I am Jealous...


Well-Known Member
I was on CurlyNikki looking at some of her posts. When my lower jaw almost fell off its hinges when I scrolled down and saw this here.

:lick::lick::lick: @ his hair!

This don't make no d@mn sense! lol

I bet he grew all that hair with no problems, set backs, etc lol. Guys have it so easy! I will be watching her site until they post his Interview. I wonder what his routine is like?

*rolls eyes at the boy in the pic*

I am so jelly can't you tell!? *exits thread with a stank attitude*
Uhm....You need to go sit down somewhere.
You are not in a position to be jealous of anyone with ALL that hair of yours :drool:
I know, don't you just hate that? But I'll bet it comes from wearing it in a pony tail all the time and hardly doing anything to it. I'm not going to player hate, but darn it *stalks off*
Uhm....You need to go sit down somewhere.
You are not in a position to be jealous of anyone with ALL that hair of yours :drool:

lol you silly!

I mean he is a guy (i know it shouldn't matter what sex he is) but dang some girls be on here trying to hit SL and can't make it. And they be trying their hearts out. I am sure without effort he grew that hair in 2 months! :lachen:
Ahh, don't be jealous...he's a little nervous about even being featured on the site. He's a cool person with a wonderful sense of humor. He'll tell you anything you want to know about his regimen-just ask him.
Ahh, don't be jealous...he's a little nervous about even being featured on the site. He's a cool person with a wonderful sense of humor. He'll tell you anything you want to know about his regimen-just ask him.

Uhhh Does he have a Fotki, Youtube or website? I didn't see any info on her site about him. Where can I find him online To stalk him? TIA!
Ahh, don't be jealous...he's a little nervous about even being featured on the site. He's a cool person with a wonderful sense of humor. He'll tell you anything you want to know about his regimen-just ask him.

Say what?? And he's got a good personality, to boot? Ok, I can't take it no mo... Walks away sippin on my haterade. :lol:
Guys with long "purdy" hair like that always gives me cause to roll my eyes and say "Now he knows he don't need all that hair on his head"!
This begs the question do you think we do too much to our hair when men can grow it this easily?

Just been watching longhairdontcare2011 on youtube and my her hair is fine tooo....

Feeling very jelly right now...
This begs the question do you think we do too much to our hair when men can grow it this easily?

Just been watching longhairdontcare2011 on youtube and my her hair is fine tooo....

Feeling very jelly right now...

All I know is I hardly did anything to my natural hair for 14 years and it never grew past my shoulders. I didn't even straighten it... so yeah, some may over-do but people like myself need all this stuff that we do to stay on the retention train.
shock!! Irresistable! naughty girl.... :giggle:

ETA: Wow, my imagination is something else. I just imagined the kind of genes you two would bring together. You'd have children with floor length hair! :lachen:
This begs the question do you think we do too much to our hair when men can grow it this easily?

Just been watching longhairdontcare2011 on youtube and my her hair is fine tooo....

Feeling very jelly right now...

Gooooood question.. :think:

But you know men they always down play how much they do to their hair
AND from the looks of it he has nice full edges too! Guys can wear ponytails and straight back cornrows for years...if I did that I'd look like Susan Taylor (editor of Essence). No disrepect but you know what that hairline looks like :look: