I am going to keep/start relaxing

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My Mizani Butter Blends came today!!! My eagerness may have startled the FedEx guy! :look: :lachen: My SIL and I have a date tonight to relax me!

Checking in.

Ending my one year stretch soon ( hope to post pics ), never intended to go natural.

About to try Elucence lye regular as soon as I settle on a stylist.

Will go back to my routine which worked just fine for me; relaxing every 3-6 months and rollersetting with no direct heat and if I start having problems just ask DH to lay his anointed hands in it and pray (don't knock it 'til you try it).:grin:

Jas 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.


Amen Sister! Preach it! I agree, don't knock it 'til you try it. I have just started doing this girl BHF and that faith filled prayer works even with something as dead as hair.

Can these dead strands grow fast!? Oh Lord, You know! Daughter of Zion, speak to these strands so that they may grow - FAST! so I spoke to the dead strands and they are growing like weed. Hallelujah to the Lamb of GOD! Father in heaven:worship2::notworthy:, I commit my hair to You, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Oh Gee! I didn't mean to start preaching and praising God, but I couldn't stop myself. My spirit leaped inside me when I read your post!
Seriously I would recommend you purchase some Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier and spritz your new growth with it before attempting to detangle your hair and your hair will literally separate and comb with much ease.

This is the best moisturizer/detangler I have ever used. CVS stores carry them now or you can get them online. BTW, a littel goes a looooong way too.

Seriously??:look: I will definitely check into that then, thanks Aggie, always so helpful!:grin:
I have no intentions on transitioning anytime soon either... I relax with MBB anywhere from 3-6 months, currently 5 months into a 6 month stretch...
Hi Guys

I will always be relaxed. I didn't know going 10 weeks was a stretch until I found this site! :lachen: I have always gone that long, but I think I will try for 12 this time. I have always had at least BSL hair, but it would start to break around that point because I didn't know how to properly care for it between salon visits (I love my stylist but I'm broke). Thanks to this forum, I have learned so many beneficial things. It's only been 3 weeks, and my hair has never looked better (thanks to prepooing and my new FHI). The girl at Walmart, who I see at least 3 times a week, even told me my hair was pretty this morning! That has never happened!
OK so at some point i was thinking of not texlaxing altogether, and I terribly enjoy my stretches because I just love the texture, but now I'm in my 9th month of my stretch with about 5/6 inches of new growth and i nearly cried this morning detangling my hair. so yeah, i DEFINITELY will be texlaxing again in February as scheduled, and will try my best to texlax annually from then on. Going to put braids in my hair asapedly so i can forget detangling and combing!

So glad to see so many relaxed ladies in one thread that's not 2 years old! :grin:

I had actually started just searching through old threads when I had a question about something since there's so much info here. I'm pretty much in maintenance mode for a few months, but it's great not to feel so alone!
Aggie, that gave me chills. Yes, the dead can live again. I'm living proof of that!!!

Breathe on these follicles, oh Wind. Breathe and resurrect these follicles to birth a beautiful, anointed, crown of glory!!!

Amen and Amen!!

At my lowest of lows, when my hair was falling out in clumps, I had my DH lay hands on my head and pray over my hair and decree that my hair would stop coming out and it would grow long lush and beautiful. It worked.

Faith without works is dead.

Amen Sister! Preach it! I agree, don't knock it 'til you try it. I have just started doing this girl BHF and that faith filled prayer works even with something as dead as hair.

Can these dead strands grow fast!? Oh Lord, You know! Daughter of Zion, speak to these strands so that they may grow - FAST! so I spoke to the dead strands and they are growing like weed. Hallelujah to the Lamb of GOD! Father in heaven:worship2::notworthy:, I commit my hair to You, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Oh Gee! I didn't mean to start preaching and praising God, but I couldn't stop myself. My spirit leaped inside me when I read your post!
Thanks OP for starting this thread.

I'm transitioning (well, natural with 2 inches of straight ends left) and I believe this thread is sorely needed.

I look to you guys to give me advice to give to my friends and family who desperately need it.

There are some beautiful relaxed heads on this board, and you guys need to represent!!

I would be in hog heaven if i were relaxed and had all of you for inspiration. Heck, I still look to my 'laxed sistas for tips.:spinning:

So keep up the great work and I'm just here to show you guys some love.

:yep::yep: I agree. I love seeing all the beautiful relaxed heads we have on this forum...you guys are truly inspiring to me in my hair journey!

I'll be checking this thread for tips for my mom and grandma. They are relaxed and happy with their hair, but I know it could look so much better.
AWESOME thread OP! I was natural up until about age 16 and i dont have any plans of going back anytime soon, i'm a tomboy and it was so frustrating to me when stuff was going on or people were going places and i couldnt go cause of the time it would take to do my hair or i had to start my hair WAAAY in advance. I dont think hair should be a burden and it was back then, now i just slick it back and i'm good.

I relax every 12-16 weeks with ORS Lye, LOVE it. Lets try and keep this thread going, i know it will help me and a lot of other relaxed ladies out there that need some support from time to time.
Amen Sister! Preach it! I agree, don't knock it 'til you try it. I have just started doing this girl BHF and that faith filled prayer works even with something as dead as hair.

Can these dead strands grow fast!? Oh Lord, You know! Daughter of Zion, speak to these strands so that they may grow - FAST! so I spoke to the dead strands and they are growing like weed. Hallelujah to the Lamb of GOD! Father in heaven:worship2::notworthy:, I commit my hair to You, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Oh Gee! I didn't mean to start preaching and praising God, but I couldn't stop myself. My spirit leaped inside me when I read your post!

I have tried to transition many times (up to yesterday even), and everytime I do I talk myself out of it. My relaxed hair is thick from root to tip, healthy, shiny, soft, bluntly cut, strong - everything I ever wanted it to be.

I'm like two people sometimes when it comes to this hair. I would love to experience my natural hair. But my relaxed hair is in such amazing condition (after being on this board for 2.5 years and slowly cutting off all my pre-LHCF hair), it's like why mess with a good thing if it's working for me?

You'll probably see me in a transitioning thread in a couple of months. Then I will probably be in a relaxed thread soon thereafter :lachen: I'm funny like that. But relaxing is actually quite successful for some and I think I am one of them.
I have tried to transition many times (up to yesterday even), and everytime I do I talk myself out of it. My relaxed hair is thick from root to tip, healthy, shiny, soft, bluntly cut, strong - everything I ever wanted it to be.

I'm like two people sometimes when it comes to this hair. I would love to experience my natural hair. But my relaxed hair is in such amazing condition (after being on this board for 2.5 years and slowly cutting off all my pre-LHCF hair), it's like why mess with a good thing if it's working for me?

You'll probably see me in a transitioning thread in a couple of months. Then I will probably be in a relaxed thread soon thereafter :lachen: I'm funny like that. But relaxing is actually quite successful for some and I think I am one of them.

:yep: yep that's how I feel. Exactly how I feel. I so curious as to what my natural hair would be like, but I am so in love now with this healthy relaxed hair. I still struggle with shedding, but I think that I have to accept that is a health related issue. other than that. I'm good.
I be having dreams about that rosemary mint...my stylist used the shampoo once on me. I don't know why she doesn't use it anymore. But anyway, it was making my scalp all tingly and fresh feeling, and with the scalp massage from the shampoo girl...:drool:

^Yup that Rosemary-Mint is like straight up crack! Certain minty conditioners make my eyes burn and tear-up..but this one is great :yep:
Aggie, that gave me chills. Yes, the dead can live again. I'm living proof of that!!!

Breathe on these follicles, oh Wind. Breathe and resurrect these follicles to birth a beautiful, anointed, crown of glory!!!

Amen and Amen!!

At my lowest of lows, when my hair was falling out in clumps, I had my DH lay hands on my head and pray over my hair and decree that my hair would stop coming out and it would grow long lush and beautiful. It worked.

Faith without works is dead.

Yes Ma'am! Amen! When we delight ourselves in the Almighty we shall decree a thing and it shall be established for us. Praise the LORD and may HE be forever exalted above all things.
Relaxed head checking in. Like another poster said I plan to keep relaxing until I want short hair again. Right now I'm three months in a 6 month stretch. I have a love-hate relationship with these type of challenges.
:yep: yep that's how I feel. Exactly how I feel. I so curious as to what my natural hair would be like, but I am so in love now with this healthy relaxed hair. I still struggle with shedding, but I think that I have to accept that is a health related issue. other than that. I'm good.

