How To Attract A Rich Man

^ I know. But I still agree with the msg. The only problem is that it was probably written by some broke arse who's trying to manipulate girls who are out of his league
I actually agree with what he's saying here. My mom always urges me to do "a cost benefit analysis" with my friendships and relationships to see if they're worth it and who's getting more out of the deal. I wish more people (particularly women) would do this, maybe they'd realize how unrealistic their dating standards are for their current self.

I don't know if I agree with this. Women set the standard in the dating scene and I think that's the big point a lot of women miss.

Oh and most men don't think this way when it comes to women..
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I don't know if I agree with this. Women set the standard in the dating scene and I think that's the big point a lot of women miss.

Oh and most men don't think this way when it comes to women..

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on the bolded cause the men I know who are good catches & will be uber successful in their future do this to some sextent, though they may never come out and say it outright. But different country, somewhat different culture, different dating scene :yep:

I swear there was a point I was trying to get at in my last post, but I'm wayy to excited for my tee-time in 30 mins to focus :lol:
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I don't know about that.

I'm not treating a man like a husband if he's not. I usually don't cook breakfast, he usually does or we go out to pick something up.

eta: I usually dont stay over the entire night until morning. I'm known to leave in the middle of the night a lot. :look: matter of fact, im not the one for relationship info, that's Zaynab's territory. Wanna meet em and attrat em, I'm ya girl :lachen:
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I never let a man sleep over until we were serious so I don't see anything wrong with occasionally making breakfast together. My actions tend to be organic and what feels right to me. If I felt like making breakfast with him, I did.

To be honest, I think it is kind of romantic to cook together.
As much as I feel that I'm fairly traditional I'm starting to notice that I'll prob end up in a fairly modern relationship. I thought this particularly after watching Sisqo on 'Celebrity Wife Swap.' Sisqo was just like my boyfriends and my dad, he did the cooking, cleaning, child care, and brung home the bacon. I'm kinda spoiled. My SOs usually make breakfast. :look: I actually like cooking but everything else, I kinda dont want to do. :look:

Different rich men for different women I suppose.
I think I've only made breakfast a handful of times, for a very serious SO. The one time I had a non-serious person sleep over, I offered oatmeal with water (that's what I was eating regularly at the time:lol:) and he was like...:look: and so we went to grab brunch. Generally, the guy figures out the breakfast, which is incredibly sweet. And, while I do not like cooking for men, I love cooking WITH them (and with female friends too). I enjoy that so much more. Plus it's less pressure. I'll cook with serious and non-serious folks.

(I just revolt against the idea of slaving in the kitchen for someone... but I'm sure that'll change once I am a mother).

I think what stood out to me about that segment of the book, though, is that she said: If you can't see yourself cooking for him, then you shouldn't be sleeping there at all. Basically, get some feelings and be serious first:lol:
I want an ambitious, well-off man who's very emotive and emotionally available. Like, one who's a driven beast at work and puddy in my hands when it comes to our relationship... as in very very mushy.

In my limited experience, my 2 serious relationships have been with 1 who's decently generous but super emotionally available, and another who's very generous and not very emotionally available. I want both:( and I am beginning to wonder whether that's really hard to find.

My mother says I shouldn't rely on a relationship to meet my emotional needs:ohwell:
I want an ambitious, well-off man who's very emotive and emotionally available. Like, one who's a driven beast at work and puddy in my hands when it comes to our relationship... as in very very mushy.

In my limited experience, my 2 serious relationships have been with 1 who's decently generous but super emotionally available, and another who's very generous and not very emotionally available. I want both:( and I am beginning to wonder whether that's really hard to find.

My mother says I shouldn't rely on a relationship to meet my emotional needs

I get what she's saying. I agree.

People are fickle. You can love someone today and hate the air they breathe the next, then back to loving them again the following day. So choosing something so unstable to rely on for your emotional needs would be setting oneself up for disaster.
I get what she's saying. I agree.

People are fickle. You can love someone today and hate the air they breathe the next, then back to loving them again the following day. So choosing something so unstable to rely on for your emotional needs would be setting oneself up for disaster.

