How To Attract A Rich Man

Funny you mention cars. My nerdiness with video games has paid off in that department. I'm a huge Gran Turismo fan and have been playing that game since the original Playstation so I know a lot about exclusive, very rare vehicles as well as muscle cars and import tuners and can talk a lot of men under the table about cars. If they only new it was because of that video game lol. My current SO loves that I know what a Pagani Zonda is or a Koenigsegg Agera and can talk about slip differentials and tire size conversion lol.

Thats how I met a lot of guy friends I have to this day. One of em owns a Lamboghini Rental company hooks me up every now and then with a free rental on the weekends. I got hooked up on my birthday two weeks ago :grin: .

I feel my friends that have genuine interests in things that seem to interest men more have been able to procure relationships with wealthier men. I started golfing with a girlfriend years ago and she met and ended up marrying a really rich guy that we got paired up with because we needed a party of 4 to golf that day.

seconded @GT nerd

LOL...your siggy!!! what are they doing to that horny toad?! :lachen:
soldier4hair, can you elaborate? I don't understand... What techniques? What contracts?

My question is mostly about social settings where people aren't necessarily expected to mingle outside of their groups. And I find that, with group events, that is often the case. People stick to their own if they belong to an in-group. And then when they interact with members outside that group, some of the early questions are about whom you know and what brings you to the event. That especially annoys me when white people ask me that, but that's a side note.

If a woman is alone at an exclusive event, what's her response?

I was required to read this book for my job a few years ago. She outlines how SES classes work and what they value. Ruby Payne says they, UE, ask this question because it is the protocol for the upper class. It's a connectedness question, not really an inquiry of wanting to know why you are there. What they are saying is "who do you know, how do you know them, and are you of any value to me." Not "who do you know and why are you here." So they want responses like "I work/went to school with so-in-so and I was a part of so-in-so's project/big case, I'm now doing XYZ"
How does that help if you crashed? :lol:

Do you randomly point to anyone and make up a connection? Or say no one and be abandoned?
Hi ladies!

I want to thank everyone who kept it 100% real about what it generally takes to attract a rich man. I've learned SO MUCH!!! We all know there are exceptions. There are women who may have broken 50% of the "rules" and they still ended up with a rich man. But I appreciate the listing of the general rules. Not everyone will be a unicorn.

I think what we have to do now is ask ourselves if we are willing to do "all of that" to attract a rich man. Is it really worth it to us? Some of us will say "yes" and some of us will say "no." The good news is that no matter your final answer, it does not reflect the value of who you are as a woman.

If being an adventurous sky-diver is not your thing, that does not mean something is wrong with you.
If being a size 4 is not your thing, that does not mean something is wrong with you.
If being submissive is not your thing, that does not mean something is wrong with you.

I just hope that whatever we ultimately decide fits us, we will continuously strive to be the best women we can be and love ourselves. We are worth being treasured and one day we'll meet the right man who will do just that.

Thanks again for the great advice!
I was required to read this book for my job a few years ago. She outlines how SES classes work and what they value. Ruby Payne says they, UE, ask this question because it is the protocol for the upper class. It's a connectedness question, not really an inquiry of wanting to know why you are there. What they are saying is "who do you know, how do you know them, and are you of any value to me." Not "who do you know and why are you here." So they want responses like "I work/went to school with so-in-so and I was a part of so-in-so's project/big case, I'm now doing XYZ"

This is definitely true, but depending on the crowd, I really do feel like people pay more attention to black people in those sorts of crowds. You just stick out and people automatically notice you and want to know more about you. I don't think its a bad thing. After awhile you get used to the attention, and figure out how to use it to your advantage, whatever your endgame is.
Hi ladies!

I want to thank everyone who kept it 100% real about what it generally takes to attract a rich man. I've learned SO MUCH!!! We all know there are exceptions. There are women who may have broken 50% of the "rules" and they still ended up with a rich man. But I appreciate the listing of the general rules. Not everyone will be a unicorn.

I think what we have to do now is ask ourselves if we are willing to do "all of that" to attract a rich man. Is it really worth it to us? Some of us will say "yes" and some of us will say "no." The good news is that no matter your final answer, it does not reflect the value of who you are as a woman.

If being an adventurous sky-diver is not your thing, that does not mean something is wrong with you.
If being a size 4 is not your thing, that does not mean something is wrong with you.
If being submissive is not your thing, that does not mean something is wrong with you.

I just hope that whatever we ultimately decide fits us, we will continuously strive to be the best women we can be and love ourselves. We are worth being treasured and one day we'll meet the right man who will do just that.

Thanks again for the great advice!

EbonyEyes your post is interesting because it touches on changeing yourself vs. being your better self to get a man. The latter to me of of course would be better. I don't think anyone should change the essential core of who they are for a man but of course you can always (and IMO should) evolve as time/circumstances warrant.

I think the bottom line is pick and choose what advice in the thread applies to you and leave what doesn't.

The other thing I've realized is that attracting a rich man is the easy part. Finding a rich man that I want is a whole different ball game.

I like what SweetNic_JA said about networking as it echoes my own experience. I do try and make sure I expand my social circle but I realized that while I meet very interesting people. I have trouble "converting" so to speak. I like people to come to me and if they don't I KIM.

Sometimes I do take the initiative to initiate re-contact but very rarely. I was told this is a sign of insecurity:rolleyes: but then again who knows.

For example, I was out tonight and I met a guy who owns his own company but is friendly with the CFO of the company I used to work for. I could sense he was connected. Anyway he gave me his card and asked for mine, but I didn't have one on me. I could have written my information down but couldn't be bothered. Same with another woman I met a while back, who was head of HR at some company. Turns out her boss/buddy is a close friend of some prominent politicians.

I also met a woman who owns a nursing company and was friends with a matchmaker. She gave me the matchmakers info and told me to contact her. I also met this guy who is a managing partner at a pretty well known accounting firm (well he was an exception because he was a pervy creep so technically he doesn't count)

I say all this to say, I feel like I meet interesting people who could introduce me to great/well to do men but I don't keep these contacts going. Aside from just finding a man, they may be helpful as I am contemplating leaving my current industry.

In light of this thread, what are you all doing to keep in contact and network your way into different circles. I am tagging FemmeFatale and sweet_nic ja specifically since they mentioned it. Do you send an email or text after you meet them or just wait for them to contact you?
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For example, I was out tonight and I met a guy who owns his own company but is friendly with the CFO of the company I used to work for. I could sense he was connected. Anyway he gave me his card and asked for mine, but I didn't have one on me. I could have written my information down but couldn't be bothered. Same with another woman I met a while back, who was head of HR at some company. Turns out her boss/buddy is a close friend of some prominent politicians.

Always have your contact info. handy, you never know when you'll need it.
(Note that I will be taking my own advice also, because right now I don't even have business cards.)
How does that help if you crashed? :lol:

Do you randomly point to anyone and make up a connection? Or say no one and be abandoned?

I don't think people should crash events if they aren't prepared. Being able to show how you are relevant is vital.

Any woman who is walking up to an even without any connections should
1) make some connections :lol:
2) do their homework of who will be/is likely to be at the event (this is easy in my city, don't know about others. We have lots of society magazines that show the trend of the people and their companies who go to these places and upcoming events)
3) Don't choose an event you can't state a stretched connection that is relevant to that social circle.

I went to a snooty event about a month ago and had to stretch my connections big time. I mean like mentioning someone I had only met once for 20 seconds at an event last year and presenting our relationship as a more acquainted one. Then I would quickly switch off of their name and went into the work of their organization. Funny thing is, these people tend to not remember everyone because so many people work for them or on their behalf that it was kinda easy. :look: When I couldn't do that, i had to mention the person I knew who had the same position for a different organization (since the field is small and people know each other in those circles anyway).

So instead of crashing blindly, I would do homework and be prepared beforehand.
crashing events is awesome.---blindly or planned.

it works. :look:

This is why everyone needs a few super extroverted friends with a healthy dose of entitlement. They literally find and hunt their network. Don't care what people think about them either. They could be incorrectly dressed and not know a single soul. But these friends usually end knowing a lot of people and they willget you in any and every where. :lol:
crashing events is awesome.---blindly or planned.

it works. :look:

This is why everyone needs a few super extroverted friends with a healthy dose of entitlement. They literally find and hunt their network. Don't care what people think about them either. They could be incorrectly dressed and not know a single soul. But these friends usually end knowing a lot of people and they willget you in any and every where. :lol:

Yep... It works and I think it's a great way to meet the rich. As for me I don't know people here but that's how I got invited to millionaire athletic clubs in my area for more networking.

Where are you meeting these people to network?

Every and anywhere the one guy from last night was at a sailing club, the other lady with the politically connected friends was at the airport, the one girl with the matchmaker friend was just at happy hour

Always have your contact info. handy, you never know when you'll need it.
(Note that I will be taking my own advice also, because right now I don't even have business cards.)
I know...SMH at myself. Turns out later my business card was in my purse just in a hidden compartment.:nono:

Say your associate cancelled at the last minute and you decided to come alone anyway!

