How To Attract A Rich Man



Lunch date with Indo/Packi Energy Executive met online a 2mo ago he travels way too much he has been in Scotland/France/Canada since we "met". First time meeting and I don't know what I'm wearing I only have 3hrs. :wallbash:

I mean I know I'm wearing heels and a skirt I just don't know which one and I think I need a wig too :lachen:

He picked the right restaurant, and he said he got me some chocolate and a tshirt in paris....:look: a dang t shirt :giggle: that was sweet.

I'm going Blackadeshi like least for lunch.
^^ Send his *** back to Lafayette Galleries in Paris and let him buy something you could wear to dinner :giggle:.

Enjoy lunch and report back. I'm interested to know how what he has up his sleeve. Generally speaking I'm very leery of Indo/Paki guys from a romantic perspective.

Lunch date with Indo/Packi Energy Executive met online a 2mo ago he travels way too much he has been in Scotland/France/Canada since we "met". First time meeting and I don't know what I'm wearing I only have 3hrs. :wallbash:

I mean I know I'm wearing heels and a skirt I just don't know which one and I think I need a wig too :lachen:

He picked the right restaurant, and he said he got me some chocolate and a tshirt in paris....:look: a dang t shirt :giggle: that was sweet.

I'm going Blackadeshi like least for lunch.

he might be getting you one of those cute Celine t-shirts everyone is wearing. In general I don't wear t-shirts but those ones are so cute! In any case, enjoy the date.
It is 9.27pm our reservation was for 11.15am. I just got home. Our simple lunch date turned into drinks turned into dinner turned into me in his car going over ___mph.

Cliff notes: Lunch good food good conversation drinks at venue#2 dinner and you get a fast car!

Details for the nosey:

I feel like I messed up and gave him too much of my time and was too available until I found out that he ditched a meeting he was chairing this afternoon and had his nanny collecting time and a half. I guess he thought I was worth putting off his other obligations.

I'm trying not to overshare or gush but the conversation flowed from the time he arrived. He was late I found out later it was a power move.I shocked him a few times. The first thing was I asked for a black napkin. His eyes bucked out of his head. This was some what of a blind date as he had not seen a pic of me but I had a pic of him,so i'm sure he had thoughts when he arrived and saw a short black woman :giggle: I don't think he had ever seen it done not that it was a grand gesture but in nice places if you have on dark bottoms you are supposed to be asked if you prefer a black napkin. If they don't ask you, you can ask them. (Why is she trying to make a black napkin sound special it's a napkin. Yes it is a napkin but there are young people on the board who may not have been exposed and if they meet a nice rich man they don't need to be caught off guard when the napkin subject comes up. )

After reading over the menu the waiter asked if we decided. This is where shock #2 comes in. I put down my menu and said "the gentleman will be ordering for me" once again his eyes bucked. He was caught off guard. It was kind of a test. Patty Stanger says not to test folk but I couldn't help it and already I was comfy with him so I wanted to see his flavor. After looking at me like wtf was that stunt he ordered aps and lunch for the both of us. This is getting long so I'm going to cut it short. Lunch was great the conversation was great. The food he chose was great. The tshirt was basic but he reminded me that when he asked me what I wanted I let the crickets chirp. We stayed at lunch until well past 4pm. The staff was giving us the side eye and I could care more just didn't. He on the other hand felt rushed out so we left. Interesting fact I thought he was Indian and he is but he is Trini (breaks out the soca music :bdance:)

We went across the street. This was shock #3. We got to his car and I wouldn't get in. I waited for him to start the engine. He was like why are you out in the heat. I replied "I wanted to hear your engine" He got the biggest smile. I guess he thought I was playing when he brought up cars and I told him I like them fast. We get to venue #2 they are setting up for dinner service so we sit in the lounge. We end up ordering drinks even though we really just wanted a place to finish our conversation. The conversation is flowing he brings up that he is a foodie and that he appreciated that I wasn't stush and shared my food with him. He also was like wtf was that having me order for you. He starts to talk about his heritage and I mention I like Himalaya for their chicken tikka masala and lamb samosas. He couldn't believe I knew about an Indian hole in the wall. Which brought up a nearby Persian restaurant Bijon and I asked if they had good sabzi. He nearly lost it. after that his posture relaxed and he started ordering shots.

He asked where else I like to eat and I purposely said all upscale steakhouses :look: he was like "are you stush can you get down and dirty" I was like dude did you not recall Himalaya? We ended up talking about Diners Driveins & Dives and all of the Houston places featured on there. We talked until after 8pm. After he got his 3rd drink in him he admitted he had to meet me because I pissed him off. I had blown him off for 3 months, asked for a pic when he already sent one which made him feel like I was a player, and I sent him my phone number missing a digit. Now these things seem minor but we were engaged in a minor email battle since around noon yesterday.

