How To Attract A Rich Man

Football season is starting soon! Any ladies planning to hit up the sports bars or attend a few games during the season?
What are your thoughts on this? This is from Kent's book. I was going to throw it out when I was moving, but I caught this section and snapped a picture. Now I can't find the book :(


Football season is starting soon! Any ladies planning to hit up the sports bars or attend a few games during the season?

Every freaking Sunday! I organize the fantasy football league for myself and a group of classmates (mostly men). I'm already looking for tickets to the Giants vs. Bears at Soldier Field. From September to the first weekend in February football is LIFE!
What are your thoughts on this? This is from Kent's book. I was going to throw it out when I was moving, but I caught this section and snapped a picture. Now I can't find the book :(

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I'm not sure about giving him opportunity to spend time without spending money. I find that when a man gets a woman's time without having to spend for it he tends not to value it as much. I'm not saying he needs to be taking me on a private yacht on the first date, but cooking dinner at his place or mine ain't happening either.
I'm not sure about giving him opportunity to spend time without spending money. I find that when a man gets a woman's time without having to spend for it he tends not to value it as much. I'm not saying he needs to be taking me on a private yacht on the first date, but cooking dinner at his place or mine ain't happening either.

I agree with your last line. Especially because that's dangerous as heck. But I like her stance on talking, focusing on talking as much as possible.
Every freaking Sunday! I organize the fantasy football league for myself and a group of classmates (mostly men). I'm already looking for tickets to the Giants vs. Bears at Soldier Field. From September to the first weekend in February football is LIFE!

cheetarah1980 I just really got into football season last year when the Falcons made the playoff! I am looking forward to it this season!
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I agree with your last line. Especially because that's dangerous as heck. But I like her stance on talking, focusing on talking as much as possible.

Yes, I am all about talking. I often tell my friends that I can see myself getting married to a man within a year of meeting him. As we get older I feel like relationships progress faster because you spend more time talking about serious topics sooner. You're not 6 months into dating a man before realizing he doesn't want to get married or doesn't want children or something else that would be completely incompatible with what you want. When you're young you just go with the flow and have fun. Not to say that you don't have fun when you're a bit older but you do so purposefully.
What are your thoughts on this? This is from Kent's book. I was going to throw it out when I was moving, but I caught this section and snapped a picture. Now I can't find the book :(


Have we discussed in this thread yet (I'm on my phone so it's hard to go back and check) questions/topics to talk about to really get to know a man.
[USER=58817]SophieDulce[/USER];18777391 said:
Oh ladies, I wanted to add airport bars, especially the upscale kind. International section seems to be a gold mine :). Friend of mine had great luck this weekend.

Can I have the details also?
PretteePlease HollyGolightly FelaShrine barbiesocialite Zaynab
I need help!! So I think the guy I'm dating is doing more than just well..and I need some advice!

We went out this weekend, everything was great, I mean superb. Well, during our date we were discussing NYC real estate and I mentioned how I just moved and showed him a clip of my new place. My living room is bare at the moment except for my dining area and cable box/router set up

Why oh why did he send me a message today asking what type of TV would I like, regular or smart and what size? And that he'd like to help me furnish my living room?

I'm stunned, speechless and a little scared to be honest. I like him and I want the TV but ummm..this is foreign to me!

*shrugs* I always think a REAL man sees a need and just steps in and takes care of it. It doesn't matter if it was a TV or some tires, gas, etc. Whatever it is, I'd just accept it because I mean that's what he should do. Or also, you know men will buy a nice TV because they hate to come over and not have the TV they like to watch :lol:
*shrugs* I always think a REAL man sees a need and just steps in and takes care of it. It doesn't matter if it was a TV or some tires, gas, etc. Whatever it is, I'd just accept it because I mean that's what he should do. Or also, you know men will buy a nice TV because they hate to come over and not have the TV they like to watch :lol:

Zaynab he is exactly that type. He's taking me to see Beyonce today..he got the tix yesterday after I mentioned how my baby sis and cousin are going..
Zaynab he is exactly that type. He's taking me to see Beyonce today..he got the tix yesterday after I mentioned how my baby sis and cousin are going..

Those are the only kinds of men I dated or liked, I just don't know of any other kind. I wanted to see Beyonce, I told DH I needed four tickets, he just obliged and said OK.
my type of generous!! :)

not sure all th background details on you two but

if it was me i would do one of a couple things

i would act like im use to this type of generosity and say i usually have an interior designer come in and decorate my residence just haven't had the time to but if you can recommend one that would be great (surely his circle knows of a great inter designer if he's that caliber of dude) and i can proceed--in this case he would of course take care of the invoiced bill

or i would send him a list via email of my fav furniture/appliance stores such that several gift certificates can be purchased by his assistant and sent to you to get whatever you like-men like this usually have an assistant so i would make all correspondence easy for his asst to understand lol

or cash is always a good

i like generous and proactive!!! :grin:

eta--i woud also get familiar with a car service he uses or rec one ( of course he takes care of the bill on this)--not sure if your in nyc but a lady can't just get around on public transportation when dating this type of man...

