How To Attract A Rich Man

I scored box seats at a major tennis match next week, looking forward to seeing what kind of gentlemen are there
I don't know if this question has been answered already but does your hair have to be real? I've seen some ladies mention that they tend to go for women who have blown out/straight, or otherwise "bombshell" hair. How important is it that it's all hers?

It may also depend on the sort of Rich guy & his preferences. Different men are attracted to different things.

Old money traditional vs. New Money. Based on the Old Money Traditional married couples I see each week, I don't remember seeing any wives with weaves. They usually keep their hair straight and at bra strap length or shorter after marriage. I don't see many UE black wives but the ones I've seen keep their hair straight & about shoulder-length (think bob hairstyle...blunt cut) or their hair is in some sort of updo so I can't tell the length.

I'm not sure about new money wives. Maybe another poster can answer.
Ladies, how do you deal with situations where you go somewhere and a man zeroes in on you, sticks to you like glue and will not leave you alone for the night. Is there a strategy to avoid this - because I find it highly annoying.

This happened with me at a polo match the last time I was out, and it happens very often. I don't want to be mean, so help me please.
PretteePlease HollyGolightly FelaShrine barbiesocialite Zaynab
I need help!! So I think the guy I'm dating is doing more than just well..and I need some advice!

We went out this weekend, everything was great, I mean superb. Well, during our date we were discussing NYC real estate and I mentioned how I just moved and showed him a clip of my new place. My living room is bare at the moment except for my dining area and cable box/router set up

Why oh why did he send me a message today asking what type of TV would I like, regular or smart and what size? And that he'd like to help me furnish my living room?

I'm stunned, speechless and a little scared to be honest. I like him and I want the TV but ummm..this is foreign to me!
Dammit! Lucky girl:lol: um, that's great. Flutter your eyelashes and tell him what you want? "Well, I was really thinking about this particular one... or that one. I think either would look so amazing on my blah blah blah..." And then let him do what he implies he will do? And if he doesn't, drop him, because it is not nice to get one's hopes up like that. Here I am excited for you because of his generosity. Hmph.
Dammit! Lucky girl:lol: um, that's great. Flutter your eyelashes and tell him what you want? "Well, I was really thinking about this particular one... or that one. I think either would look so amazing on my blah blah blah..." And then let him do what he implies he will do? And if he doesn't, drop him, because it is not nice to get one's hopes up like that. Here I am excited for you because of his generosity. Hmph.

CarLiTa If this were happening to a friend I'd be excited too but I'm actually shocked, this has been the expression on my face for the past 2 hrs: :look::perplexed:look::look::perplexed:look:
PretteePlease HollyGolightly FelaShrine barbiesocialite Zaynab
I need help!! So I think the guy I'm dating is doing more than just well..and I need some advice!

We went out this weekend, everything was great, I mean superb. Well, during our date we were discussing NYC real estate and I mentioned how I just moved and showed him a clip of my new place. My living room is bare at the moment except for my dining area and cable box/router set up

Why oh why did he send me a message today asking what type of TV would I like, regular or smart and what size? And that he'd like to help me furnish my living room?

I'm stunned, speechless and a little scared to be honest. I like him and I want the TV but ummm..this is foreign to me!

Err youve dated african men before. I find it hard to believe that its foreign

anyway is this the Seneglese dude?
CarLiTa If this were happening to a friend I'd be excited too but I'm actually shocked, this has been the expression on my face for the past 2 hrs: :look::perplexed:look::look::perplexed:look:

If you're like me, you're probably wondering: okay, under what conditions? Dude, what do you want??
Last time someone offered to buy me something expensive, I kept chickening out and going around the bush to the point that I never got the gift. I resented my behavior:nono: so I've decided that, in the future, if you offer, then I'm going to try my best to gracefully accept. I didn't ask you to offer, and I won't insult you by saying no thanks:look:
If you're like me, you're probably wondering: okay, under what conditions? Dude, what do you want??
Last time someone offered to buy me something expensive, I kept chickening out and going around the bush to the point that I never got the gift. I resented my behavior:nono: so I've decided that, in the future, if you offer, then I'm going to try my best to gracefully accept. I didn't ask you to offer, and I won't insult you by saying no thanks:look:

:lol: yesss I'm an analyzer by nature and I try my best to make sure my next moves are the best moves.
On the other hand, what I told the guy was that I wasn't sure I was ready to accept such a big gift blah blah, and he was very complimentary and basically said I let him down in a most classy, thoughtful and feminine way. At the time I was like hm, I guess I didn't do so badly, but then I kept beating around the bush and lost the opportunity. Drats.

It is tricky accepting such a random and early gift. But that is awfully nice:look:

Though I guess you haven't had much chance to gauge his personality. Is he going to be one of those men who acts privileged to your gift? Is he going to want to invite himself over to watch the TV?:rofl:
Is he Muslim?

African Christians never have money cos they stay tithing :rolleyes: :lachen:

seriously take that ish with a smily thanks.
On the other hand, what I told the guy was that I wasn't sure I was ready to accept such a big gift blah blah, and he was very complimentary and basically said I let him down in a most classy, thoughtful and feminine way. At the time I was like hm, I guess I didn't do so badly, but then I kept beating around the bush and lost the opportunity. Drats.

It is tricky accepting such a random and early gift. But that is awfully nice:look:

Though I guess you haven't had much chance to gauge his personality. Is he going to be one of those men who acts privileged to your gift? Is he going to want to invite himself over to watch the TV?:rofl:

No I doubt it, he's the type that likes to see his woman taken care of and doesn't think it's a big deal like most American men :look::lol:

Seriously, I mentioned how great the burgundy wine was and he asked if I wanted a bottle to take home :yep: Just super attentive and generous.
Ladies, how do you deal with situations where you go somewhere and a man zeroes in on you, sticks to you like glue and will not leave you alone for the night. Is there a strategy to avoid this - because I find it highly annoying.

This happened with me at a polo match the last time I was out, and it happens very often. I don't want to be mean, so help me please.

Touch his hand, giggle, and say "Alright baby, I'm going to go mingle now."

If I wanted to see him again I'd give him a kiss on the cheek before walking away.
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If you're like me, you're probably wondering: okay, under what conditions? Dude, what do you want??
Last time someone offered to buy me something expensive, I kept chickening out and going around the bush to the point that I never got the gift. I resented my behavior:nono: so I've decided that, in the future, if you offer, then I'm going to try my best to gracefully accept. I didn't ask you to offer, and I won't insult you by saying no thanks:look:

This is me and it's based on a couple past experiences where the guy sincerely expressed the purest of motives for his generosity only to get extremely salty when things didn't go his way. I loathe being made to feel guilty or awkward for something that was never my idea in the first place. :mad:

It's a shame cause it gives all men a bad name. Right now I have a comfortably well off guy wishing to court me and I'm extremely hesitant. Besides previous dudes making me leery, I'm just in no shape to be dating right now (in a rough transition period). Anyone been in that position? Your own life is such a mess that you're afraid of being that much more vulnerable if you date someone who's got it all together?
Lol, what time is considered dusk? We had dinner around 9

8:15, 8:30

Since he's observing Ramadan Imma say he might not be as blaise about it as he claims. all depends on what you're ok with

I know too many who claim not be devout, next min when they get married, wife HAS to give the child a Muslim name and sometimes follow the teachings esp dressing..which is fine if you're ok with that change coming up after the wedding/after child birth
8:15, 8:30

Since he's observing Ramadan Imma say he might not be as blaise about it as he claims. all depends on what you're ok with

I know too many who claim not be devout, next min when they get married, wife HAS to give the child a Muslim name and sometimes follow the teachings esp dressing..which is fine if you're ok with that change coming up after the wedding/after child birth

She could pass him onto me :rofl: :rofl: j/k kinda :look:

This Nigerian dude wanted to date me. I kinda ignored him because I was busy. Now I want to text him. How do you know if they're Muslim w/o asking? FelaShrine Muslim/Arabic name? Is that a sure fire way because there are so many people with Arab names...
Besides previous dudes making me leery, I'm just in no shape to be dating right now (in a rough transition period). Anyone been in that position? Your own life is such a mess that you're afraid of being that much more vulnerable if you date someone who's got it all together?

No, I haven't experienced that. Sorry you are going through it.
The only times when I don't date is when I am getting over someone. These days I try to make that as swift as possible, because I like being out there interacting with men. The more laid back I am about dating, the more fun I find it and the more I want to do it. I like this relatively new mindset.
8:15, 8:30

Since he's observing Ramadan Imma say he might not be as blaise about it as he claims. all depends on what you're ok with

I know too many who claim not be devout, next min when they get married, wife HAS to give the child a Muslim name and sometimes follow the teachings esp dressing..which is fine if you're ok with that change coming up after the wedding/after child birth

Now, now. Some of them do the courtesy of waiting till their first girl approaches puberty. :lachen: