The Rori Raye Way

I'm finally watching Lovescripts for Dating. I remember reading the workbook last year thinking "I can't do that." But it's really resonating with in me now. I'm receiving all the "feeling stuff" with a lot less resistance. I'm trying to practice feeling messages on everyone, girlfriends included. My biggest challenge will be getting truly in touch with my feelings. It seems to be locked away in a different place inside.
@Belle Du Jour ive been looking at a little Rori too. I think she trained all the girls I’m looking at now because honestly they ALL sound the same. So I get the free content from Sami, Helena, Leigha, and Alendra or whatever her name is.

Focus on yourself: stay in your zone
Fall back
The toxic four C’s: criticism, correction, complaining, controlling
Learn a few scripts:
Use feeling statements: I feel so cozy and warm with the satin sheets touching my silky skin slowly (paint a picture in their minds)
Stay mysterious: where do you work? Oh you don’t want to hear about my job. Yours sounds soooo exciting lol.
Be slow and deliberate.

What are some key points you learned?
@Belle Du Jour ive been looking at a little Rori too. I think she trained all the girls I’m looking at now because honestly they ALL sound the same. So I get the free content from Sami, Helena, Leigha, and Alendra or whatever her name is.

Focus on yourself: stay in your zone
Fall back
The toxic four C’s: criticism, correction, complaining, controlling
Learn a few scripts:
Use feeling statements: I feel so cozy and warm with the satin sheets touching my silky skin slowly (paint a picture in their minds)
Stay mysterious: where do you work? Oh you don’t want to hear about my job. Yours sounds soooo exciting lol.
Be slow and deliberate.

What are some key points you learned?

Yes she did train them all. They are all on her website as RR certified coaches. :yep: Unfortunately I found a lot of RR's info esoteric when I made the first pass. Her coaches simplify it and package it in a way that I'm better able to understand. But NOW I'm able to go back and see all the juicy goodness there is in her material :yep:

Key points for me?
-keep the focus on me; what he's doing isn't my problem or concern
-value his actions over his words
-trusting a man means trusting his timeline, even if he's not coming towards you at the moment. There is a reason for that but it's not your job to figure it out!
-lean back physically, emotionally, mentally, etc
-do whatever tools work for you to keep you grounded and in the moment
-express your feelings and don't be afraid to be vulnerable because that's our superpower
-men have their own version of women's intuition: they can read our energy so pretending anything is futile
-women are the emotional leaders of the relationship while men direct the actual course of the relationship
-him feeling emotionally safe is directly proportional to how much we feel safe with ourselves
-don't pretend to be high value; actually cultivate a high degree of difficulty
Here's something I picked up on during my second pass through the programs (specifically TMR): we have both masculine and feminine energies. Both need to be active. It's actually your boy energy that takes care of you and helps you to do the things you need to do to keep your life running smoothly while your girl energy allows you to receive from men. Men will show up in your life reflecting your own masculine energy. So if your boy energy is passive, leaned back, not doing things for you, flaky, non-committal, etc that's the kind of men you will attract.

Here's something I picked up on during my second pass through the programs (specifically TMR): we have both masculine and feminine energies. Both need to be active. It's actually your boy energy that takes care of you and helps you to do the things you need to do to keep your life running smoothly while your girl energy allows you to receive from men. Men will show up in your life reflecting your own masculine energy. So if your boy energy is passive, leaned back, not doing things for you, flaky, non-committal, etc that's the kind of men you will attract.

So basically when I'm not loving myself, when I sometimes loving myself and sometimes not, I will attract these Beta acting men?
That makes a lot of sense. My masculine isn’t really alpha or beta, more like silent and strong. I can see a lot of this in a guy I’m seeing. I guess it makes sense now. He’s still a donkeys butt though. Thanks!

It's kind of cool that you can track it that way...I recently said to my coach that I was attracting flaky men at one point and she said how are you flaky in your own life? I could immediately answer her question...but I never made the connection before. So she gave me a little exercise to do which I'm now working on :yep:
It's kind of cool that you can track it that way...I recently said to my coach that I was attracting flaky men at one point and she said how are you flaky in your own life? I could immediately answer her question...but I never made the connection before. So she gave me a little exercise to do which I'm now working on :yep:

Can you describe flaky?
Tried feeling messages on my guy I've been seeing for almost 4 months. We haven't been having problems per se just the growing pains of learning each other as we acknowledge our feelings and fears about getting serious. So things have been great since I took back my exclusivity. I just think it's better that I don't get consumed with him, what he's doing right or what he's doing wrong because I'm only focusing on him.

Over the weekend we had a general conversation about life and love. The conversation then moved to us and how we handled our couple of dust ups. I didn't want to have a fight because we all know that's what happens when you start to rehash stuff that was probably never fully resolved in the first place. So I thought it was a good idea to practice letting go of wanting him to see his wrong in the situation and just get across what I want(ed). Period. It's about me, not him.

He asked me why I got so angry and dismissive and instead of saying "Not responding the way you want me to does not equal angry and dismissive!" I simply said "I felt disappointed" it was a true statement but I wasn't exactly answering his question. He asked why? I said I just felt alone. He said how could I feel alone when he was willing to have the conversation. I said "I felt overwhelmed because I felt like all the responsibility was on me to fix things. I want to feel close and be a team." I wanted to say "be a team with my partner" but I was trying very hard to keep the focus on me, what I wanted, what I need to feel safe and how I wanted that to happen. Again, nothing to do with him at all. Just a general safeness I want with any person I end up with.