CarLiTa this right here is the truth and I use it more times than I care to admit. It also depends on the place/event. If I go to a bar alone 9 times out of 10 a guy will ask some variation of "So whats a beautiful girl like you doing here by yourself" I find it fairly obnoxious but I also realize they are also looking to sniff out if I have a boyfriend. I can't very well say "I'm looking for a rich man" :lol: so I say:

- "I'm killing time before meeting up with friends" or "I'm getting a drink before going to dinner"
- "A friend cancelled on me"
- "Its so hot out, I was dying and stopped for a drink on my way home". Conversation about summer and where we are traveling to for summer ensues


- "I was bored and didn't feel like sitting at home"... whenever I've said this. I've always gotten invited to the other persons table or into their group. I think it goes to Sweet Nic's point about vulnerability.

The above usually only work at bars, lounges etc (I've never quite worked up the appetite to go to a club by myself since clubs to me are strictly for socializing).

If you are at any kind of sporting event, it goes without saying what you are doing there and any kind of "what are you doing/who do you know question" is rude. Same with charity events "Duh, you are supporting the cause".

Just curious in what settings/types of events are you getting the "who do you know/what you doing" question?
crashing events is awesome.---blindly or planned.

it works. :look:

This is why everyone needs a few super extroverted friends with a healthy dose of entitlement. They literally find and hunt their network. Don't care what people think about them either. They could be incorrectly dressed and not know a single soul. But these friends usually end knowing a lot of people and they willget you in any and every where. :lol:

This sounds way more fun. I would not crash alone though.
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I find crashing alone to be more effective. At least in my experience...I can bullshyt my way through a lot and I can hold relevant conversations on the fly. I don't want to think about what my fellow crasher is doing or saying.
I find crashing alone to be more effective. At least in my experience...I can bullshyt my way through a lot and I can hold relevant conversations on the fly. I don't want to think about what my fellow crasher is doing or saying.

I guess it could be more effective for meeting people, I just think it would be more fun to do it with someone else. You will get so many laugh out of the stories.
I guess it could be more effective for meeting people, I just think it would be more fun to do it with someone else. You will get so many laugh out of the stories.

I'm a loner by nature so don't mind me too much. I generally prefer to embark on my adventures alone. :grin:
This sounds way more fun. I would not crash alone though.

Ogoma I agree with you its fun to crash with a partner in crime. My friends and I have done accidental crashes and we still laugh about it. It happened just yesterday in fact. We were supposed to going out on the water and the attendant was checking names off a list. He gets to us and is like are you with them? I said yes and he let us in the boat without a fee turns out it someone had reserved a part of the boathouse for a birthday party:lol:

Another time this same friend and I went to a hotel rooftop. As soon as we walked in we were handed champagne and offered hors d'ouevres. We were like :ohwell: turns out the place had been reserved for someone else's birthday party. So we just sat ourselves in a corner and ate and drank. As soon as it was about to turn 12 we left since they were starting to sing happy birthday and it would have been obvious we didn't know any one. In retrospect though, I should probably have made an effort to mingle.

Those are just two of our favourites but its happened other times. I can't say that I've intentionally crashed all might be on to something:look:.
I find crashing alone to be more effective. At least in my experience...I can bullshyt my way through a lot and I can hold relevant conversations on the fly. I don't want to think about what my fellow crasher is doing or saying.

see you are the person I go with that does the crashing. :look::lachen:

i'm naturally a lot more reserved, friends like you are priceless! :grin: (ot: that's why I like dressing up and looking cute and standing out bc it does the talking for me :yep:)

at the same time, thank goodness I can hold my own in a crowd when necessary. I'm not so good with the initial crashing, but the crasher type is super independent and will walk off doing whatever, talking to strangers n whatnot half the time. i'll be left on my own :lachen:
oh yea and don't hang out in packs of females.

I hate that. I dont know why women do that.

My well-married homegirl was sharing her annoyance with women that claim they dont want to be single or want to marry well but yet they hang out with wolf packs of women. Just blocking. those chicks steady blocking, they are not helping you at all. smh. It's funny she and I have never had a problem with men or dating but if you look at our pictures over the years there is a theme compared to other women. It was usually just me and her, and other times we were with a SO or maybe with one other person. However, you look at other women's photos you see a band of broads in every album. not a good look. :look:

only go out alone or with ONE good girlfriend.
oh yea and don't hang out in packs of females.

I hate that. I dont know why women do that.

My well-married homegirl was sharing her annoyance with women that claim they dont want to be single or want to marry well but yet they hang out with wolf packs of women. Just blocking. those chicks steady blocking, they are not helping you at all. smh. It's funny she and I have never had a problem with men or dating but if you look at our pictures over the years there is a theme compared to other women. It was usually just me and her, and other times we were with a SO or maybe with one other person. However, you look at other women's photos you see a band of broads in every album. not a good look. :look:

only go out alone or with ONE good girlfriend.

:rofl: at band of broads... My male cousin says the same thing.