:( I think after having dated an unusually emotive man, my expectations have become too high. I have to curb and adjust them. It's strange for me to date someone who's not that emotional. It makes me want to overcompensate on the emotions and mushiness, and even though the guys is generous with his $$ and his time, there's a little voice in my head screaming "(what if) he's just not that into you!" :ohwell: because I've gotten used a SO wanting to love on me every second and associating that with real love in a relationship. I have some daddy emotional issues (present but not very emotional, though very caring), and my daddy has his own daddy emotional issues (absent).
I wouldn't do a job that I applied for without getting paid, so no. I'm about money and being rewarded. I don't encourage playing wife. I don't say to cook for a man while you're dating him. I don't think you should sleep over a man's house more than 1x every two weeks IF that. I don't mind sex:look: but spending the night and making him wake up from fck breakfast,....ewww. no.

I think women make themselves too commom. They think over loading a man with all "my love and my time and just being this awesome person for him is gonna make him see me and want me and think I'm so wonderful" texting him too much, two hour phone conversations. When I was single, I called a man back ONCE for every four times they called. When you jump through hoops for a man He's gonna go and think you're value must be so low that you have to do all these things to attract and win a man and that you can't get someone better.

ETA: I'm on my phone and can't see mentions. I just popped in here
:( I think after having dated an unusually emotive man, my expectations have become too high. I have to curb and adjust them. It's strange for me to date someone who's not that emotional. It makes me want to overcompensate on the emotions and mushiness, and even though the guys is generous with his $$ and his time, there's a little voice in my head screaming "(what if) he's just not that into you!" :ohwell: because I've gotten used a SO wanting to love on me every second and associating that with real love in a relationship. I have some daddy emotional issues (present but not very emotional, though very caring), and my daddy has his own daddy emotional issues (absent).

ahhhh ok makes sense. if you don't mind me asking, why didnt it work out since he seems to have set the standard? do you think this is practical? seems like too much............

Grass is not always greener in the long run. I have the opposite issue, my daddy had to many damn emotions. My boyfriends have kinda been similar. I'm just like my mom, like "Dude, stop crying/whining...get out of your effin feelings." I hate the men I attract sometimes, I dunno how I would handle a man that was even less emotionally available than I am. I always come across as the "jerk" I want someone else to be the jerk for a change. :ohwell:
I wouldn't do a job that I applied for without getting paid, so no. I'm about money and being rewarded. I don't encourage playing wife. I don't say to cook for a man while you're dating him. I don't think you should sleep over a man's house more than 1x every two weeks IF that. I don't mind sex:look: but spending the night and making him wake up from fck breakfast,....ewww. no.

I think women make themselves too commom. They think over loading a man with all "my love and my time and just being this awesome person for him is gonna make him see me and want me and think I'm so wonderful" texting him too much, two hour phone conversations. When I was single, I called a man back ONCE for every four times they called. When you jump through hoops for a man He's gonna go and think you're value must be so low that you have to do all these things to attract and win a man and that you can't get someone better.

ETA: I'm on my phone and can't see mentions. I just popped in here

thanks for posting. now I dont feel so much like an a$$hole :lachen:
I want an ambitious, well-off man who's very emotive and emotionally available. Like, one who's a driven beast at work and puddy in my hands when it comes to our relationship... as in very very mushy.

In my limited experience, my 2 serious relationships have been with 1 who's decently generous but super emotionally available, and another who's very generous and not very emotionally available. I want both:( and I am beginning to wonder whether that's really hard to find.

My mother says I shouldn't rely on a relationship to meet my emotional needs:ohwell:

Trust me, you don't want this. It's QUITE nauseating and strange, or maybe it's an Aquarius thing :nono:
I want an ambitious, well-off man who's very emotive and emotionally available. Like, one who's a driven beast at work and puddy in my hands when it comes to our relationship... as in very very mushy.

In my limited experience, my 2 serious relationships have been with 1 who's decently generous but super emotionally available, and another who's very generous and not very emotionally available. I want both:( and I am beginning to wonder whether that's really hard to find.

