Husband material


Well-Known Member
So the ex contacted me. Yes. The ex. Not an ex. But the EX....

This morning I woke up and checked my emails while I laid beside my husband. I was surprised to get an email from someone I dated for only months years ago.

He simply said "I will never forget you". I have not seen dude for a few years. But every so often he would send me an email or I would see him out and about and I would become nostalgic.

I then started to wonder what is good husband material? What kind of person makes a good mate? Though I loved this man and I knew that he loved me, I knew that he would not make a good partner and I had to let him go. I have no regrets. I still love him but I ove me more and he would not have been a good husband.

Being compatible, trust, stability, faithfulness, being committed and respected are more important than anything if one is to be my life partner. When it comes to permanent relationships I think with my head and not my vagina or my palpitating heart.

I did a blog about this some years ago, which some of you may remember.

What say you? What makes a good partner for you? Please share.


I so wanted him to put a ring on it...................
Posted 05-22-2010 at 02:30 PM by Ganjababy
Updated 05-22-2010 at 02:37 PM by Ganjababy
Years ago I fell in love with this guy. Head over heels. Consumed. Never experienced anything like it. I was on fire. Lost all control.

He was hot. I usually like tall skinny pretty guys. This guy was not my usual type. He was medium height (5'11") and very muscular. He was a former athlete in college and worked out at the gym religiously. He was more handsome than pretty. He had a penchant for savile row suits and handmade shoes. An impeccable dresser.

We knew each other for a year or so and I knew he liked me but he did not ask me out. I wondered why. When we met I had just started dating someone regularly. He knew it was not serious but he still dragged his feet. That should have been a sign I guess.

I dumped the guy I was dating and kind of hinted to my crush that I was not seeing anyone. I had not dumped my guy for him, however, I knew that the relationship would not progress because the feelings just was not there though he ticked all the boxes.

So, finally we had a date. I felt as if I was going to burst. I was beyond elated, I felt I was going to explode with happiness and excitement. All these months of waiting for this guy to ask me out.

We were together for 7 months. 7 of the happiest months in my life, followed by utter devastation. I felt like it was too good to be true. I felt that any minute now my happiness would end. I felt that there was an ominous being waiting to snatch my euphoria. My instincts told me that if it felt like it was too good to be true then it probably was.

The sex was amazing. I am not a very sexual person. However, he made me feel ecstasy. That guy made me feel things I never knew were possible. I could not get enough of him. He made me feel secure. I was a thick girl when we met. He was able to lift me up effortelessly, as if I was a vase of flowers. I would wrap my arms around his muscular shoulders and he would sweep me up. Making me feel like I weighed 90 pounds. He made me feel safe and secure.

When we were not together, we would speak on the phone for 2-4 hours in one go. He would say to me that he did not know what was happening to him. That before me, he would never even speak on the phone for 15 minutes much less all the time we spent talking on the phone. I could speak to him about anything and everything. He thought that I was gorgeous. I felt like the most beautiful woman when we were together.

Sometimes he would come to my apartment and we would just sit, cuddled in happy silence. Other times we would go and have some wine in a wine bar or see a movie. Other times we would just ravage each other, and then sleep deeply to regain our strength, then go for seconds or thirds.

I loved the fact that he would never come to my home empty handed. He always brought me flowers or a drink. Valentines day he sent a dozen red roses to my workplace. It did not state who it was from. It just said that the sender loved me very much. He did not put his name on it so I did not call him to thank him because I thought it was my ex (not the guy I was previously dating, but someone who I had a serious relationship with for 3 years who was trying to get me back).

He rang me slightly annoyed in the night and asked me if I had received the roses. When I realised they were from him I was overjoyed. Suddenly the flowers symbolised to me the love I felt was reciprocated. In the back of my mind I always felt like my feelings for him went deeper than his.

One day, the ex that I used to see for 3 years, rang me and asked if he could come over for a chat and bring dinner. I said ok. By then he knew I was in love with this guy and seemed to have accepted it. I kind of felt sorry for him and we were friends before and after we dated so I honestly thought of him as a friend.

While we were having dinner, the new boyfriend knocked on my door. When I looked and realised it was him I panicked and did not open the door. I was quite annoyed that he would come to my house and not even call first- he did not have that right. Second, when I saw the look of pain on my ex's face I felt really sorry for him and decided to put his feelings first, so I did not open the door.

After he gave up knocking and left. My ex could not eat his dinner, I had also lost my appetite, so he left. Later he rang me and said that he almost crashed his car because he realised that it was really over. He was still hoping that we would eventually get back together. However, after seeing how distressed I was after my new BF knocked, he realised that there was no hope for him and that it was indeed over. I was a bit shocked because we had finished over 18 months previously so I could not understand what part of over he still could not understand.

After the ex left, I instigated damage control by ringing the new BF and casually asking what he has been up to. He told me not to pretend that I did not know that he had just been to my home because he peeked through my window and saw me sitting down and having dinner with some guy TBC................
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I so wanted him to put a ring on it- continued.
Posted 05-23-2010 at 07:46 PM by Ganjababy

So, after that drama he was really angry with me and said he did not want to see me again. I apologized profusely and after a week he forgave me and we continued where we left off.

I continued to fall deeper and deeper in love with him. One night I had a dream that the world was coming to an end. This was in the late 1990's and I had always believed that the world was coming to an end by the end of the millenium So the dream was not a surprise to me. However, in the dream he was by my side. So was my mom, dad, sisters and brothers, and I felt at peace. I felt at peace because the people I loved the most were with me even though we were all going to die.

That dream was like a sign that he was the one. I decided then and there that I wanted to be his wife. Even though I was engaged before, I truly never had any real intention of ever being married. I had/have a lot of hang-ups regarding marriage and men and just knew that I was not marriage material and I did not like the idea of marriage. However, now that I had fallen so deeply for this guy, I felt that I could work through any neurosis I had. The problem was I did not know if he would ever want to be my husband.

After a couple more blissful months, he told me he was going to buy plane tickets so that we could go and see his mom. I was like so happy! His father had died previously. He really looked up to his mom and always spoke about the fact that he was so proud of her. She was a lawyer and had achieved a lot for a black woman of her generation. She also sounded like a tough lady, so though I was extremely ecstatic at the fact that he was taking me home to meet her, I was also a bit nervous.

Then the poop hit the fan, and my world came crashing down.

I got a call on my home phone asking me who I was and why (lets call him Mathew) was calling this number so many times and speaking to someone on this phone for hours. I was dumbstruck. All I could think of saying to the caller was to ask who they were. The caller said not to worry about that. They just wanted to know who I was. I hung up.

I rang him and told him about the phone call. He immediately came to my house and we had a talk. He told me he was once married. He referred to her as his ex so I thought that they were divorced. They had just only separated when we started going out. He was with her when I wondered why he had not asked me out. I was really upset. However it got worse.

The home they had shared while they were still together had to be fixed for some reason so she and their son were basically homeless and had moved into his apartment (so he said) that week while the old marital home was being fixed. So that was how she was able to get hold of his phone bill.

I then asked him why they had broken up. He was honest with me and said that he cheated on her with someone else. One day, she was home and he had not realised it. She overheard him speaking to his side-piece on the phone and went berserk. Though he tried to convince her that he really wanted it to work, and dumped the side-piece, eventually it was just too much for her and they decided it was best if they broke up.

I could not get over the fact that he was under the same roof with his wife and that he had failed to tell me the truth about his marriage. I told him I could not continue the relationship with his wife living under the same roof as him. He said it would only be for several weeks.

After a couple of weeks, I found the situation unbearable. I could not handle the fact that I could not go to his house because his wife was there. I used to lay awake at night and imagine that he was making love to her and felt utter misery. I knew that he still had feelings for her and respected her as the mother of his child.

One night at about 3am I received a call from a number that was blocked. I could hear some heavy breathing as if someone was having sex. I hung up and bawled my eyes out. The next day I confronted him and he pretended ignorance. I believe that him and his wife had sex and she rang my number while they did the deed. I ended our relationship. There was only so much I could take.

Ending that relationship was the hardest thing I had ever done. I felt like I had chopped off my arm. I was hysterical. The emotions I felt overwhelmed me. I felt as if I was sliding into an abyss of darkness. I lost all control. I remember going to my sister's house after. I was on the train crying and bawling and people were looking at me like I had no control over my emotions. I tried so hard to keep it together. I kept telling myself "girl, you always look down on women who act crazy over some peen and now here you are acting like some crazy obsessed woman, pull yourself together!"

When I got to my sister's house she was really worried and thought I had gone crazy. She called my Mom and they both tried to calm me down. I was depressed for a few months.

Just when I started to feel normal again, I went out to a party with some friends and he was there. When I saw him I had a panic attack and nearly fainted. He said he was glad to see me and attempted to give me a hug. I smelled his cologne and wanted to devour him. Instead, I brushed him off and left the party. I felt distressed. He rang me and asked me to hear him out.

He told me that his wife's house was finally fixed and she and their son had moved out of his home. He said that he knew that I want something serious with him and he felt the same way. He loved me and wanted us to move in together. He said that he took so long to get back in touch with me after I dumped him because he wanted to make sure that he had something serious to offer me and he could not do it while his wife was still under his roof.

I felt happy after he said all this and I told him yes. After I hung up I felt unease. He never mentioned marriage. He never mentioned divorce from his wife. I kept remembering that his wife left him because he cheated. I knew, without him telling me, that he really loved his wife, yet she was not enough for him. She was a good woman, yet he disrespected her. Would I really be enough for him? Could he be faithful to me? Did I really want to trade places with her?

I decided not to go back to him and told him. I felt so much pain cutting him off. It was extremely hard. However, I did it for self preservation. I am not going to lie and say that I did it because of my principles. I loved him so much that all principles went out the window. I ended it because I knew that if he did to me what he did to his wife, I would probably break, I was too fragile to handle it. I had been through so much with my family, that I decided from an early age that I would not allow anyone the power to put me through so much grief again.

I always try to find some good in everything. Even the worse experiences. I am thankful that I had him in my life. I enjoyed those few months we had together. Before him I honestly thought I was frigid. He showed me that nothing was wrong with me. He showed me that I was not too damaged to enjoy the beauty of lovemaking. I felt good about myself, that I was able to walk away even though it was such a painful experience. He made me realise that I wanted to be married and have a normal life. He made me realise that I could love.

A year after we broke up I met my DH. Our marriage may not be perfect. We have our ups and downs and disagreements. However, he is a good man. He has seen me through a lot. He provided for me financially while I gained 2 degrees. He accepts me for who I am. He is committed to our relationship. He is hard working, dependable and trustworthy.

I saw my ex on Friday at a function. I was with my DH and sister. My sister said in a suprised tone "wow, there is Mathew, he looks so good." When I saw him I felt a lump in my throat and fleeting longing. I said hi to him. At first he did not recognize me. I have lost a lot of weight. He told me that I looked amazing. He hugged me and kept repeating it. My DH was getting a drink. I left Mathew standing there staring in surprise. I could see the longing in his eyes. I quickly went to my DH's side. He instinctively squeezed my hand and asked me if I was okay. I smiled and told him yes.

I then thought of this poem by Wordsworth.............

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering..........................
I'm happy that you found out what true love really is and not to only use your heart but your mind to find someone who is truly husband material. I love the biblical story of the Shulammite maiden and the shepherd boy. She refused King Solomon's advances for her true love the shepherd boy. I shared this with my daughter and she chose an absolutely wonderful husband. Too happy!

Here is the article. I especially enjoyed paragraphs 4 and 5.
"Do You Really Appreciate God's Gift of Marriage?"

I also appreciate your candor. It couldn't be easy to go back thru your feelings like that.
Thanks for sharing that..I'm going through something similar as far as intensity of're a good writer :)
I loved reading this. Thank you to the poster that said you wrote well or else I would have missed it! Glad I went back to read. I'm so stealing this poem. Who wrote it?
That was a really good read and I am glad you were able to pull yourself from his grasp. People like that are very charming and have a way of making you feel like the only woman in the world when they actually have women all over the place. I am so glad you didn't marry him.
Ganjababy Thank you. I appreciate you sharing this true experience with us. I have made many bad choices in life. All of us have had some bad ones. I met some one at a job a long time ago. I remember him talking about his main squeeze Henrietta when I first met him. He was a disc jockey. I liked him. I start seeing him. Henrietta was a side piece, me too. He had a wife named Karla. Fast forward. I was out of that 35 years ago. Men are terrible in this manner covering up all these dramatic life issues with lies and more lies.
That was an amazing read! To answer your question, I believe honesty, reliabilty, and compatibility makes for a good companionship. Passion can drive one wild, but once it burns out, you are left with a cold bed and wasted years. I had a similar situation-someone great on paper and a an overall wonderful catch. It took eight years for me to realize we were not meant to be; two months after breaking up with my 'soulmate,' an ex Bf called with a heart full of contrition. Three years later, ex BF is DH-we are happily married and working on baby number two. I've come to realize that marriage can be equally wonderous and difficult, so you have to be very careful with who you chose as a mate.
I stood here and read you entire post to the very end....nonstop. I don't think I've ever done that on here. It really touched me because I've been in that emotional place myself. thanks for sharing it.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Thank you soo much for sharing your story. You have no idea the power your words had on my journey towards healing from something. You gave me hope that I there is life and happiness after an intense, comsuming love with someone you have an unexplainable connection with. You didn't have to share but I'm glad you did.

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From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Thank you soo much for sharing your story. You have no idea the power your words had on my journey towards healing from something. You gave me hope that I there is life and happiness after an intense, comsuming love with someone you have an unexplainable connection with. You didn't have to share but I'm glad you did.

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All of this. I could not have read this at a better time. Wow...
Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I felt your emotions through your words.

I had an ex whom I thought I would marry but he cheated on me and humiliated me. But honestly, that relationship taught me not just what I didn't want, but what I DID want. For me, I knew I wanted a husband who cherished me and who would move heaven and earth to have me. Someone who knew my worth and would spend the rest of his life showing me how much he loves and values me.

We always talk about the stuff that looks good on paper, you know, good provider, educated, etc. and that stuff is important for sure but to have someone who adores and cherishes you is vital. It sounds like you have that in your dh and I'm so happy for you!
I'm just reading this and i'm happy I found this thread. Many lessons to learn from your experience Ganjababy.

My only regret is not subscribing to LHCF sooner than I did to be able to benefit from many of the threads shared and started here.
Great read!! I have an EX like that and I always felt he was my soulmate. Being wiser I see that it was a strong connection that had a shaky foundation and couldn't have worked. Glad you left him alone and met the man for you!
I really needed this today. You helped clear my head.
Here I sit, prettying up to go possibly pass by a crush who has a girlfriend I do business with.
I asked God to show me the way and a sign.
He sent his mother (who work for him) to my apartment and she told me he cheated his girlfriend and he is very stupid. :perplexed

Thank you, I really needed help in freeing my mind of this turning wheel. :drunk:

So now I will just be pretty amazing and carry on with my day.
Love with the right guy will find me. :yep:
loves and values me. We always talk about the stuff that looks good on paper, you know, good provider, educated, etc.

This is randoms but I remember when my ex told someone that "I looked good on paper" but that I didn't make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up; that cut me deep. I hate those words now.
I kept going from post to post wondering how did she know my story? I've been here before like I'm sure many women have. I definitely agree with Southernbella. on wanting a man that cherishes you. Thankful.
This is randoms but I remember when my ex told someone that "I looked good on paper" but that I didn't make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up; that cut me deep. I hate those words now.

Sounds like he wants a stalker. :look:
This is randoms but I remember when my ex told someone that "I looked good on paper" but that I didn't make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up; that cut me deep. I hate those words now.

I know ..It's hard to hear certain things but always remember that the opinion of another person doesn't define who you are .
Some men will think you re the best thing ever happened to them ,some others will think you re not suitable for them . Its hard to accept when we re into someone but it's important ,for our wellbeing ,not to dwell on the past and not give too much importance to those who don't fully appreciate us .
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