So he just looked at me for a moment and said "I want that too" reached over and hugged me long and tight, kissed me on my forehead and asked if I wanted to go out or stay in. "We can do whatever you want" he said. Lol

Man, once you get this stuff down and learn how to communicate focusing on yourself only, this stuff gets pretty easy.
So I have broken up with this guy. He's a good guy, just not what I want. At first I felt guilty about ending things and have since realized it wasn't exactly guilt I was feeling but that's for another thread.

I have learned so much over the past year with doing the work on myself that it really does get hard to ignore what you want/need to feel fulfilled in a relationship once you figure it out. I remember the days of trying to make things work and over functioning in a relationship. With Rori's programs (along with things like therapy, meditation, abraham hicks, etc) the need to do that has completely disappeared. In fact it not only disappeared but it almost feels unnatural now. I don't know about anyone else, but in the beginning I felt bad about that. I felt bad for not over functioning or trying to fix things. Isn't that weird? Anyway, I'm rambling - I just wanted to post that these programs can really change things if you do the work.
How do I get rid of blockages?

I would say deep inner work via 1:1 coaching, group coaching, or a pre-recorded program from any of the coaches mentioned in this thread. You have to see which coach resonates with you. There are other resources as well: EFT, NLP, subliminals, meditation, ho'oponopono, the Work (Byron Katie). That's just a short list of various tools I've come across on my journey (didn't use them all but researched them).
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The Heart Connection Tool Kit and Modern Siren are great programs for this. If I've learned anything from Rori, it's that it's always about me. I have to come first. I have to understand what I want and need and have no apologies for it. Take care of me first. The men are just a happy side effect after all this.

These are golden but I personally missed the value the first time around. I needed programs from her trained coaches to break down what RR was saying all along. NOW I can apply the tools because I have more awareness about the underlying issues and I'm super committed to doing the work.
Here's something I picked up on during my second pass through the programs (specifically TMR): we have both masculine and feminine energies. Both need to be active. It's actually your boy energy that takes care of you and helps you to do the things you need to do to keep your life running smoothly while your girl energy allows you to receive from men. Men will show up in your life reflecting your own masculine energy. So if your boy energy is passive, leaned back, not doing things for you, flaky, non-committal, etc that's the kind of men you will attract.

It's kind of cool that you can track it that way...I recently said to my coach that I was attracting flaky men at one point and she said how are you flaky in your own life? I could immediately answer her question...but I never made the connection before. So she gave me a little exercise to do which I'm now working on :yep:
I just had an aha moment! :bighug:
For those of you who have done the programs, which tools are your favorite and why?

My favorites:

The Waterwheel (Heart connection toolkit) because making that motion with my arms actually creates some energy/air movement so it's like feeling all the good energy coming towards me.

Chair Anchor (Modern Siren) because it helps me to steady myself if I'm feeling anxious.

Waves and Ocean Floor (Modern Siren) because it allows me to feel safe feeling whatever I'm feeling and knowing that I won't get swept away.

Turn around/100 men/Out the window (Reconnect Your Relationship) because it's great to help you stop obsessing about one man, see the other men who are already giving to you and using their energy to support your own desires and needs.
For those of you who have done the programs, which tools are your favorite and why?

My favorites:

The Waterwheel (Heart connection toolkit) because making that motion with my arms actually creates some energy/air movement so it's like feeling all the good energy coming towards me.

Chair Anchor (Modern Siren) because it helps me to steady myself if I'm feeling anxious.

Waves and Ocean Floor (Modern Siren) because it allows me to feel safe feeling whatever I'm feeling and knowing that I won't get swept away.

Turn around/100 men/Out the window (Reconnect Your Relationship) because it's great to help you stop obsessing about one man, see the other men who are already giving to you and using their energy to support your own desires and needs.
I like the 100 men thing. It makes me have self confidence when I walk into a room and imagine 100 men fawning all over me.
Okay, I just bit the bullet and purchased her complete package. The reason why? Well, there’s Mr. Hot & Cold who told me it’s hard for him to emotionally connect to me. I realized, I don’t know how to express emotion to a romantic interest, without it coming off as I need him to do something to make me feel better. And, then, I usually end up not expressing emotion at all to avoid sounding needy. So, then Mr. Hot & Cold doesn’t feel needed, because I’m not expressing my needs to him...ughh...the cycle...

So, per Katarina Phang, I’m letting Mr. Hot & Cold do what he do and I’ve pivoted and started dating other men. A man I met walking home from work on Friday wants to meet me for drinks tomorrow. So, I’m going through as much of Rori’s teachings as I can before tomorrow to learn how to express myself in a feminine, high-value, non-needy way.
Okay, I just bit the bullet and purchased her complete package. The reason why? Well, there’s Mr. Hot & Cold who told me it’s hard for him to emotionally connect to me. I realized, I don’t know how to express emotion to a romantic interest, without it coming off as I need him to do something to make me feel better. And, then, I usually end up not expressing emotion at all to avoid sounding needy. So, then Mr. Hot & Cold doesn’t feel needed, because I’m not expressing my needs to him...ughh...the cycle...

So, per Katarina Phang, I’m letting Mr. Hot & Cold do what he do and I’ve pivoted and started dating other men. A man I met walking home from work on Friday wants to meet me for drinks tomorrow. So, I’m going through as much of Rori’s teachings as I can before tomorrow to learn how to express myself in a feminine, high-value, non-needy way.

Awesome! It's such a great program although I had to go through some stuff a second time to really get it. Have fun!