How To Attract A Rich Man

Wealthy men like straight long hair. This has been researched apparently

Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue

It sure has :yep:. I remember reading it in the Rules book. :look:

OK so I'm late to the party but this thread is AWESOME.:grin: Anyone that lives in the DMV area...what high end happy hour spots and/or restaurants would you suggest on going alone? Forgive me if this has been answered already. I'm only on page 14. :look: This thread just gave me life lawd.

It sure has :yep:. I remember reading it in the Rules book. :look:

OK so I'm late to the party but this thread is AWESOME.:grin: Anyone that lives in the DMV area...what high end happy hour spots and/or restaurants would you suggest on going alone? Forgive me if this has been answered already. I'm only on page 14. :look: This thread just gave me life lawd.

Bar Dupont, Lima, or Marvin.
Wealthy men like straight long hair. This has been researched apparently

Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue

Yea Ive noticed. The one time I wore my fav big curly wig to work, crickets. all the women loved it, the top men that stay flirting every time they come to our side for meetings was like "new style eh. that's a lot of hair". week later when i was back to straight, it was back to "normall" and one was like he perfers my hair "relaxed and smooth" :rolleyes: like i give a damn. Im back to wig on monday :lol:
I love love love that this thread is still alive & well.

A guy I met 2 months ago invited me to the annual ballet gala and lawn party fundraiser in Saratoga Springs, NY hosted by the New York City Ballet. It's later tonight...July 13th. I decided not to go because I'm starting to feel like his escort...going with him to all these sort of places/events.

I appreciate the invitations but I'd like these high caliber things to be balanced with more simple dates that allow us to get to know each other better. By the way, I'm very comfortable at these sort of events in case you're wondering. I just want to be valued for more than my good looks & charm ;-) He understands and so we're having a simple dinner date at my fave neighborhood restaurant on Tues. Oh and he decided not to go to the gala since I won't be there.

So, if anyone is interested in the gala tonight, go & have fun!
I love love love that this thread is still alive & well.

A guy I met 2 months ago invited me to the annual ballet gala and lawn party fundraiser in Saratoga Springs, NY hosted by the New York City Ballet. It's later tonight...July 13th. I decided not to go because I'm starting to feel like his escort...going with him to all these sort of places/events.

I appreciate the invitations but I'd like these high caliber things to be balanced with more simple dates that allow us to get to know each other better. By the way, I'm very comfortable at these sort of events in case you're wondering. I just want to be valued for more than my good looks & charm ;-) He understands and so we're having a simple dinner date at my fave neighborhood restaurant on Tues. Oh and he decided not to go to the gala since I won't be there.

So, if anyone is interested in the gala tonight, go & have fun!

***sanitizing ;) ***
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Girl are you crazy?!! Please don't do this again. This is the best possible situation - especially if you're not much into him. He opened a door for you to meet other people at these high profile events (whether or not he consents). Always take these opportunities because he may just be a stepping to stone to meet your rightful man. Girllll!!

You have a very good point. I usually attend the local events with him. I sure have met some wonderful people through him.

It's just that this trip was presented to me as a weekend getaway and I feel I don't know him that well and don't know his full intentions yet. So, for my own safety (because I've met some crazies here in NYC in the past) I have to suss him out a little more on my own turf. The trip also included sailing in his boat (not yacht, just boat) on a lake, anchoring the boat and jumping out to swim around (with my flat ironed 4A tresses...ok, sure :-) If its not that, then it's invitations to his other house in New England.

Once I can conclude that he's trustworthy and looks out for my best interest, then I'll accept the weekend getaways & excursions & road trip invitations.
You have a very good point. I usually attend the local events with him. I sure have met some wonderful people through him.

It's just that this trip was presented to me as a weekend getaway and I feel I don't know him that well and don't know his full intentions yet. So, for my own safety (because I've met some crazies here in NYC in the past) I have to suss him out a little more on my own turf. The trip also included sailing in his boat (not yacht, just boat) on a lake, anchoring the boat and jumping out to swim around (with my flat ironed 4A tresses...ok, sure :-) If its not that, then it's invitations to his other house in New England.

Once I can conclude that he's trustworthy and looks out for my best interest, then I'll accept the weekend getaways & excursions & road trip invitations.

Okay I understand. I didn't realize it was a destination invite. I'm glad you've already met good people through him :up:
I've never dated an extremely wealthy guy, but Ive dated a guy who made 6 figures. One thing that us younger women(18-35) need to realize is not to overlook ambitious men that are still working on establishing themselves. All you women in your early thirties should not sleep on those 27 year old grad students that want to wife you up because one day you might be well taken care of by them. He could be a millionaire by 40. Also a lot of ambitious or rich people are not alway outwardly flashy with their appearance and their clothing may not be up to standard. Many people who have it don't flaunt it and those ones get overlooked. Haven't you noticed that some men dress better when they have wives and girlfriends?

I totally agree! My grandma always said that ppl with money(old money) are dressed normal and may have on one item that may be expensive but they are not flashy. You see a lot of that flashiness with "new money" or "no money" ppl.

This makes sense to me because if you've been used to wealth for a while(old money) you don't have to be flashy about it because it's not that big of a deal. :look: Opposite of these broke arse "balling out/wanna be rich" rappers. :rolleyes:
I totally agree! My grandma always said that ppl with money(old money) are dressed normal and may have on one item that may be expensive but they are not flashy. You see a lot of that flashiness with "new money" or "no money" ppl.

This makes sense to me because if you've been used to wealth for a while(old money) you don't have to be flashy about it because it's not that big of a deal. :look: Opposite of these broke arse "balling out/wanna be rich" rappers. :rolleyes:

Good guy friend who came from wealth had two pairs if shoes and wore dockers
He drove a Camry
No one would believe he had wealth
His house was a 300k home which wasn't that much considering his money

I asked him what type of girl he was looking for he said someone who is into the traditional family thing and he was not attracted to
Education that was not even a concern
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white men :lol:
I think I am going to stay on the weave challenge as my hair has been doing well, but get some braids for about 1.5 months just because its summer and I like wearing braids in the summer :yep:
Also I need to change my hangouts too, so I can be more accessible.

Definitely straight!!!

All white men fawn over me when I straighten my hair. Especially with the bounce and swing!!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Definitely straight!!!

All white men fawn over me when I straighten my hair. Especially with the bounce and swing!!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Really? Men of all races approach me when my hair is straight. But when I wear a beachy/wavy twist out (which is a rarity), there's an influx of white men. I was just out and about and several of them stared and told me how beautiful my hair was. :spinning:

I totally agree! My grandma always said that ppl with money(old money) are dressed normal and may have on one item that may be expensive but they are not flashy. You see a lot of that flashiness with "new money" or "no money" ppl.

This makes sense to me because if you've been used to wealth for a while(old money) you don't have to be flashy about it because it's not that big of a deal. :look: Opposite of these broke arse "balling out/wanna be rich" rappers. :rolleyes:

Agreed. There's a very wealthy family in my city. I see the father often at a local grocery store. His car is some beat up thing (sorry, not great with car models) from the 80's and he has the most horrible pair of sneakers that he wears ALL THE TIME.

Also, Italiano You're hair in your sig looks very nice :yep:
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Really? Men of all races approach me when my hair is straight. But when I wear a beachy/wavy twist out (which is a rarity), there's an influx of white men. I was just out and about and several of them stared and told me how beautiful my hair was. :spinning:

Agreed. There's a very wealthy family in my city. I see the father often at a local grocery store. His car is some beat up thing (sorry, not great with car models) from the 80's and he has the most horrible pair of sneakers that he wears ALL THE TIME.

Also, @Italiano You're hair in your sig looks very nice :yep:

THanks sweetie. :yep:
I totally agree! My grandma always said that ppl with money(old money) are dressed normal and may have on one item that may be expensive but they are not flashy. You see a lot of that flashiness with "new money" or "no money" ppl.

This makes sense to me because if you've been used to wealth for a while(old money) you don't have to be flashy about it because it's not that big of a deal. :look: Opposite of these broke arse "balling out/wanna be rich" rappers. :rolleyes:

Good guy friend who came from wealth had two pairs if shoes and wore dockers
He drove a Camry
No one would believe he had wealth
His house was a 300k home which wasn't that much considering his money

I asked him what type of girl he was looking for he said someone who is into the traditional family thing and he was not attracted to
Education that was not even a concern

Really? Men of all races approach me when my hair is straight. But when I wear a beachy/wavy twist out (which is a rarity), there's an influx of white men. I was just out and about and several of them stared and told me how beautiful my hair was. :spinning:

Agreed. There's a very wealthy family in my city. I see the father often at a local grocery store. His car is some beat up thing (sorry, not great with car models) from the 80's and he has the most horrible pair of sneakers that he wears ALL THE TIME.

This is a stereotype. It depends. There are a lot of old-monied rich folks that love being rich and floss their wealth. Think Paris Hilton, Scott Disick (Kourtney Kardashian's SO), people from that show 'NYC Prep" and the "rich kids of instagram."
Really? Men of all races approach me when my hair is straight. But when I wear a beachy/wavy twist out (which is a rarity), there's an influx of white men. I was just out and about and several of them stared and told me how beautiful my hair was. :spinning:

Agreed. There's a very wealthy family in my city. I see the father often at a local grocery store. His car is some beat up thing (sorry, not great with car models) from the 80's and he has the most horrible pair of sneakers that he wears ALL THE TIME.

Also, @Italiano You're hair in your sig looks very nice :yep:

Yeah I got approached way more with natural hair, but then again straight hair doesn't really flatter my face so that could be it. Plus I felt kinda hood with straight hair:look:
Dating less than a month and invited to a work luncheon/speaking engagement is this:

a) a test to see how I get along in the corp environment
b) a chance for him to peacock and strut around
c) all of the above

Dating less than a month and invited out of town on a business he that comfy already? On our first date I spoke of traveling with a man and recalling that I should have broken up with him after that. He told me that his (recently deceased less than 2yrs) mother had old country sayings about traveling with a woman in relation to romance and that what I said reminded him of her. I know this trip is a test. PS.This isn't about sex the trip is during Ramadan.

Speaking of Ramadan how does one date during Ramadan? We stopped meeting for daily lunch and work out instead. I don't wear my usual super hooch gym wear. I wear my jacket the whole time. He asked if my outfit was Lululemon and I :lachen: thinking about all you UE LHCF womenz :rofl: I won't eat or drink around him out of respect. He thinks that's sweet. No hugging, no holding hands, no flirty talk.............I love Ramadan it is torturing him and giving us a platonic chance to really get to know each other. Not that it wouldn't have been anyway but on his side he had to cut his suggestive flirting.
I totally agree! My grandma always said that ppl with money(old money) are dressed normal and may have on one item that may be expensive but they are not flashy. You see a lot of that flashiness with "new money" or "no money" ppl.

This makes sense to me because if you've been used to wealth for a while(old money) you don't have to be flashy about it because it's not that big of a deal. :look: Opposite of these broke arse "balling out/wanna be rich" rappers. :rolleyes:

I second this for English 'boarding school' types. My house mate isn't falshy in any way shape or form and is a multi millionaire.. okay yes at only 20 it isn't his own money but he is well on his way.
:bump::bump: Don't want this thread to die!

What are your plans for the weekend ladies?

Any ladies in ATL know of any nice happy hour spots besides Frank Ski's?
Oh ladies, I wanted to add airport bars, especially the upscale kind. International section seems to be a gold mine :). Friend of mine had great luck this weekend.
I don't know if this question has been answered already but does your hair have to be real? I've seen some ladies mention that they tend to go for women who have blown out/straight, or otherwise "bombshell" hair. How important is it that it's all hers?
I don't know if this question has been answered already but does your hair have to be real? I've seen some ladies mention that they tend to go for women who have blown out/straight, or otherwise "bombshell" hair. How important is it that it's all hers?

Most of the well-married/dating (rich, well-off or upper-middle class) women I know or have met wear weave. white or black. some wear wigs.