I need help!! So I think the guy I'm dating is doing more than just well..and I need some advice!

We went out this weekend, everything was great, I mean superb. Well, during our date we were discussing NYC real estate and I mentioned how I just moved and showed him a clip of my new place. My living room is bare at the moment except for my dining area and cable box/router set up

Why oh why did he send me a message today asking what type of TV would I like, regular or smart and what size? And that he'd like to help me furnish my living room?

I'm stunned, speechless and a little scared to be honest. I like him and I want the TV but ummm..this is foreign to me!
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Supposedly, the CEO of JP Morgan responded to a woman who posted questions about how to find a guy who makes at least 500k a year, and ideally 1million/year. He had some sobering words:

Dear Ms. Pretty,
I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor.
My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I’m not wasting time here.
From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.
Put the details aside, what you’re trying to do is an exchange of “beauty" and “money" : Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.
However, there’s a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can’t be prettier year after year.
Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It’s not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worse 10 years later.
By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a “trading position".
If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term - same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or “leased".
Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income.This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps.

J.P. Morgan CEO

For the link:

Have we discussed in this thread yet (I'm on my phone so it's hard to go back and check) questions/topics to talk about to really get to know a man.

LovelyLouboutin, I found the book and am reading now, though I haven't gotten to some of her questions. She's surprisingly not very traditional at all. She's been married twice (first husband passed away, and she remarried within 4 years) and used this 'strategy' on both. The second one encouraged her to put it in writing. When it was first written, she guaranteed a husband within 2-3 years or your money back:lol: It has supposedly had wild success.

Her premise is essentially that the person who talks the most falls more quickly. So, as a woman, you have to get the man to get into the habit of emoting with you, to see you as someone he can share anything with. If you feel bored listening to him, then he's not the one. She advocates being very feminine in various actions, but in terms of dating, she's actually really laid back, and I am not sure I am on board with everything she says.

What I do agree with is the emoting part. She says get him to "talk his way into falling in love with you," and not with silly, empty topics. You want to listen and assess his worthiness as a potential husband. The more he reveals (and you should not provide criticism or censorship when he's emoting), the more you have to make your decision. Only when you know enough and he's earned his keeps as potential husband and is devoted to you can you begin emoting to the extent that he does.
Supposedly, the CEO of JP Morgan responded to a woman who posted questions about how to find a guy who makes at least 500k a year, and ideally 1million/year. He had some sobering words:

That response is so NOT from Jamie Dimon. You can tell simply because it's signed CEO of JP Morgan and contains horrible grammar mistakes.
Supposedly, the CEO of JP Morgan responded to a woman who posted questions about how to find a guy who makes at least 500k a year, and ideally 1million/year. He had some sobering words:

This is the funniest thing I read all day! You go Mr. JP Morgan Chase Man! I bet he confused Miss Pretty with all that accounting jargon. But thats what made it so freaking hilarious!! Love it!!! BOL!!!
CarLiTa I've seen that letter make the rounds of the wall street forums I frequent. Definitely not by Jamie Dimon. The men on there had a field day discussing it and basically using it to justify their misogyny. I almost wanted to chime in and be like if you're so convinced that all women are gold diggers why don't you go date Precious or her cousin? Noooo they only chase after 10s lookswise yet complain when women with looks only want to date men with $$$

Anyway funny story. My coworker apropos of nothing pulled me aside during a group happy hour and basically counseled me to only date rich men. She basically said I was a catch and that I should be very discerning in the types of men I date. She said she loves her husband but wished she had been more aware while she was in her dating years because it never occurred to her seek men with significant means.

I thought that was sweet of her but I also chuckled a little because I was thinking "I am already on it!"
I knew it was odd:lol: like, why would Mr. Dimon not sign his own name? Like if Pres. Obama signed US Pres., rather than his own name. Sobering nonetheless. Glad people don't make dating decisions with thought to diminishing returns:perplexed
That's a good one CarLiTa

I def wanna know your thoughts on this Zaynab barbiesocialite

Supposedly, the CEO of JP Morgan responded to a woman who posted questions about how to find a guy who makes at least 500k a year, and ideally 1million/year. He had some sobering words:

I actually agree with what he's saying here. My mom always urges me to do "a cost benefit analysis" with my friendships and relationships to see if they're worth it and who's getting more out of the deal. I wish more people (particularly women) would do this, maybe they'd realize how unrealistic their dating standards are for their current self.