I am going to keep/start relaxing

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Proud relaxer since my teens and plan on staying that way. I'm totally part of the DIY crowd and will be relaxing in a short while after a 3 month stretch.

Anyone have a good twistout on relaxed hair YT vid? I have braidouts down pat good enough but havent had a successful relaxer since my profile pic.

Girl I wanna know this too so I hope someone chimes in with a response.

What are the final, final details on the meet up this Saturday? I have tentative plans but they may not transpire so I would like to attend in that event! :yep:


You can vent here anytime. Sorry your support system is giving you a hard time. It's really a personal decision and we have to do what's best for us. Good luck with your decision.

Some stylists know what texlaxing is. You've put so much into your hair thus far and it seems like you have length and health. So, since you sound apprehensive about self-texlaxing, maybe you should find a stylist to do it for you this time around, and as you become more comfortable with the idea (practicing with DC's, etc.), then eventually do it on your own? I am in awe of ladies who self relax -- I could never ever do it.

If you're in Atlanta, along with the recs from the poster above, try Salon Balisi and DontSpeakDefeat and I think there are more recs in the Salon Review Forum.

Oh, if you're available, come to the meet-up on Saturday.

Take care.
DC'ing with ORS packs helps me a lot with the NG. Also when all esle fail, Afrodetangler is the bomb for me.

Yes! Afrodetangler is my hair's friend I use it on my dry hair (it works on my natural,relaxed and texlaxed hair) it's an all natural solution to breakage for me. My ends just love it . :love2:
I'm glad to see this thread also. I recently made the decision to try to pursue natural. Since I have already reached waist length relaxed, this is not an easy thought/transition to pursue.

I've always wanted long hair and have had it now for the past 2 years. This was a goal I thought would never happen but it did...so why give it all up just to be natural. I need to stay out of natural hair youtube videos. I am so torn. I am feigning for a relaxer since I am 10 weeks post.

If push comes to shove, then this will be my start to stretching for several months.

I TRULY admire everyone that is dead set on staying relaxed. This thread shows how relaxed women are bold and confident with their decisions to do things their own way. I really love it and it motivates me.

What are the final, final details on the meet up this Saturday? I have tentative plans but they may not transpire so I would like to attend in that event! :yep:

Click on the link in my siggy! Or go to the Meet-up Forum Area -- all the details right there. Let me know if you can make it.
I know what you mean! I relaxed last night with ORS Lye and my scalp was on fire! :burning: But it turned out nice! :)

Wow! This thread is growing by leaps and bounds, every time i come through here there's another 10 pages!:grin:

I use ORS Lye, i had some burning with it the first time and since then i've just been really careful to base my scalp properly before applying it. Haven't had more than a little tingle since.
I am Unapologetically Relaxed I choose not to defend my Reason nor Decision to stay that way.:grin:

That's How "We" Grown Women Roll.:rolleyes: We don't have to.:look:

Even after a tremendous Salon induced Set-Back Dec. 2008, which prompted me to take control over the Length, Health & Wealth of my own Tresses instead of leaving it in the Hands of Others.:ohwell:

I agree with the bolded. For a while, I really did think this was a natural hair site and thought I joined the wrong site. Quite frankly it was very discouraging here to the point where I thought about leaving the site altogether and find another site that didn't bash someone just because they CHOSE to relax their hair. It was really that bad for me:nono:.

Thank God for a few natural ladies who doesn't care one way or another how someone chooses to wear their hair, they are accepting and supportive and for that I am truly greatful. God bless each and every one of them:yep:.

^^^^ITA with the bolded!!
There are certain members on this forum that will literally rip you to pieces just because you prefer YOUR hair relaxed. I have nothing against natural hair, but it's just something I choose not to do. The utter rudeness made me reconsider my membership too. I had to take a break from the site for a while because I didn't want to read all that negativity. Thanks to the OP for this thread!! I am so glad to see members who relax, have healthy hair and most important, have a positive attitude toward any type of hair!! Thanks for all the support ladies!!

Ya'll I ain't Explaining Nothing.:perplexed

Therefore, I don't even enter "those threads"

Now How I "Look":look: Trying to Justify A Choice I made.:rolleyes: :spinning:

My Hair. My Money. My Choice. Simple as that.:rolleyes: :lachen:

Why were y'all so timid? I was wondering if you guys had just packed your bags and left the building!! I'm so happy to see you guys BACK and in fighting spirit. I need you all so I can get tips to help my relaxed family members! ;)

It's good to see the relaxed ladies back, I say it again! Now our board can go back to being for EVERYODY!