This was some art of war type mind games going on. He confessed that he was mad that he carried around my tshirt and chocolate for 3months and that he barely heard from me and when he asked me out I told him the time didn't work for me. :giggle: well it was true. But between his traveling and me kind of forgetting him it just seemed like we would meet when we met. I forgot about the gifts. He informed me that he asked me what I wanted from Paris and I let the crickets chirp so he just got whatever.

He said he had never been treated this way by a woman and that he wanted to find out where I lived so he could throw the tshirt and candy on my doorstep because I made him feel stupid for getting it and carrying it around in the hopes of finally meeting. :giggle: that was totally unintentional. I told him I was pissed and had to meet him because he told me I had a 2hr window to respond to his lunch invite "because his calendar was filling up" I was also pissed he told me no when I asked for a pic. Not because he said no but because he said he already did and I was sure he didn't. Well he was right he did. Then I was pissed that he told me that he would just tell me what color tie he had on, then he never told me what kind of tie. I swear he was late on purpose to pull a power move. But I was ready I told him I thought he would cancel on me just to make a point.

We got in the car for him to take me DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET and somehow ended up on the freeway!

He told me he liked my shoes oh yes men notice them I had on these:
these were under $30

He told me he liked my dress. I'm ashamed. I am opening myself up for judgement. I had on a BEBE hoochie mama party dress with netting over the boobs and netting in the tramp stamp area. I was searching high and low for my black form fitting skirt that was below the knee and couldn't find it. Then I saw a dress I borrowed from a friend when we decided to go out on the spur of the moment. I put a black tank under it to camouflage the peekaboo areas. In my defense I put a black blazer over it and it was below the knee in length so I got the look I was going for :look:
Picture this with a simple black tank top, simple black blazer and nude kitten pointy toe heels:

My makeup was simple and I picked up a wig with bangs on the way to the date :giggle: My hair is a mess from Zumba last night and was not date ready.

Long story short he told me in a battle of wits I was well armed. And that he was refreshed because he had been out with duds and was ready to not date for a while. He said we need to meet for a track date. (that means at the racetrack for him to show off how fast his car goes)


:driver: MY BODY IS READY!

This is the most I will post about him or anyone for that matter. If things are going well I'll say I'm still seeing Soca. I'm tipsy and that took forever to type.

He asked me to text him that I made it home then took an hour to respond. He is still trying to battle with me :cloud9:

eta: went back and checked the email dates he was right it was over 2mo ago
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Mortons he said he loved our brand and said it was a nice "mom car" I need a fast car that was some shade :giggle:

Ladies has a $15 groupon :sekret:
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I shocked him a few times. The first thing was I asked for a black napkin. His eyes bucked out of his head. This was some what of a blind date as he had not seen a pic of me but I had a pic of him,so i'm sure he had thoughts when he arrived and saw a short black woman :giggle: I don't think he had ever seen it done not that it was a grand gesture but in nice places if you have on dark bottoms you are supposed to be asked if you prefer a black napkin. If they don't ask you, you can ask them. (Why is she trying to make a black napkin sound special it's a napkin. Yes it is a napkin but there are young people on the board who may not have been exposed and if they meet a nice rich man they don't need to be caught off guard when the napkin subject comes up. )

PretteePlease How would you recommend beefing up these more advanced type of etiquette skills?
There was a guy who was helping me start my own Non-profit; who owned a dinning etiquette company. I think I will contact him and hire his services for myself.
I do not keep up with this thread ( honest :look:) but I couldn't help but skim PretteePlease's story and :giggle: at the kitten heels. I didn't know those were man approved :lol:.
I do not keep up with this thread ( honest :look:) but I couldn't help but skim PretteePlease's story and :giggle: at the kitten heels. I didn't know those were man approved :lol:.

I agree Arlana This is why I like reading this thread...even if your not interested in attracting a RICH man...there is alot of great info in here that can help ladies be more intune with their feminine side, like me:look:

PretteePlease thank you for the pics and the detailed description to what you wore and what you did with your was like reading a good story lol and i'm sure i'm not the only one that wants to hear what happens next :yep:
belleama I have no books to recommend this is purely from empirical knowledge from real life practice.

Arlana I had to laugh too because that pic I posted makes me picture some mrs doubtfire type woman wearing them the shoes didn't photograph well at that angle I need to have someone else take a pic of me in them :rofl:

Men like shoes even wedges although I was told they "don't count" as heels :giggle: I promise I have some kitten heels that I call my minnie mouse shoes I have a love/hate with them. they are round toe patent leather and men always compliment them they are my "work shoes" cute but comfy enough to be in all day.

