I am actually OFFENDED when an ugly dudes "holla"

Why the double standard of men/women and attraction?

  • Men are known as the more visual creature, so it's justified

    Votes: 18 14.4%
  • Men have more options than most women; thus, often times, women are expected to settle

    Votes: 31 24.8%
  • Many women are more desperate (self-esteem issues, conditioning, etc)

    Votes: 27 21.6%
  • What double standard? I don't see one!

    Votes: 11 8.8%
  • I haven't a clue.

    Votes: 38 30.4%

  • Total voters
The only time I'm offended is when they act as if I'll never get a date if I don't pay attention to them. Other than that, I understand that they need love too. Just not from me. :drunk:
co-signing..I know it's shallow
but I mean..... really....

I have had men shout out
I wanna marry you
miss.. you the best lookin thang I've seen ALL WEEK!

& if I give a quick brief smile to be kind.:yawn:..and I wanna be kind
I really do.... I'm working on developing character

they,however, don't just take an inch to the mile
oh nooooooooo...they want to take your clothes

I get fooled every time:nono:
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My feelings used to get hurt but my mom told me when I was a teen ugly boys are used to getting shut down so that's why they have no fear in approaching... stop being so stuck on yourself... take it as a compliment and move on with your life.

Yeah... so even when homeless bums approach me... I just smile thank them and run away... that's it... that's all.
Well, when a guy is filthy, dead drunk at 9am, and is hollering about the shape/size/jiggliness of my body parts, yes I do get offended.

If a guy is just ugly but polite, I smile and KIM.
[QUOTE=joyousnerd;7019447]Well, when a guy is filthy, dead drunk at 9am, and is hollering about the shape/size/jiggliness of my body parts, yes I do get offended.

If a guy is just ugly but polite, I smile and KIM.[/QUOTE]

Now that's disrespectful! :nono:
I don't care that much. Shoot, I'm cute to a bunch of people, that includes ugmos. They don't know what MY type is, so I can't blame them for speaking up. Closed mouth don't get fed. :laugh:

But seriously, I'm not going to be offended because someone thinks I'm attractive. Them thinking they have a chance with me has NOTHING to do with me and everything to do with them.
I get offended but my reason is some of them tend to be so arrogant. I be saying to myself, "fool when was the last time you looked in a mirror."
Okay so I was just coming from lunch and an ugly dude holla'd . . . gave me his card and everything (but when he recognized I wasn't interested he was like, "oh this isn't for a date" :rolleyes:). I haven't been holla'd at in a minute, so I'll take it. :giggle:
In reality he's probably thinking the worse thing you can do is say no and the best thing you can do is say yes, so why not? Some girls like different types of dudes. I remember a friend of mine was a cutie, dressed nice with hair past BSL and the cutest little face that all the guys loved but I swear she would only mess with guys that looked like Beanie Sigal, go figure, lol
I found this quite interesting. Often times I am flattered when oogly doods try to holla. I know me so I just brush it off. He ain't gettin my digits so all is fine and dandy. Do society have a double standard? IDK. I think women settle with just whatever because they feel that they can't do any better or they could be with some abusive fool who tells them that he's the best that they can do. I do feel that on the woman's part it is self-esteem.
I should define ugly: old men because they are being pedos that is ugly, thugs, disrespectful men, unaccomplished men who are just hanging out on the street.
When I get a holla from one of these men I am very offended.

I agree. I have started to get offended by this, too. Especially when I never get approached by nice, intelligent men. More so, I am not offended at the men, but I want to say "God why? Why is it that only these types of men talk to me? You know what's going on here. Why do you allow it? Am I supposed to learn something from them." I just do not get it at all. :ohwell:
I just give them my "please-pass-the-ooowee-you're-smoking-so-I-get-high-enough-to be-a-cockeyed-basa-with-no-shame-like-you" look.


Cocked head and all.
In reality he's probably thinking the worse thing you can do is say no and the best thing you can do is say yes, so why not? Some girls like different types of dudes. I remember a friend of mine was a cutie, dressed nice with hair past BSL and the cutest little face that all the guys loved but I swear she would only mess with guys that looked like Beanie Sigal, go figure, lol

Ain't nothing wrong with Beanie Segal. :lachen:
OP I totally agree with you. I am no Janet Jackson, but I am no ShaNaNa either. Yesterday this guy tried to talk to me and I was so offended. I don't know what made him think that as I walked to my car in my business suit and even some textbooks that he could get mad at me for not talking to his dirty clothes, car from the 80's that was badly damaged, and obvious hood doctrine...I am not shallow at all but give me a break! Before I give a guy a notion that I am interested in him, I am sure to be sure that I am in his league. That's just real talk. For me the offense comes in when they GET MAD at you for not talking to them. Like you are SUPPOSE to give them your number.
NO, it doesn't offend me one bit. I'm don't think I am above being approached by someone because of their physical appearance or material possessions. I tend to not judge. I smile and keep it moving. I am only offended when ANY man is being disrespectful.
How come every time I'm out and about these days, running errands or shopping, I get hit one by all kinds of below avg-avg joe schmo looking fellas?
I am actually quite insulted when they think they can get with me, looking, talking, acting the way they do...

I am sorry, I may be called some arrogant prick for this, but I really don't care. I am an 8, a 9 on my best days...Why the hell are these 3's and 4's, dingy-looking men assuming I'd somehow settle for something like them, carrying myself the way I do.

My ma shakes her head at my sentiments all the time, saying "Oh Gigi, it's all about the beauty on the inside..blahdyblahdyyahdyyah" :rolleyes:

Hmmm mmmkay, but I have one question for you: Why is it that society has this double standard where, whenever a man does not find a woman attractive/up to par/his type, whatever, it's just "his tastes" or what he likes...but when a woman has high standards, and God forbid I want a man who looks good, I'm seen as "PICKY"?

That's simply not fair. And no, I won't humor him with flirting back, or giving my number because he's a nice fella and "it took courage to talk to me" :rolleyes: Not fair at all. If I don't find a man attractive, why should I bother? Why should I force myself to give you a chance when I don't see you as attractive. And don't even get me started on the persistent ones... :wallbash:
It's one thing to gradually appreciate a man's beauty over time, and fall in love with him for who he is...it's another to try to date a man whose face you cannot convince yourself to kiss. <-- I think this is what my dear mother does not understand. lol.

I reserve the right to respond to what I find attractive (as most men do) and the right to ignore if I don't... and the right to feel you should not hold your breath thinking I will wholeheartedly embrace your physical "uniqueness". lol. That's just how I feel about that.

Vent over. All thoughts are welcome!

Yes thanks for posting this ITA 100%, keep your head up girl.
The ugly ones will ALWAYS try to holla, they have nothing to lose. The good looking guy has more options and is less desperate. The good looking guys don't have to stand on the corner and "holla", he knows how to approach a woman or waits to be approached. It goes the same way for ugly women and good looking women.
If an ugly guy says something to me, I just move on. I am more disgusted with older me try to talk to me. Yuck! I like em young, fresh, and green (j/k) I prefer someone my age.
The ugly ones will ALWAYS try to holla, they have nothing to lose. The good looking guy has more options and is less desperate. The good looking guys don't have to stand on the corner and "holla", he knows how to approach a woman or waits to be approached. It goes the same way for ugly women and good looking women.
If an ugly guy says something to me, I just move on. I am more disgusted with older me try to talk to me. Yuck! I like em young, fresh, and green (j/k) I prefer someone my age.

I don't know. After being single for so long, reading the Rules and WMLB, I'm thinking maybe I should start being like those ugly dudes who holler at me. Since I don't have anything to lose, maybe I should say "Bunk the Rules! I"m not waiting for someone to decide whether they feel like approaching me!" and start hollering at any guy I find interesting. If they're interested, then cool and I'll follow the Rules again. If not then whatever! I"ll just move on to the next guy. I mean, gee, it's getting to that point where I don't GAF anymore.
My friend cracks me up when she describes it like this:

"...Oh no you didn't just stand up and hit me with the head nod from yo' front porch at 10:00AM on a Wednesday morning with a mouth full of gold "fronts"! Baby Boy you have a little TOO MUCH self esteem."

Last night, the cashier at the fast food restaurant (Cook Out) asked me for my number. When I turned him down he asked why and said "What's wrong with having good conversation." He was just making it even more painful... Luckily, it was only my friends behind me in the line.

I think I'm going to start approaching guys I am interested in because I also get approached by guys I'm not interested in. Although I sometimes get offended as well, I give them props because it takes a lot of guts.
I use to get offened by dudes who know they don't have a shot in heck to talk to me but my wonderful mentor told me to take it as a compliment bc there must be something attractive about you for a dude who knows he going to be shot down to try to talk..i try not to get too into my looks bc they can be taken in a instant
There are some ugly men that genuinely don't realize they're ugly. Dude can look like Urkel and he'll walk around acting like he looks like Shemar Moore. It's a blind arrogance. Actually there's women that have this problem too but that's a different thread...
To the OP, is it the hollaring that bothers you, or because it's an ugly man doing the hollaring?
I'm sorry Gigi-07, but :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Happens to me all the time. And by old dudes that look like they could be my father or grandpa.:ohwell:
One time I was walking out of Wendy's with a milkshake in my hands. I was with some friends. There was this wrinkled guy in a truck with a younger guy. But of them where looking, but it wasn't the younger one hollering at me, it was the old guy.
'Hey baby, I want some of your milkshake!'
Over and over again. I just KIM. My friends were laughing at me and wanted me to answer him.:perplexed He!! no. He even honked his horn.
Then this Indian guy who looked like he was in his mid-fifties. I was in front of my church, we were having one of those dinner parties where anyone is invited. I was at a booth, handing out literature, ya know, praising the Lord. Old guy comes up and acts real interested in the tracts, etc. So I am explaining stuff to him, and suddenly he asks for my number.
Me: Um...:look: No
Him: Please? Jigga pouted! He pouted!!!
Me: (can't swear on church grounds:lachen:) I'm not giving you my number
Him: (must have thought I was a tease or something. He smiles) Why not?
:wallbash: Creep didn't leave until the pastor came over. Now, I have a very youngish looking face, so often times that deters most people away from bothering me except these old *** pervs!
Other times:
This other guy who smelled like hot sauce, onions, and sweaty armpits tried to ask me out.
This really old white guy with a busted lip hollered at me, and ogled me like I was the incarnation of his exotic fantasies. Calling me, a 'young chocolate ' da he11?

To the OP, is it the hollaring that bothers you, or because it's an ugly man doing the hollaring?
I get mad at the hollering. Wth do I look like a streetwalker?
Its been a long day and maybe I'm just tired...but that seems like such an immature attitude to have. But everyone is entitled to their opinion, not trying to start anything.
If an unattractive man makes a pass at me I smile graciously and keep it moving.