I am going to keep/start relaxing

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I am relaxed and loving it!! I tried to stretch for 6 months and that was to much! Now I can stretch for 4 months. So that is three times a year for me!! I use to use No lye relaxers and now I have switched to Hawaiian silky lye relaxer and I love it. I will be relaxing for a longggggggggggggggggggggggggg timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Thanks for starting this thread!!

Thanks OP for starting this thread.

I'm transitioning (well, natural with 2 inches of straight ends left) and I believe this thread is sorely needed.

I look to you guys to give me advice to give to my friends and family who desperately need it.

There are some beautiful relaxed heads on this board, and you guys need to represent!!

I would be in hog heaven if i were relaxed and had all of you for inspiration. Heck, I still look to my 'laxed sistas for tips.:spinning:

So keep up the great work and I'm just here to show you guys some love.

Well good for you OP and others! I'm glad to finally see some relaxed threads here (and I'm a natural to boot). I wondered why you guys have been so timid?
Why 14-16 wks? Why not another 6 month stretch? Just curious if you had any major problems because of the 6 month stretch. I'm trying to do my first 20 wk/5 month stretch ever. I did not plan it, I've just been taking it week by week. This is no picnic. I normally relax between 12-15 wks.

The only way I'd do another 6 month stretch is if I got braids (or maybe a weave? -- I've never gotten a long term weave) because at about 20+ weeks, the daily manipulation broke off some of my hair in the back -- I thought I was doing my best to protect it, but the best I could do required daily brushing to get into my buns (unlike now 2 weeks post, I can do it by hand and even tie it up at night to keep the same bun in for several days at a time) and serious detangling.

Because of the breakage, and the detangling I had to deal with towards the end, it wasn't worth it when 16 weeks is a perfectly commendable stretch time as well. Also, my stylist indicated that stretching may work better for different textures. During this process, I discovered that my hair develops into small clumps of coils in certain places, which is cool and interesting, but not so much when I'm trying to get the hair into a smooth bun. 16 weeks and less, my new growth is more kinky/wavey, and smooths out easier.
I'm going to keep relaxing my hair every 12 weeks for now. Then I have a future goal of upping my exposure to relaxers to every 16 weeks. Maybe one day I can make it to 1/2 a year. But I will be relaxed as long as I can forsee. As a busy student in graduate school, this works well for me. I'm in agreement! Thanks OP!
imma keep relaxing. :grin:. I need to DC more often I suppose. And porosity control after my relaxer needs to become an everytime thing. those two things alone make a world of difference on the health and wellbeing of relaxed hair.
Relaxed fo' Life, Baby...

I try to relax every 10-12 weeks with MBB Lye for Fine/Color Treated hair...I would like to try to stretch out to 14-16 weeks but there is always some kind of event coming up

Thanks for the thread OP...
Also butting in, I use the entire Aveda Damage Remedy line and I've just purchased Aveda Brilliant conditioner. I usually just follow the directions but sometimes I pre-poo with Damage Remedy conditioner on dry hair. I've been using DR for years. Love it!

You girls can butt in whenever :yep:

Do you think the Brilliant conditioner can be used as DC or just rinse out?
Thanks OP for starting this thread.

I'm transitioning (well, natural with 2 inches of straight ends left) and I believe this thread is sorely needed.

I look to you guys to give me advice to give to my friends and family who desperately need it.

There are some beautiful relaxed heads on this board, and you guys need to represent!!

I would be in hog heaven if i were relaxed and had all of you for inspiration. Heck, I still look to my 'laxed sistas for tips.:spinning:

So keep up the great work and I'm just here to show you guys some love.


Really appreciate this. :yep:

jamaraa :lachen:
Relaxed head here, and plan to keep it that way for a while. I usually relax every 8-10 weeks. I've tried stretching longer (4 and 6 months )on a number of occasions, but it always ends up being breakage city for me, so now I stick to what works. Currently 3 weeks post and it feels like 6.
You girls can butt in whenever :yep:

Do you think the Brilliant conditioner can be used as DC or just rinse out?

^yea you totally can...I've done it with my heat-cap for 30-45 min...I like the

Brilliant line....I just like the way the Rosemary-Mint makes my scalp tingle

and the Shampure smells so good
^yea you totally can...I've done it with my heat-cap for 30-45 min...I like the

Brilliant line....I just like the way the Rosemary-Mint makes my scalp tingle

and the Shampure smells so good

Thanks for that info! I haven't used the Brilliant conditioner yet. I love the way Shampure smells! Actually that is how I got hooked on Aveda products back in 1995. My boss at Nordstrom used Shampure and her hair always smelled so good!
Relaxed now, relaxed forever...

Right now, I am going for a 10 week stretch...hoping to reach my goal of relaxing every 12-14 weeks...Affirm Fiberguard...
^I know I'm butting in but Aveda is one of my favorite brands....Rosemary Mint Conditioner, Shampure Shampoo and Shampure conditioner are the best :grin:

I be having dreams about that rosemary mint...my stylist used the shampoo once on me. I don't know why she doesn't use it anymore. But anyway, it was making my scalp all tingly and fresh feeling, and with the scalp massage from the shampoo girl...:drool:

It was tough, especially towards the end. I did have some breakage in the back, but the rest was fine. I think no manipulation styles are probably best that far out.