A man said he gets tired of seeing everyone parading around/tripping in "hooker heels" I was light weight offended because a 4in platform stiletto is my usual friend :lachen:

minne mouse shoes attached


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:lol: i was silently pleased/relieved about the kitten heels lol. i have a strange taste in old womanish and artsy looking shoes that i'd assume men would dislike.

those look like classic black pumps. 80s teacher pumps :lol:
.... said the Phablet
@belleama I have no books to recommend this is purely from empirical knowledge from real life practice.

@Arlana I had to laugh too because that pic I posted makes me picture some mrs doubtfire type woman wearing them the shoes didn't photograph well at that angle I need to have someone else take a pic of me in them :rofl:

Men like shoes even wedges although I was told they "don't count" as heels :giggle: I promise I have some kitten heels that I call my minnie mouse shoes I have a love/hate with them. they are round toe patent leather and men always compliment them they are my "work shoes" cute but comfy enough to be in all day.

A man said he gets tired of seeing everyone parading around/tripping in "hooker heels" I was light weight offended because a 4in platform stiletto is my usual friend :lachen:

minne mouse shoes attached
:lachen:::remembers all the shoes she has:: :blush: ::remembers all the fun she has had in them:: :look: ::decided to not get rid of the old just bring in the new:: :lol:
In light of the recent Deion/Pilar Sanders tomfoolery, I think there should be an aside in this thread on how to protect your future financial interests before/once you meet that wealthy man that you might build a life with just in case he's hiding his true colors and winds up being a total D-bag. Here are just a few that I can think of/live by:

*DO NOT sign a pre-nup without good legal counsel that has gone over it with a fine-toothed comb. Put in clauses that are beneficial to you, add changes for 1 year, 5 years, 15 years (the scope and form of marriage changes with time), and never ever sign something that you haven't read 100% for yourself. Or better yet, don't sign at all. To me, it's a red flag that says "Yeah, we're married, but this is MY stuff should you pi$$ me off one day."

*Get the house, or a house that he owns in your name. Fully. Or at least make sure that you are on the deed to every property that he owns.

*Meet with his CPA alone if you can- you might need authorization for this. Know EXACTLY how much he is bringing in and on average how much he spends. Find out were every dollar in income comes from- stocks, businesses, whatever. Get your hands on that tax return. Know how much debt he has. Men can fake the funk just as well as women can.

*Make a date night with him when he pays his bills if he does some of them himself. Watch his attitude and how he handles things- is he robbing Peter to pay Paul? Does he pay stuff off in full? Is he the King of making minimum payments? When he does his bills is he angry, logical, fearful, or flippant? You need to know.

*How does his retirement/savings look? A 40 or 50 year old wealthy man who may have a good salary, but nothing to write home about retirement-wise is a red flag. Make sure he has a cushion.

*This one is petty, but watch how he tips. If he's stingy with waitstaff he'll be stingy with you once your his.

Please add if you can think of some, I can't think of all right now. Too many ladies have a well off man and don't even know how many bank accounts he has. Don't just be a pretty accessory- ingrain yourself into his financial life and protect yourself by any and all means necessary:yep:
I hope this thread hasn't died. I spent days reading the whole thing. I'm in NYC for the summer and would definitely like to try some of these suggestions while I'm here to see what happens. I already joined the Equinox gym near my job. Any good things I should check out July 4th weekend. I plan on running a 5K in Prospect Park, going to the Hamptons to spend time at the beach, going to a Yankees game, and doing some museum hopping. I'm doing all of these things solo. Any more ideas. I have both Thursday and Friday off.
This is a great list Browndilocks. :yep:

I would also like to add:
-horse-y events (polo, steeplechases, races, etc) or even consider joining a hunt club if you can ride :look: People who are into horses generally have $$$
-events sponsored by charitable groups (although at galas, the men probably came with a date :ohwell:)
-join co-ed charity young professionals (20s-40s) groups that raise money for various causes
-opening night of theater, opera, ballet, etc
-art auctions at places like Christie's, Sotheby's, etc
ETA: sailing and boat related activities
Can non-members attend polo matches as spectators. Also, is that the kind of event one can go to alone or should you really be going with a friend or be invited by a regular attender? I love sports and so I'm interested in all kinds of events and would love to see a live polo match. However, I don't want to do anything improper (i.e. showing up randomly to a polo club). Any advice?
Result of grabbing a drink @ an upscale steakhouse bar last week in my hood (as a young sista...the only sista in the house): Invitation to grab drinks tomorrow & invitation to concert on Saturday (will not be going to concert due to other plans).

By the way...NYC ladies...the Bridgehampton Polo club's Opening Day is Saturday, July 20th. The game is 2hrs long from 4pm -6pm every Saturday until August 24th or something. Gates open @ 3pm. Each car is just $25. You can tailgate @ car or sit in grandstand. VIP is limited to ~350 hand picked people this year. But, I'm sure you can get in where you fit in ;-)

Ive never been to a polo match but I'm quite interested in stopping by on Opening Day

Very interested in this as well. Let me know if you might want to tag team this one.