New Member
Well if she hates doing your hair so much I would just oblige her and she wouldnt be doing my hair at all. And how she gonna tell you you can only get twist sets, and rollersets? People got some nerve I tell ya.This happens to me too. My stylist is like a second mother to me. She's been doing my hair since 2001. I love her, but she hates doing my and her daughter's hair cuz both of us have long thick hair. And she ALLLWAYS cuts too much hair off. I think she does that so she wont have to deal with so much hair. Thats why I wanted to start going to her every five or six months and get a trim every other visit. Get this!!! She hates doing my hair so much until she said that I can only get a straw set once a year. Other than that I can only get twist sets, and rollersets.