What products did you use to moisturize your new growth?
In fact, what was your whole regimen? Share your secrets with me...:sekret:
Currently enduring my longest relaxer stretch ever! I am just over 9 months into my stretch and going for 20 months. I need a hair cut really badly:pullhair: but anyhoo, I digress.

I will be texlaxing it leaving a tiny bit of texture in my hair when this stretch ends. I want to leave a very loose curl pattern in my hair so that means instead of the relaxer staying on my fine hair for 15 minutes, 10 minutes including application time would be perfect I feel.

I will be using Mizani MBB mild lye relaxer when I relax again. Design Essentials is nice but it gets my hair wayyyy too straight.

Texlaxed/relaxed head forever here:wave:.

Oh darn I need to braid my hair again because I have this strong urge to cut my hair:crazy::nervous2:.
Relaxed head checking in and I plan on keeping it that way....I normally stretch 10 to 12 weeks...Dont know what type of relaxer is used on my head (isnt that sad?) because my stylist does it for me.. I think its Mizani, but dont quote me on that...Anyway, thanks for this thread OP!
Aww crap, I am so consumed with an urge to cut my hair that I forgot to mention how often I will be texlaxing my hair once my stretch is over. I intend to relax about every 16-20 weeks ata time - that's about 3 times a year and 4 times if I get an unusual growth rate a couple of years in a row:rolleyes:.
I'm going to start relaxing again. I called myself transitioning to be a strait natural. I just realized that it is more damaging to my hair to use the amount of heat needed to just straiten my hair that way. I am going to relax 2 times a year and I will be researching You Tube to help me with retouching tips.:yep: It's been 6 months plus since my last relaxer, so I'll need some practice again.:rolleyes:
Currently enduring my longest relaxer stretch ever! I am just over 9 months into my stretch and going for 20 months. I need a hair cut really badly:pullhair: but anyhoo, I digress.

I will be texlaxing it leaving a tiny bit of texture in my hair when this stretch ends. I want to leave a very loose curl pattern in my hair so that means instead of the relaxer staying on my fine hair for 15 minutes, 10 minutes including application time would be perfect I feel.

I will be using Mizani MBB mild lye relaxer when I relax again. Design Essentials is nice but it gets my hair wayyyy too straight.

Texlaxed/relaxed head forever here:wave:.

Oh darn I need to braid my hair again because I have this strong urge to cut my hair:crazy::nervous2:.

I am so in awe of you. I tried a 6 month stretch once and it was torturous.
Relaxed head here, and plan to keep it that way for a while. I usually relax every 8-10 weeks. I've tried stretching longer (4 and 6 months )on a number of occasions, but it always ends up being breakage city for me, so now I stick to what works. Currently 3 weeks post and it feels like 6.

instead of an extreme like 6 months, you could try 12 weeks ;)
instead of an extreme like 6 months, you could try 12 weeks ;)

Girl I did that last time, not as torturous, but still difficult. It's just that my newgrowth gets soooo tangled once it's past 8, it goes crazy or something, I can't explain it. Until I figure out something that works, I'll stick to whatever keeps my hair not breaking, but thanks for the suggestion:yep:
I'm finally relaxed after some years natural (yet again) and I plan to stay relaxed for a good long time (especially now that I know how to do a twistout! ). My natural hair simply required wayyyy too much time to groom for me. Relaxed, I'm spending one to two hours in my hair per week, max! Loves it and I love seeing my length again!

Thanks so much for this thread!

Took the words right outta my mouth... cosign. ;)
Girl I did that last time, not as torturous, but still difficult. It's just that my newgrowth gets soooo tangled once it's past 8, it goes crazy or something, I can't explain it. Until I figure out something that works, I'll stick to whatever keeps my hair not breaking, but thanks for the suggestion:yep:
I cannot stretch past 9-10 weeks either. The new growth is outta control and I can do NOTHING with it.
Checking in.

Ending my one year stretch soon ( hope to post pics ), never intended to go natural.

About to try Elucence lye regular as soon as I settle on a stylist.

Will go back to my routine which worked just fine for me; relaxing every 3-6 months and rollersetting with no direct heat and if I start having problems just ask DH to lay his anointed hands in it and pray (don't knock it 'til you try it).:grin:

Jas 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

I am so in awe of you. I tried a 6 month stretch once and it was torturous.

That's too funny but thanks hun. It's not easy at all. Henna helps to loosen up the curl pattern a little and I often have my hair protective styled in extension braids and wigs. So it has not really been all that bad.... not yet anyway.
Girl I did that last time, not as torturous, but still difficult. It's just that my newgrowth gets soooo tangled once it's past 8, it goes crazy or something, I can't explain it. Until I figure out something that works, I'll stick to whatever keeps my hair not breaking, but thanks for the suggestion:yep:

Seriously I would recommend you purchase some Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier and spritz your new growth with it before attempting to detangle your hair and your hair will literally separate and comb with much ease.

This is the best moisturizer/detangler I have ever used. CVS stores carry them now or you can get them online. BTW, a littel goes a looooong way too.
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