^Omg I agree!! But Braidouts/Twistouts/Bantu-Knotouts have helped to suppress my curiosity :yep:.

The shedding bugs me out sometimes :pullhair: but I have learned not to obsess over it. As long as I see no breakage or EXCESSIVE shedding I'm good. But I do envy the girls that don't shed!!
This transition journey helped me see what to do so my relaxed journey will be more healthy. I relied on others to do my hair and since this transition, I learned how to do everything myself. The last thing I need to learn is how to clip my ends and how to do protein treatments that are less messy.:blush::lachen: I am going to take notes and take my time when I do this.:yep: I learned that I didn't need to use the flat iron or curling iron on high to get the results I desired. That is the greatest thing I've learned on my journey for healthy hair.
This transition journey helped me see what to do so my relaxed journey will be more healthy. I relied on others to do my hair and since this transition, I learned how to do everything myself. The last thing I need to learn is how to clip my ends and how to do protein treatments that are less messy.:blush::lachen: I am going to take notes and take my time when I do this.:yep: I learned that I didn't need to use the flat iron or curling iron on high to get the results I desired. That is the greatest thing I've learned on my journey for healthy hair.

Me and hardcore proteins don't get along. Mix one egg and two tablespoons of castor oil. Put that on damp hair. Put a plastic bag on. Put a turbie twist on top of the plastic bag. The turbie twist will soak up any leakage. Leave that on for 15-30 minutes. Rinse out with lukewarm water (hot water will cook the egg). Then wash and DC as usual.
WARNING: LONG THREAD! (Venting Involved, proceed at your own risk!)

Thanks so much for this thread! I need all the support I can get because my decision to succumb to the creamy crack has been met with such hostility from my regular support system (mother, 2 sisters, SO, and 2 of my BFF's :sad:)
They are all natural by the way. The girls and I started the journey together about 2-3 years ago and have been a great support for each other....until now!

They are disgusted with me. "How could you"? They ask, "You know your hair's going to fall out right"?, "You've come so far, why would you want to throw it all away"?

I told them I believe that with proper hair care, hair can thrive in any state, relaxed or natural! I told them I'll be bra strap length real soon and they laughed!!! :perplexed

I wonder if they even heard my words of wisdom: In a given year I wear my natural hair out only about 30% of the time. The rest of the time the hair is in braids, weaves, under a wig etc. I do this because I have a lot of shrinkage. Case in point, the first 2 pics I attached is of my hair after a fully dried braid out! Even when its completely dry it still has shrinkage.
You don't want to see the shrinkage after a wash! :lachen: Check out the third pic!
It takes me 3 hours to detangle, wash & condition and then braid it or twist it out. And then it takes about 2 days to air dry my hair. Don't use a blow dryer because my hair is so sensitive to heat, I never really press it out or blow it out...
I pretty much just do weaves, braids, wig it, and occasionally wear it out in all its, shrunken nappy glory!

I'm ready to texlax y'all, I like texture without shrinkage, less time spent on hair and more manageability.
Only problem is unlike most of you, I have never tried to self-relax. In my relaxer days I always went to the salon. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I've read your posts on self-texlaxing over and over again but I just don't think I can pull it off on my own. At the same time I don't know where to turn. Do hair stylists generally know what texlaxing is? And can they do it like y'all do?


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WARNING: LONG THREAD! (Venting Involved, proceed at your own risk!)

Thanks so much for this thread! I need all the support I can get because my decision to succumb to the creamy crack has been met with such hostility from my regular support system (mother, 2 sisters, SO, and 2 of my BFF's :sad:)
They are all natural by the way. The girls and I started the journey together about 2-3 years ago and have been a great support for each other....until now!

They are disgusted with me. "How could you"? They ask, "You know your hair's going to fall out right"?, "You've come so far, why would you want to throw it all away"?

I told them I believe that with proper hair care, hair can thrive in any state, relaxed or natural! I told them I'll be bra strap length real soon and they laughed!!! :perplexed

I wonder if they even heard my words of wisdom: In a given year I wear my natural hair out only about 30% of the time. The rest of the time the hair is in braids, weaves, under a wig etc. I do this because I have a lot of shrinkage. Case in point, the first 2 pics I attached is of my hair after a fully dried braid out! Even when its completely dry it still has shrinkage.
You don't want to see the shrinkage after a wash! :lachen: Check out the third pic!
It takes me 3 hours to detangle, wash & condition and then braid it or twist it out. And then it takes about 2 days to air dry my hair. Don't use a blow dryer because my hair is so sensitive to heat, I never really press it out or blow it out...
I pretty much just do weaves, braids, wig it, and occasionally wear it out in all its, shrunken nappy glory!

I'm ready to texlax y'all, I like texture without shrinkage, less time spent on hair and more manageability.
Only problem is unlike most of you, I have never tried to self-relax. In my relaxer days I always went to the salon. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I've read your posts on self-texlaxing over and over again but I just don't think I can pull it off on my own. At the same time I don't know where to turn. Do hair stylists generally know what texlaxing is? And can they do it like y'all do?

I can't help on the texlax because I am bone straight. But there are a few people on the boards who do texlax. Try doing a search for those threads.
WARNING: LONG THREAD! (Venting Involved, proceed at your own risk!)

Thanks so much for this thread! I need all the support I can get because my decision to succumb to the creamy crack has been met with such hostility from my regular support system (mother, 2 sisters, SO, and 2 of my BFF's :sad:)
They are all natural by the way. The girls and I started the journey together about 2-3 years ago and have been a great support for each other....until now!

They are disgusted with me. "How could you"? They ask, "You know your hair's going to fall out right"?, "You've come so far, why would you want to throw it all away"?

I told them I believe that with proper hair care, hair can thrive in any state, relaxed or natural! I told them I'll be bra strap length real soon and they laughed!!! :perplexed

I wonder if they even heard my words of wisdom: In a given year I wear my natural hair out only about 30% of the time. The rest of the time the hair is in braids, weaves, under a wig etc. I do this because I have a lot of shrinkage. Case in point, the first 2 pics I attached is of my hair after a fully dried braid out! Even when its completely dry it still has shrinkage.
You don't want to see the shrinkage after a wash! :lachen: Check out the third pic!
It takes me 3 hours to detangle, wash & condition and then braid it or twist it out. And then it takes about 2 days to air dry my hair. Don't use a blow dryer because my hair is so sensitive to heat, I never really press it out or blow it out...
I pretty much just do weaves, braids, wig it, and occasionally wear it out in all its, shrunken nappy glory!

I'm ready to texlax y'all, I like texture without shrinkage, less time spent on hair and more manageability.
Only problem is unlike most of you, I have never tried to self-relax. In my relaxer days I always went to the salon. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I've read your posts on self-texlaxing over and over again but I just don't think I can pull it off on my own. At the same time I don't know where to turn. Do hair stylists generally know what texlaxing is? And can they do it like y'all do?

Sorry about all that you're going through. If you are interested in going to a salon, you should research Salon Cabelo. It's located in Atlanta and Rachel, the owner has awesome YT videos. She is natural and she wears her hair straight alot. She has a beautiful head of hair. She may be able to help you get the hair you want without having to relax or texlax. Just a suggestion. Hope everything works out for you.
Monroe, alot of self texlexers around here. Im sure they can help you out and if you have a black salon around (a reputible one), you can tell me what you'd like to do. It's pretty much relaxing for a way shorter time, I'd like to think there are places willing to help you out.

Good luck ;)

and please ignore those giving your hostility, as long as you know the basics on keeping your hair healthy you'll be good. Let them see pics of the lovely healthy relaxed girls we have here!
Monroe Lee, Texlaxing is really not that complicated, and definitely not as complicated as we make it sometimes. It is simply relaxing your hair for half or up to 3/4 of the time recommended on the box for your hair texture. For example, my hair is fine and mild relaxers are recommended for fine hair.

I use Mizani Butter Blends mild (lye) relaxer and the recommended time for it to be left in fine hair is about 13-15 minutes including application time. I would leave it on my hair for no more than 8-10 minutes (including application time) then wash it out.

I add 2 Tbls of silk amino acid to it, mix it up, then apply it to my hair. I will not be adding oils to it anymore because I can never be sure that I'd get the same consistency everytime. I believe if you can have it timed properly, the same consistency can be achieved everytime.

MBB has everything you could possibly need to do a full complete relaxer and that is why I chose it. The mild one is known to relax very lightly and some people complained about their hair being under-processed after using it, which in essence is texlaxing.

I have over 9 months of new growth on my head right now and honestly, I cannot understand how ladies who have natural 4a/b/z BSL hair and longer manages their hair and the time and energy that natural hair requires. All I can say is KUDOS to them but I know that I am not prepared to go natural for life:nono:.

Good luck with your efforts but ask questions as you go along. Do some hard research before taking the plunge then proceed with caution. Your friends might end up a little jealous of you, so be prepared for more onslaughts from them but ignore them. Do what you feel in your heart you should do. Relaxing is not for everyone but then being natural is not either. Thank God for choices.
I be having dreams about that rosemary mint...my stylist used the shampoo once on me. I don't know why she doesn't use it anymore. But anyway, it was making my scalp all tingly and fresh feeling, and with the scalp massage from the shampoo girl...:drool:

What products did you use to moisturize your new growth?
In fact, what was your whole regimen? Share your secrets with me...:sekret:

Best products for newgrowth - 2 favs
- Hairveda's whipped cream (baggying cream, I think). I used that entire bottle during the last two months only on the new growth, so I'm not sure how I felt about that.
- Qhemet Amla Heavy Cream is wonderful for newgrowth.

I had tried ORS Olive Oil cream for a little while, and thought I liked it, but realized that I could get less greasy results with other products like the one I mentioned above. Guess it's the mineral oil. If I hadn't tried the others, I would have made do with this.

During this time, wash day was every Saturday, and every Saturday, I DC'd (poo, dc, protein when needed, dc, acv rinse - which helped w detangling). Prior to week 16 (approx), I was doing DCs on Wednesdays too, but had to lessen the manipulation and just do Saturdays towards the end. With my texture, I'd have to do something like braids because detangling was tough and caused some breakage in the back at the line of demarcation.
WARNING: LONG THREAD! (Venting Involved, proceed at your own risk!)

Thanks so much for this thread! I need all the support I can get because my decision to succumb to the creamy crack has been met with such hostility from my regular support system (mother, 2 sisters, SO, and 2 of my BFF's :sad:)
They are all natural by the way. The girls and I started the journey together about 2-3 years ago and have been a great support for each other....until now!

They are disgusted with me. "How could you"? They ask, "You know your hair's going to fall out right"?, "You've come so far, why would you want to throw it all away"?

I told them I believe that with proper hair care, hair can thrive in any state, relaxed or natural! I told them I'll be bra strap length real soon and they laughed!!! :perplexed

I wonder if they even heard my words of wisdom: In a given year I wear my natural hair out only about 30% of the time. The rest of the time the hair is in braids, weaves, under a wig etc. I do this because I have a lot of shrinkage. Case in point, the first 2 pics I attached is of my hair after a fully dried braid out! Even when its completely dry it still has shrinkage.
You don't want to see the shrinkage after a wash! :lachen: Check out the third pic!
It takes me 3 hours to detangle, wash & condition and then braid it or twist it out. And then it takes about 2 days to air dry my hair. Don't use a blow dryer because my hair is so sensitive to heat, I never really press it out or blow it out...
I pretty much just do weaves, braids, wig it, and occasionally wear it out in all its, shrunken nappy glory!

I'm ready to texlax y'all, I like texture without shrinkage, less time spent on hair and more manageability.
Only problem is unlike most of you, I have never tried to self-relax. In my relaxer days I always went to the salon. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I've read your posts on self-texlaxing over and over again but I just don't think I can pull it off on my own. At the same time I don't know where to turn. Do hair stylists generally know what texlaxing is? And can they do it like y'all do?


You can vent here anytime. Sorry your support system is giving you a hard time. It's really a personal decision and we have to do what's best for us. Good luck with your decision.

Some stylists know what texlaxing is. You've put so much into your hair thus far and it seems like you have length and health. So, since you sound apprehensive about self-texlaxing, maybe you should find a stylist to do it for you this time around, and as you become more comfortable with the idea (practicing with DC's, etc.), then eventually do it on your own? I am in awe of ladies who self relax -- I could never ever do it.

If you're in Atlanta, along with the recs from the poster above, try Salon Balisi and DontSpeakDefeat and I think there are more recs in the Salon Review Forum.

Oh, if you're available, come to the meet-up on Saturday.

Take care.
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