I am going to keep/start relaxing

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I will continue relaxing my thick, coarse, 4B hair for a LONG time! I love all of the options available. I can do a braid out for a natural look and have the SWANG of relaxed hair.

I relax with Phyto II every 8-10 weeks.

Great thread!
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Yeah I decided to keep relaxing as well, no sooner than 12 weeks. Now that I can do a decent twistout, that satisfies the need for texture.
well - I'll be honest I sit on the fence all the time. I want to be natural but I don't have what it takes for me to be happy natural I don't think. I'm 7 months in and my hair has no curl definition in the front and I look so not cute. Self esteem is shot when I look in the mirror at it. So who knows. I may or may not continue this journey. we'll see.

I love your hair. It is sooooo cute!
Newly bone-laxed after being natural for about 6 years. I'm not cutting my hair anytime soon, so I'll be relaxed bone straight for quite some time. It's not been bad so far; this is the first time I've been relaxed and actually taking care of my own hair, I was natural for most of my adult life. I don't miss the tangles at all, and I'm glad I can actually wear a ponytail without pulling my edges out. Planning to relax 4 times per year, my next touch-up is due in December. :yay:
I'm finally relaxed after some years natural (yet again) and I plan to stay relaxed for a good long time (especially now that I know how to do a twistout! ). My natural hair simply required wayyyy too much time to groom for me. Relaxed, I'm spending one to two hours in my hair per week, max! Loves it and I love seeing my length again!

Thanks so much for this thread!
I'm going to keep relaxing, but no more than 4 times per year. My hair is a hot mess right now with 18 wks ng. I'm trying to make 20, but I don't know. It's like a jungle right about now.
I'm going to keep relaxing, but no more than 4 times per year. My hair is a hot mess right now with 18 wks ng. I'm trying to make 20, but I don't know. It's like a jungle right about now.

Be strong, you only have two weeks left!!
Just keep imagining how gorgeous your hair will look at FULL BSL. :yep:
I plan to keep relaxing - love it -- just ended a six month stretch. Going forward, I'll relax every 14-16 weeks.
I am currently doing an 8 month stretch (I have an event in early May and am relaxing for that). After this stretch, I plan to stretch for 4 months and do three relaxers a year.
I plan to keep relaxing - love it -- just ended a six month stretch. Going forward, I'll relax every 14-16 weeks.

Why 14-16 wks? Why not another 6 month stretch? Just curious if you had any major problems because of the 6 month stretch. I'm trying to do my first 20 wk/5 month stretch ever. I did not plan it, I've just been taking it week by week. This is no picnic. I normally relax between 12-15 wks.
I'm going to keep relaxing every 12-16 weeks, right now with so much growth, my new growth is unbelieveable, my last relaxer didn't take at all, so I will stretch this relaxer out for at least months or try to stretch four months and switch back to lye (Mizani BB probably). When my hair reaches a certain length, i'm going to do nothing but braidouts and ease up on the heat........

I'm very happily relaxed with no plans of transitioning/going natural. I'm going to cut down to only relaxing 4 times a year...its been 2mos since my last relaxer and I can tell that holding out another month will be cake cause I barely see NG. This also leads me to believe that my stylist overprocessed my last relaxer since normally by this time my NG is woofin :look:. Either that or Aussie 3min Miracle and Aphogee 2min is really softening my hair cause thats what I've been rotating every other week.

I'm also gonna keep prepooing no matter how lazy I am. :yep:
^ Prepooing everytime leaves my hair Silky and delish every single time no matter what poo I use afterwards and my BF can't keep his hands outta my hair :lick:, So Ha! to Chris Rock lol...

Keep on DC'n....
Keep on Bantu-knotting when I want curly texture mid week....

Mayb check out Phytorelaxer altho they say 'if it ain't broke' because Mizani has been working consistently wonderfully well for me, for like 3yrs...

And I am gonna try that Castor Oil/Peppermint Oil mix as a hot-oil treatment or add it to my rinses when I color....:drunk: can't imaging the party my scalp is gonna have with that!
Relaxed head checkin' in!

I tossed around the idea of going natural one day, but I think I'm changing my mind. I'm currently 7 weeks post in my first 12 week stretch. The few times I wear my hair out, I can get a nice textured look with bantu knot outs and braid outs.

I love my relaxed hair and can't wait to get it to full WL!

Great thread!
I am going to keep relaxing. i tried a serious stretch (about 6 months) and my hair did not like that too much. The different textures and detangling was too much stress on my hair.

I usually do 3 months and will stretch anywhere from 3-4 months from now on.
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I plan to keep relaxing. I've thought about transitioning, but I'm over it. I've been relaxed for over a decade with no problems.

I plan to relax about 4 times a year and continue rollersetting 1-2 times a week. I sometimes flat-iron or bun. I use a lot of protein in my regimen. (Aveda Damage Remedy, Aphogee, silk proteins in my heat protectants, etc.)

ETA: My goals are to buy a Pibbs and stick with rollersetting, use mainly Aveda products and relax with Phyto, and to eventually grow my hair to waistlength.

Great thread!
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ETA: My goals are to buy a Pibbs and stick with rollersetting, use mainly Aveda products and relax with Phyto, and to eventually grow my hair to waistlength.

Great thread!

do you use any aveda conditioners, if so, how do you use it, which ones and what do you think of them :grin:
I just started to relax my hair (again) and I plan on relaxing about 3 to 4 times a year from now on...I realized that you can have healthy hair naturally and relaxed. It all depends on how you take care of your hair. SO...different strokes for different folks...Just be you and do what is right for you.But for me I love my hair when it is natural and when it is relaxed; but i choose to have my hair relaxed....and what!?!
Wow thanks for all the replies ladies!! I was starting to feel like I was the only one relaxed head left on the planet LOL.
I have been relaxed, then natural for a few years, then relaxed again, then natural some more. Now I am relaxed for good. I like my hair relaxed, and now that I know how to properly take care of it, I love my hair even better. I love how it feels and how it looks, and how it flows. And I love braidouts too when I am not wearing my hair straight.
I plan to relax for a looooong time!
Relaxed head checking in.. I plan on staying relaxed for good and I relax every 12-16 weeks. before the boards this used to be 6 week!

Since learning how to take care of my relaxed head I feel like my hair has flourished and will continue to do so.
2x weekly dc's and handling my hair like a new born baby, lol has helped.
I will keep relaxing every 9 to 10 weeks. I love seeing my length and do braid/twist outs whenever I feel like it. It's a nice combination ! :)
do you use any aveda conditioners, if so, how do you use it, which ones and what do you think of them :grin:

Also butting in, I use the entire Aveda Damage Remedy line and I've just purchased Aveda Brilliant conditioner. I usually just follow the directions but sometimes I pre-poo with Damage Remedy conditioner on dry hair. I've been using DR for years. Love it!
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