My mother says I shouldn't rely on a relationship to meet my emotional needs:ohwell:

This is the western way to love. I think practicality should lead in a marriage. the emotions and love will ebb and flow, trust me. But really men are not very emotional overall, they display their emotions in a different way. And a very driven man probably is'tn going to be the kind to be very overly emotive with his feelings anyway I don't think
Women these days contact men too much, none of this, Oh I'm thinking about you today blah blah sweetie texts to make him feel so wanted and secure. I'm the person to be won, make me feel awesome and secure. And not through some texts. Young girls are always telling me about this texting crap. I wouldn't dare let one text me repeatedly. I wouldn't even answer a man's text. Want to talk to me? Gotta call buddy

Yeahh I typed more but I think my keyboard spazzed. Lol but wayyy earlier in the thread I complained about living in a small town with no prospects and someone recommended the nc research triangle but it was too far from me to be useful. And now I'll be moving closer and can easily scout. Has nothing to do with what y'all have been talking about.
Women these days contact men too much, none of this, Oh I'm thinking about you today blah blah sweetie texts to make him feel so wanted and secure. I'm the person to be won, make me feel awesome and secure. And not through some texts. Young girls are always telling me about this texting crap. I wouldn't dare let one text me repeatedly. I wouldn't even answer a man's text. Want to talk to me? Gotta call buddy

Girl, don't even get me are spitting nothing but truth here.
I think I've only made breakfast a handful of times, for a very serious SO. The one time I had a non-serious person sleep over, I offered oatmeal with water (that's what I was eating regularly at the time:lol:) and he was like...:look: and so we went to grab brunch. Generally, the guy figures out the breakfast, which is incredibly sweet. And, while I do not like cooking for men, I love cooking WITH them (and with female friends too). I enjoy that so much more. Plus it's less pressure. I'll cook with serious and non-serious folks.

(I just revolt against the idea of slaving in the kitchen for someone... but I'm sure that'll change once I am a mother).

I think what stood out to me about that segment of the book, though, is that she said: If you can't see yourself cooking for him, then you shouldn't be sleeping there at all. Basically, get some feelings and be serious first:lol:

I hate cooking by myself, but love cooking with others. By myself it is boring and tedious.
ahhhh ok makes sense. if you don't mind me asking, why didnt it work out since he seems to have set the standard? do you think this is practical? seems like too much............

Grass is not always greener in the long run. I have the opposite issue, my daddy had to many damn emotions. My boyfriends have kinda been similar. I'm just like my mom, like "Dude, stop crying/whining...get out of your effin feelings." I hate the men I attract sometimes, I dunno how I would handle a man that was even less emotionally available than I am. I always come across as the "jerk" I want someone else to be the jerk for a change. :ohwell:

I broke things off for other reasons. It's now years later and he is still very emotive. And I eat it up:ohwell: which is why I've yet to be entirely emotionally available to other people, and partly why I'm excited that I'll be 8,000 miles away and won't have to experience it. It's like, I like it and it is ego boosting, but it isn't adding that much more to my life (anymore, I mean it was everything back then and I'm quite thankful for it...). It's become a crutch.

Those kinds of men don't have any money either

Alas:ohwell: and if I'm thinking about marriage, then I need to prioritize. That's the dynamic between my parents too: very traditional parents with a not so emotive (though caring) father, and a very emotive mother. I didn't like the dynamic growing up and have romanticized emotive men. But unfortunately they come with their own faults, and I think I'd rather a man who's very secure financially. I just fear being the only emotional one in the relationship...

The other guy started to be more and more affectionate a while into our relationship. I knew that if I pointed it out to him, he would feel self conscious about it, whereas inside I would be feeling like :yay: progress! He's still kind of emotionally deficient, though.
^^ I feel like 'being emotive' and 'being affectionate' are two different things. I think there is a difference between wanting him to be happy to be/enjoy being around you (and showing it) and a man that is always talking about feelings. The latter is just annoying.
Those kinds of men don't have any money either

or are susceptible to codependency.

I watch this show "Princesses of Long Island" one of the girls has an emotional boyfriend. She isnt. He has money and is successful but he calls like every 5 mins and is always up under her. She doesnt want to marry him. He clearly wants to marry her bc they just bought a house. :nono: