How To Attract A Rich Man

Its a fact, they love Black women. My mom, sister, and godmother all married Jewish men.

It's also true that Muslim men are harder to catch. In my experience, they usually marry their own.
Yes, the Jewish men here are very outgoing when it comes to approaching me. I have not dated one seriously, yet. Like I mentioned, I'd prefer someone of the same faith.

When you say "own" what do you mean?
SweetNic_JA I think she means they marry Muslim women, from their own culture. I am open to dating Jewish men and i'm very knowledgeable about their practices, i'm more familiar with the Orthodox ones tho.

I was doing some surfing/research and came across this site. This thread came to mind. Notice for the top ten the same countries keep repeating for the past 3 years. See link
Ladies, I'm not trying to make this thread about me but I just wanted to say a few things. You can apply this to anything in life, but this is primarily about building that network and getting exposure to put you in the right place to meet your right guy:

1. Timing is everything
2. Step out of your comfort zone - put in a little work.
3. Don't be afraid to say hello to people
4. Don't be afraid to go where you "shouldn't". The worse you can get is a no, but usually it will be a resounding YES.

I'll speak more later.

Off to see my grandma :)
SweetNic_JA I think she means they marry Muslim women, from their own culture. I am open to dating Jewish men and i'm very knowledgeable about their practices, i'm more familiar with the Orthodox ones tho.

I was doing some surfing/research and came across this site. This thread came to mind. Notice for the top ten the same countries keep repeating for the past 3 years. See link

I'm Muslim as well (new), and would prefer the same - or someone who will respect my religious choice.
Its a fact, they love Black women. My mom, sister, and godmother all married Jewish men.

It's also true that Muslim men are harder to catch. In my experience, they usually marry their own.

Don't know about this..I've dated 3 Muslims and I'm a preacher's kid :look: 2 are African and 1 is AA and two are from prominent families.
^^ Subsaharan Muslims are different.

Gulf Muslims (the richest) stick with their own.

From what I see of North Africans - it's similar. They stick together as well (or go for the French).

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Don't know about this..I've dated 3 Muslims and I'm a preacher's kid :look: 2 are African and 1 is AA and two are from prominent families.

I wouldnt date an american muslim. If I were one, upon seeing the ones in Philly that ould be enough for me to become an atheist..:look:

I dont think its a coincidence that the majority of Muslimahs on the board are either married to a white Muslims or a black one that isnt american.
I wouldnt date an american muslim. If I were one, upon seeing the ones in Philly that ould be enough for me to become an atheist..:look:

I dont think its a coincidence that the majority of Muslimahs on the board are either married to a white Muslims or a black one that isnt american.

Wow, thank heavens i have no interest in them. I would definitely prefer someone of my faith because i wouldn't want to be unequally yoked.
I wouldnt date an american muslim. If I were one, upon seeing the ones in Philly that ould be enough for me to become an atheist..:look:

I dont think its a coincidence that the majority of Muslimahs on the board are either married to a white Muslims or a black one that isnt american.

Hmmm. Maybe time for a new marriage poll. We haven't done that permutation yet. :lol:
Ladies, I'm not trying to make this thread about me but I just wanted to say a few things. You can apply this to anything in life, but this is primarily about building that network and getting exposure to put you in the right place to meet your right guy:

1. Timing is everything
2. Step out of your comfort zone - put in a little work.
3. Don't be afraid to say hello to people
4. Don't be afraid to go where you "shouldn't". The worse you can get is a no, but usually it will be a resounding YES.

I'll speak more later.

Off to see my grandma :)

Just popping in to say I took SweetNic's advice this past weekend and it WORKS!! There was an event I was eyeing and I crashed it. I was a little shocked at how easy it was to get in :blush:

I prepped myself by dressing up and doing research on who was sponsoring the event. When I got to the door, I gave the attendants a big smile and said hi my name is belletropjolie, she kept looking me up but couldn't find me. I casually mentioned I was put on the event list by "Sean" who works at xyz company who more than likely sponsored the event. The people at the door looked a bit confused when they couldn't find his name but i just looked confused right back. :lol:

This was definitelyout of my comfort zone because a.) I technically wasn't supposed to be there and b.) I went alone.

Nonetheless I had a GREAT time (hello free drinks and hors d'ouevres), got to mingle with some well known people and met some great connects. All the people I met saw me hanging by myself and asked me to come join their group. So going alone is definitely the way to go. I may even have met a potential fairy RM godmother.

In the past I would have just let the business cards I got go to waste but 2 of them expressly said please keep in touch. One guy works in the hospitality industry and told me to contact him so he can hook me up with a deal for a trip I'm going on.

I realized I need to get personal cards made though (I hate handing out my actual business card). it makes it so much easier to exchange information rather than trying to type a bunch of numbers and email addresses into phones.

Long story but all that to say everything in SweetNic's post is truth


Now did anyone go find a Cars and Coffee event like I advised?

*taps foot impatiently*

Thanks @Umsuyyah, I actually did look unfortunately we don't have events like that in my city. The nearest one was about 2 hours away.

That said knowing about cars or at least having more information beyond which ones are expensive is great. I was at an event this past Thursday with a friend. Now her friend introduced us to another guy in from out of town. Somehow the topic of cars came up and turns out the guy owns a lamborghini and an Aston Martin. Now my friend is a certified car freak and I watched in awe as they had an almost 1/2 hour conversation I couldn't even follow. Talmbout throttle and gear and torque etc while I was listening like:huh:

He was very nice but engaged (so not a good prospect) but my takeaway was that taking an interest - even a mild one - in manly interests can never hurt
Last night I was out at an event with a lot of high profile people. I spotted some beautiful black women in the crowd, but I spotted one particular one who I felt was doing entirely too much, and she stood out like a sore thumb. Here are my grievances:

1. Hair - a long brown weave. I really dislike brown weaves on women, as they tend to make the hair look dirty and unkempt for some reason. It really screams bad/weak hygiene if the hair looks ratty, non-remy (:lol:) - as in the cuticles aren't aligned.

2. Eye lashes - very thick, fake, long, black, unnatural looking lashes.

3. Clothing - 100% polyester stretch material that was ill fitted and looked , well - cheap.

4. Titties - This was the icing on the cake. Her breasts were sagging and exposed - very deep cut / very revealing. It's not a good look at all.

I hope you're not on this board and I'm not trying to be mean.

I wanted to reach over and give her some helpful hints, but I don't know her and not everyone accepts advice- even if it's given with the best intentions.

She obviously wanted attention, because baby she was posing and blinking those lashes. The men were not impressed.

On a positive note, I saw another stunning girl who is either a member here or a fashion model. She looks familiar and she was doing her thing - as were a few others.

To summarize - present yourself with class. Don't be over done. Don't look desperate and let people know you know your worth.

There was a major MLK gala this weekend, evidently this girl right here---the one the women talk smack about---is the one all the men liked. I was told the women that looked a HAM but had a couple drinks and were on the dancefloor having a good time were the women all the men were coming after. Meanwhile all the uptight well-to-do chicks that were off in corners, with their arms folded and/or were overweight with no men paying them any attention. :look:
There was a major MLK gala this weekend, evidently this girl right here---the one the women talk smack about---is the one all the men liked. I was told the women that looked a HAM but had a couple drinks and were on the dancefloor having a good time were the women all the men were coming after. Meanwhile all the uptight well-to-do chicks that were off in corners, with their arms folded and/or were overweight with no men paying them any attention. :look:

I guess it varies. On that particular night, the men were lining up to talk to me. It was almost overwhelming.
I guess it varies. On that particular night, the men were lining up to talk to me. It was almost overwhelming.

I don't doubt at all the men were lining up to talk to you, the point of my post was that women tend to have all sorts of preconceived notions about who men like vs dont like--esp when it comes to men of means. Most of the times it's wrong. Rich men have the highest physical standards but IME the lowest overall standards. I missed the event but my friend came back chuckling her butt off about all the women who think their career is impressive to a man when in reality looking at the majority of married well-off men she knows almost all of them socially/professionally went down (way down on actually :look: )

Speaking of this topic, the girl I posted upthread that loves rich men has a bad habit of presenting herself like "Ms.Independent & Successful* but is often surprised when the men dont stay around for very long or arent eager to assist her. It's because they dont feel like she needs them. In reality she does but they dont think so, so she's easier to discard.
^^ I thought she was talking about a more refined look.

That doesnt matter. Who has to be refined? the only ones that say this are women. occasionally by a man but only to a woman he is currently or is trying to sex.

Slender, long hair and bubbly. all you need.

the long hair can be a ratchet weave.
slender could be full of cellulite in a dress too small

men dont care. :lol:

eta: during my talk this thread came to mind. thought I'd post since the person who went wont. lol
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so what are the results ladies? any dates 3rd, 4th dates? any official SOs? this seems to be all talk. where are the concrete outcomes?

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I have a man already (comfortable but not rich) and I think in order to attract rich men you need to be in areas where they frequent. Last week I was about to open up my office (in an affluent area) and saw a man standing on the corner and we just smiled at each other. Almost like we knew each other for ages. Anyhoo, he told me I looked beautiful and that he wished me a terrific day. Moments later he introduced himself and we started chatting. Now he is going to be one of my clients! He owns the company that did construction for the Barclay's Center, Tower 1 and several other famous buildings in NYC. Along with that he has already told his friends and associates about listing their homes and doing business with me. We already had dinner last night by the water in Battery Park City facing the Jersey City skyline. This man is so fascinating, has a tremendous business acumen and I have learned so much in just 4 days!

He has some lucrative leads I can work with and are having dinner again Thursday. It's funny because much of what I read in the thread describes him.

I say all that to say when your energy is friendly, not uptight, and your carry yourself well you will attract the men you desire. I agree with @barbiesocialite 's entire post. I know I didn't give much specifics but men are drawn to confidence, how you carry yourself, and great conversation. If you are running down the list of all your accomplishments that almost mentally check out and find that boring. All your achievements can be discussed but in due time.
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so what are the results ladies? any dates 3rd, 4th dates? any official SOs? this seems to be all talk. where are the concrete outcomes?

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good point. Come to think of it, I dont even know who/where the women are that were originally out to find these men. PretteePlease I knew, but I have no idea who the rest are. The only people posting at this point are either married or in relationships. hopefully people will come out and state their results....
so what are the results ladies? any dates 3rd, 4th dates? any official SOs? this seems to be all talk. where are the concrete outcomes?

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I threw the Senagalese dude out. Waaaay to clingy for me. It made me sick.

He dropped the l word and I bounced.
@Lucie you look refined

I'm all about the combination method. Present yourself well, feel good and be bubbly :yep:

FemmeFatale, why thank you! :grin: He said the same thing. :lol:

I believe in the combination method as well! :yep: It takes a bunch of little things to get you the big results you desire. It's weird but I just knew he and I were going to connect as soon as I saw him. I know that this thread is about landing a rich man in an amorous way but I am just thrilled to know him and pick his brain.