i agree with all you ladies. shoot don't you know we put on our bleaching creams everyday and sit it right next to our relaxer boxes:rolleyes:
and Jamaraa for me i wouldn't call it timid..i call it tired. ive been here for awhile and ive fought the relaxer battles. its to the the point where i could care less what u think about me relaxing. My hair is on point and if all u can come up with is i wanna be white then whatever...don't stop me from being on point. MY choice. worry about YOU
Relaxed and Proud baby, indefinately!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will keep relaxing 2-3 times a year.
the past couple of years i didn't really wear my hair straight much, but for now going back to straight. resting from the braidouts for awhile. so back to using heat 1-2 times a month
i've found a good balance with my protein and moisture. i use keraphix or aphogee 2 min reconstructor twice a month. regular deep condition twice a month. the hardcore protein before each touchup 2-3 times a year.
my hair really hates being airdried. i keep trying but it's not for me.
i bought a pibbs bootleg dryer and will soon start rollersetting. my hair thrives off rollersetting. just takes like an hour to rollerset it..lol.
i really love being relaxed!!!!!!!
I love seeing all the healthy relaxed /natural hair. No one should feel uncomfortable posting about their hair choices.

Who cares what anyone else thinks.
I will keep relaxing 2-3 times a year.
the past couple of years i didn't really wear my hair straight much, but for now going back to straight. resting from the braidouts for awhile. so back to using heat 1-2 times a month
i've found a good balance with my protein and moisture. i use keraphix or aphogee 2 min reconstructor twice a month. regular deep condition twice a month. the hardcore protein before each touchup 2-3 times a year.
my hair really hates being airdried. i keep trying but it's not for me.
i bought a pibbs bootleg dryer and will soon start rollersetting. my hair thrives off rollersetting. just takes like an hour to rollerset it..lol.
i really love being relaxed!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

:yep:. No Avi pics Sylver?! :look:
You guys should look thru the "Embracing Natural Hair" thread for laughs. Many naturals fought the good fight for y'all. There's proof positive that most of us here ain't on that Nappturality tip. I honestly considered starting a post for relaxed heads cuz for awhile there they were all buried under stupid "Natural...?" threads, but I was concerned it wouldn't be taken in the spirit it was meant. Anyway...alls well that ends well. ;)
I thought so....I think you, HappilyMe, perhaps Toy, and a few more I' maybe forgetting are our WL+ ladies. All of yu are relaxed, at least partially. Anyway 4b naturals claiming WL+? I can't think of any.
I thought so....I think you, HappilyMe, perhaps Toy, and a few more I' maybe forgetting are our WL+ ladies. All of yu are relaxed, at least partially. Anyway 4b naturals claiming WL+? I can't think of any.

NO worries Jamaraa, in January I gotchu lol....I hope.
I will keep relaxing 4-5 times per year. The SYNTONICS MILD is great for me. My touch up went great a week ago. I plan on DC'ing 2x's a week and doing protective styling. I will continue to see Eli at Dominican Essence Salon in Brooklyn--she's going to help me grow back the spot on the right side where another stylist broke my hair off. I will continue my Ayurvedic practices as well with Njoi Creations and Cherie Hair products.
Even though I'm not relaxed, I enjoyed reading this thread. I too have noticed the overabundance of naturals on this message board, and know that it does not reflect real life at all---most black women straighten their hair. I never thought that perhaps many of the women with relaxers felt unwelcomed here because of the way some naturals view those with relaxers. I would love to see more pics/updates from the relaxed heads too.
I too have noticed the overabundance of naturals on this message board, and know that it does not reflect real life at all---most black women straighten their hair. I never thought that perhaps many of the women with relaxers felt unwelcomed here because of the way some naturals view those with relaxers. I would love to see more pics/updates from the relaxed heads too.

Back in the day (2003), the majority, in my opinion, was relaxed. It seems in recent years, the trend towards natural has increased.

I think we see many women on this board or youtube transition successfully with beautiful curly hair. Women are on this board for many reasons and mainly because we truly love and enjoy our hair (and seeing others).

So, I think it is a "natural" curiosity and/or desire to want to see those beautiful curls on your own head. Then, certain folks (me) become torn with transitioning but unable to let go of my length.

It strokes the ego when my stylist (white girl but she's good) makes a show of my hair at the shop or when dh and family comment on how long and healthy it is.

But this thread has really hit home and I'm thankful the OP stepped out and started it.
I don't think it should matter how you wear your hair as long as its HEALTHY...Our hair IS beautiful: Natural, Relaxed, Texlaxed, Long, Short, Curly, Straight, Kinky( to the kinkyiest of hair)...It is all up to you on how you want your hair to be.... But let it be HEALTHY:grouphug: above ALL. That is and always will be (or should be) the focus point of this board.

Love Yall:yep:
Thank you for this thread!! As a relaxed head I too was starting to feel like a minority on this board!! I have been stretching for 12 weeks at a time...currently I'm at 10 weeks post and I think I'm going to try and extend it to 16 weeks. My main protective style is a sew in weave I wash once a week and moisturize everyday! I will be a relaxer indefinitely!
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