Well-Known Member
Layluh I like your thinking style.
Also I would like to add that some therapists dont even like working with narc because their improvement rate is practically zero. Ive even read some say that most of the time narcs get therapy on only wind up improving their narc skills by learning more about emotions, empathy and compassion in order to use it for their gain especially in the idealizing phase of the relationship.
A narc has to be willing to uncover that child he buried and nuture it back to life. But they've created a new person who is perfect in every way, that is what they present to the world and we feed them through ample narcisisstic supply. They rely on it, they depend on it. Without it, they are nothing.
Ok this makes sense. I just thought these people were incurable. I got a sociopath and a narc in my life and they are the most draining people I have ever come across. I got a close relative that is a narcissist too. All have went through some very traumatic childhood experiences. And none of them have really dealt with it. They hurt from it daily, but they bury the pain. They make everyone else feel miserable and crazy all at the same time. One minute, I am a loser who can't add anything to the relationship. Next, I am the love of his life. They say and do the most screwed up crap, but they don't leave you alone. Just vampires, zombies eating you alive.