Huge Variation In Saa Powder - Have I Been Sent The Wrong Thing?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone

I just received my second order of silk amino acid powder, and even though it's from the same ebay seller it's so different from what I received before that I'm wondering if one of these wasn't/isn't SAA powder at all!

The product I have been using was a pure white, odourless powder the same consistency as icing sugar: it kind of stuck to itself and if (for example) you pressed your finger into it, the indent would stay in place (if that description makes any sense!). When added to water, it made a cloudy, milky liquid, and some of the powder settled at the bottom so you had to shake it up before each use.

On the other hand, the powder I just received is a creamy yellow colour, and it really smells :barf: it's more the consistency of ultra fine sand. Mixed with water, it makes a clear orange liquid that so far hasn't settled.

Do you think one of these isn't SAA powder? Which one? And do you have any idea what the other one is?? Thanks!
I've only bought SSA powder twice (and both times from the same seller). I love it it my clay mixes- the only way I've used it so I can't confirm the colour/ consistency when mixed with water alone. It is a super fine powder that has a strong 'fishy' odour, and is a pearl/creamy colour.

ETA: it doesn't smell when mixed into something, but when I take it out to use, I can smell it before I even open the bag.
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Thank you! I have emailed the seller but wanted to ask you all too :)

Hmm AbsyBlvd that sounds more like what I've received this time; wonder what in the heck I've been sticking in my hair for the last 4 months if it wasn't SAA??
@CluelessJL When I read reviews on silk peptide powder and powdered SSA, there were comments on the smell. I have no idea what the other stuff was but hopefully it did no harm.
@AbsyBlvd I don't think it has; I actually thought it was making a great difference, hence the re-order! Either the seller happened to send something with very similar properties, or I've been a huge victim of the placebo effect :confused:
@AbsyBlvd I don't think it has; I actually thought it was making a great difference, hence the re-order! Either the seller happened to send something with very similar properties, or I've been a huge victim of the placebo effect :confused:

I wonder about that placebo effect at times. I hope it's not all in my head:lol:. I like the way hair feels since using SSA. Let me know if you notice any difference with how your hair responds to this batch.
Can't say I'm hugely reassured by the seller's response:

"Really sorry, this isn't a product we know that much about. I have spoken to the warehouse and they think it does seem something is wrong and we will speak to our supplier."

Erm...I want to know what I've been putting on my hair for the last few months! And I was hoping to double check that what I've got now is actually SAA before I start slapping that on too (although it sounds like it almost definitely is!).
Can't say I'm hugely reassured by the seller's response:

"Really sorry, this isn't a product we know that much about. I have spoken to the warehouse and they think it does seem something is wrong and we will speak to our supplier."

Erm...I want to know what I've been putting on my hair for the last few months! And I was hoping to double check that what I've got now is actually SAA before I start slapping that on too (although it sounds like it almost definitely is!).
wow :lol:
Can't say I'm hugely reassured by the seller's response:

"Really sorry, this isn't a product we know that much about. I have spoken to the warehouse and they think it does seem something is wrong and we will speak to our supplier."

Erm...I want to know what I've been putting on my hair for the last few months! And I was hoping to double check that what I've got now is actually SAA before I start slapping that on too (although it sounds like it almost definitely is!).

That is not reassuring at all. I buy via Amazon, from the seller Mystic Moments. I've bought other stuff from them, and everything's been a-ok.
@AbsyBlvd that's the same seller I'm using, but through ebay! In the latest email I got the following:

"We believe they are both silk amino acid, they come from our supplier in sealed bags. The batches can differ due to lots of factors, it could be a different grade."

I'm still confused on two counts: first, I'm not sure why they seem to be saying there can't have been any kind of mix up when the products come in sealed (and unmarked) bags. Second, am I misunderstanding the word 'grade' in this context? Because if it means quality, then why are two different grades being sold interchangeably at the same price...?

Also, I'm being offered a refund or replacement. But if the product comes in sealed bags, how would the seller know what I'd end up with if I ask for a replacement?? :confused:

Rant over :p
@CluelessJL it's a shame the seller can't be more specific about the product they are selling. The outer sealed silver bag it comes in is either labelled as silk peptide/ silk amino acid powder. Do your bags come totally unmarked? I found some info that may help regarding the 'different grade' issue that may (or may not) help ease your mind:). Unfortunately the link is not working.
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I can't remember seeing anything on the outer packaging, but I've already thrown it away so I can't be sure. How annoying. Let me know if the link starts working! :)