How To Show Him You’re A Great Catch (by Rori Raye)


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How To Show Him You’re A Great Catch
By Rori Raye
Author of best-selling eBook Have The Relationship You Want and free newsletter .

So you’ve finally met a man you really like and can see yourself having a relationship with him. You should make an effort to show him you’re a real find, right?

Actually, no. The fantastic thing about being a woman is that getting a man to see how wonderful you are doesn’t involve any effort at all. In fact, it’s all about simply being, not doing.


When we meet a great guy, we women often try to do, do, do whatever we can to make him see what a great catch we are. We’ll go out of our way to do things for a man, plan outings together, and sometimes even say yes to things he wants that go against what we want.

You can’t convince a man to fall in love. But you can lead him there by connecting to his heart. One of the most powerful ways to do this is to let yourself be guided by your feminine energy rather than your masculine. Feminine energy is about being instead of doing. When you focus on simply being in the moment and enjoying a man’s company and attention, you automatically shift your vibe so that he can step into the masculine, doer role.

To do that, you must first be open to receive.


Inspiring a man to see you as the one woman he wants to be with forever is all about you being able to receive love.

Men fall in love when they give to you, not because of how much you give them or do for them. When you shower him with affection, attention, dinners, gifts, and always go out of your way to drive to his place, it makes him think of you as a mother or a friend instead of inspiring his emotional desire for you.

When you are open to receiving from a man, you are sending a message that you value yourself – you believe you are worthy of his time, attention, gestures, and ultimately his love. So resist the temptation to prove your worth by giving and instead create the space for him to give to you.


Men are competitive creatures who value what they have to work hard to get. If he gets a sense that you’re completely devoted to him with very little investment on his part, he’ll question your value.

This means you do not give away exclusivity to a man until you have the commitment you want from him. Instead, you keep dating and meeting lots of different men so that you give yourself a chance to find out what you really want and need from a relationship. At the same time, you aren’t prematurely cutting yourself off from your Mr. Right in case you haven’t met him yet!

When you keep the focus on yourself and keep yourself open to other men, you send the message loud and clear that you’re a woman who puts herself first and that you are a prize. This elevates your “degree of difficulty” so he has to step up his game to get you all to himself...or risk another guy beating him to it.


The most important thing to remember when you are dating a man and want him to realize how wonderful you are is to put your happiness first.

If you love taking a dance class every Thursday night, don’t give it up just because he’s in the picture and you don’t want him to think you’re not interested. Letting him know you have a life before him actually makes him more attracted to you – not just because you’re not about to drop everything for him, but because people who are passionate about their interests are interesting people!

So, tell him, “It would feel so great to see Thursday, but I have my dance class that night, and I love it. I’m free Tuesday or Friday.” Then ask him what he thinks. It might feel a little scary to do this with a guy you really like, but the right guy will gladly re-arrange his plans to see you. Why? Because you’ve just proven you’re a great catch he has to woo and win.

Rori teaches women how to break out of the patterns that have been keeping them from truly connecting with a man’s heart so that they can experience deep intimacy. To learn specific ways you can step out of the “doing” role in your relationship and into the more feminine energy “feeling” role that is so alluring and magnetic to a man, subscribe to Rori’s free e-newsletter. You’ll discover even more effortless ways to let a man know he’s lucky to have you.
Good post. But like other posters pointed out,it's been said before. I know I've said it several times in a few threads. But maybe it needs to be repeated b/c some ppl just don't get it.:ohwell:
For the 'already been said' ladies . . . if sayings were never to be repeated LHCF would not exist. So, YOU know something, so YOU said something . . . doesn't mean someone else can't benefit from the repetition. Geesh.
This is a great reminder [mention=12281662] LovinLocks[/mention]! :yep:

It took me a while to remember this, but I have finally come to grips with this and have learned this about men over the years. I think John Gray (Men Are From Mars/Women Are From Venus) brings out this point also in his book "Mars and Venus On a Date". I had not known about this concept until reading his book a couple years back.

It makes so much sense! I wish I had this type of advice 4 years ago. :ohwell: Smh.....:nono: I was really into a guy friend of mine and was wondering why my "efforts" to show him that I really liked him (ie. inviting him places, stopping what I was doing at the drop of a hat when I got an invite from him, calling/texting him, etc) never accomplished what I wanted in the end! :wallbash: All it gave me was him playing games and me getting my heart broken...on a NUMBER of occassions. :nono:

Now I'm older, wiser, and a LOT more observant. :yep: You would think it is common knowledge, but it really isn't common knowledge for every woman out here. We women think that because it makes US feel good to have a man "DO" something for us to show us he's interested...WE erroneously assume that men like a woman to "DO" something for him in order to show him that she's interested. That is SO not the case. :nono2:

Men actually like women *more* when they're the ones going out of their way to impress a woman.
I agree that it helps to hear it again. Then you can't say no one ever told you. The truth is that a lot of the best relationship advice out there is what you've already heard. Often the ones who "don't get it" usually just think their situation is an exception to the rule.