stories ever!!! I agree with all the ladies- sue her @$$ , go to the state board, tell any and everybody! Make it known! put her on BLAST big time!!! apologies = useless. A refund would be great. Putting her out of business= priceless.

it won't bring back all of your beautiful hair, but it will prevent her from doing the same to someone else. :yep:

ITA! I haven't read the entire thread because it's late and I'm tired. I read your post and several pages and I'm P*****off too.:wallbash: I would definetely sue and report her to the state boards. Also, if no one else has suggested it, make sure you take pics! It may take weeks or even months before you go to court. Pics are worth a thousand words!

Be blessed, my sister. ((Sending you a big hug!))
oh geesh! I'm so sorry this happened. thats so messed up! I had a braider years ago take a lighter to the braids and MY HAIR! That was hard to deal with and not want to just kill her

I agree with the others, take pictures and sue!

I'm sorry to hear you have had such a bad experience. First thing you should do is take pictures of your hair. As many that will show the condition of your hair from all angles. And photograph the weave as well. If you want to take legal action this will be very important as dealing with the courts can take months or years. Write down everything that happened and see if you can dig up before pictures.

What do you want to happen now? Do you want a refund or do you want further compensation? Figure that out before you call her so that it all comes out right. And pay close attention to her reaction and what she tells you as it may be needed to repeat in court as well. And don't forget to jot that down in your notes too. You may want to write her a letter or email if you don't feel comfortable talking over the phone. This will also be a written record for the courts. :nono:

Remember we are here for you.

Oh wow. I am sooo sorry to hear about this! I would be crying to. Honestly, it sounds like she purposely cut your hair (yes it does happen!!!). I'm surprised you didnt kill the wentch. You need to take pics, report her, than sue. But for now, nurse and baby your hair (it will grow back girl!) and let NO ONE TOUCH YOUR HAIR AGAIN!!! Cuz I sure as hell don't let anyone TOUCH my hair except my mom...people are haters, im sorry!
You know I am hearing more and more stories like this from ladies with long hair who go to hairdressers. What the heck is going to happen when more of us meet our long hair goals with these hating hairdressers putting their hands on your heads????????? Is there something in the water why all this bad behavior? These people have absolutely no sensitivity and seem to just be outright demonic!
You know I am hearing more and more stories like this from ladies with long hair who go to hairdressers. What the heck is going to happen when more of us meet our long hair goals with these hating hairdressers putting their hands on your heads????????? Is there something in the water why all this bad behavior? These people have absolutely no sensitivity and seem to just be outright demonic!
yeah it is outright demonic, the hate is hard to even comprehend but you called it! I think we all need to learn how to do our own hair whatever way we want it done or whatever we want done to it, it seems like the only hope :perplexed
Here;s a suggestion. Women on this board are from all over, but they don't seem to meet up alot. Start finding people in your local area to help you to do some of those tasks that are hard to do by oneself. Henna, braiding, weaves and relaxers....etc.

As more Black women grow out, more stories like this will happen. I say trust nobody w/ your hair unless they have the same ideas about hair care and growth as yourself. Of course, the better off their hair is, the better.

Geez, I'm very sorry, but not surprised, that this happened.
ITA with everyone who said she's messed up for doing that; it was unecessary to even add the braiding hair IMO! Don't beat yourself up; I've suffered a setback at the expense of a evil stylist, with some good TLC you'll be back before you know it!
I'm really sorry to hear this Grnidmonster. You are not stupid, so don't say this about yourself again. It sounds like you have a plan of action to grow your hair out.

As for the stylist who did this to you, if she doesn't rectify the situation (although what has been done is done), you have the power to make sure this does not happen to anyone else by reporting what happened and/or listing her on the Salon Review Forum on this board.

I hope everything works out.

Here;s a suggestion. Women on this board are from all over, but they don't seem to meet up alot. Start finding people in your local area to help you to do some of those tasks that are hard to do by oneself. Henna, braiding, weaves and relaxers....etc.

As more Black women grow out, more stories like this will happen. I say trust nobody w/ your hair unless they have the same ideas about hair care and growth as yourself. Of course, the better off their hair is, the better.

Geez, I'm very sorry, but not surprised, that this happened.

I've been following this thread and I just have one question...

:angry2: Why do OUR stylists behave as if long hair growing from OUR scalps doesn't belong there unless it's a weave and they just chop it off like it's a deformity? :angry2:
Sue her! I am not licensed But I never even add hair during a sew in unless the person doesn''t have much hair! Not to mention that there was no reason what so ever for her to cut any braid to fit the pattern!

ETA: she did not know what the :censored::censored: she was doing and I hate seeing someone pay to get their hair chopped off and damaged! Completely unnecessary! End rant....

I am so sorry that this happened to you! :rosebud::brucelee:

Gurrrl I so agree w/ you....SUE her, or at least go get your money back. I had this happen to me twice, different stylists. Oh YES you best believe I acted a fool, well not really, but I did confront them both. Like I said these were two separate occurences so lessoned learned speak up ahead of time. Let them know your expectations, seriously. Advise them of your goals and journey. I mean you shouldn't have to go to these extremes, but it has happened to too many ladies. So keep your stylist 'in the know'.

The first lady added hair in...i was getting micros, well she used nail glue at the closing point, and in actuality was glueing my hair in w/ the weave.

The second lady, glued, but didn't get my hair, just pulled so tight it made my hair come out....seem like it got tighter over time. I took them out in 2 days. Micros take a lot of work, but know it shouldn't resort to my hair coming out.