How To Attract A Rich Man

Have you ladies ever had to deal with cock blockers? If so, how did you handle them?

I find that when I'm chatting with an attractive, well off guy, someone finds their way over to us & interrupts the conversation to talk about pure foolishness...whether it be another woman, family member, another guy. And they stick around forever. I tend to excuse myself &'walk away.

How do you handle this gracefully?
^^^ I suggest that you steer the conversation back to the original topic and hold your ground. Can't back down when there are rich men around!!!
Have you ladies ever had to deal with cock blockers? If so, how did you handle them?

I find that when I'm chatting with an attractive, well off guy, someone finds their way over to us & interrupts the conversation to talk about pure foolishness...whether it be another woman, family member, another guy. And they stick around forever. I tend to excuse myself &'walk away.

How do you handle this gracefully?

1. smile glance their direction "As I was saying" or "as we were saying"

2. can you excuse us for a second and physically move then come back or never come back :giggle:

3. make physical contact with the person you were talking to preferably a barrier between the person you were talking to and the interrupter (hint you all up in and say "we'll have to continue this conversations when there aren't so many interruptions" and sashay away.....but only if you have exchanged info. if not take that as a moment to get the info then sashay away

4. "I'll talk to you later"

You have to be careful not to give up territory so easily. Then there is a delicate balance of holding your ground and entering into a battle of thirsty wits :giggle:
Have you ladies ever had to deal with cock blockers? If so, how did you handle them?

I find that when I'm chatting with an attractive, well off guy, someone finds their way over to us & interrupts the conversation to talk about pure foolishness...whether it be another woman, family member, another guy. And they stick around forever. I tend to excuse myself &'walk away.

How do you handle this gracefully?

I'm with you on this...can't stand it; it's like, that's rude to interrupt when two people are conversing and they don't seem to care :nono:
Thanks for the suggestions ladies. I'll try them if it happens again.

I'm convinced the interrupters do this on purpose. Like they try to take the guy's attention away from you. Ultimately the smart man chooses with his heart & brain anyway.
^^^ I suggest that you steer the conversation back to the original topic and hold your ground. Can't back down when there are rich men around!!!

This happened last week at the Belmont Stakes horse race & the guy steered the conversation back & you can tell he was slightly annoyed by the interruption (his father walking over to us asking how to fix his phone's voicemail...really?).

He turned back to me & said "Soooooo, Ecuador..." as we were talking about his vacation in Ecuador & my vacation in Southern Italy. The father interrupted again after that...on purpose I think...and so did my date (yes, i was there with a different guy who knew both guys). I was done after that.
I think the biggest problem is finding one who is not into cocaine, mdma or any other drugs. This seems so rampant in the city. Many are wealthy, but have a ton of baggage. When you find a guy who's nice, drug free, wealthy and treats you right - keep him close.

I think it comes with the territory. I don't know any rich people who don't use drugs.
Interesting I know many rich people who do not do drugs. They may take prescription meds for their issues/pain though.
Allegedly, the wall streeters are big drug users. Abuse adderall...then,mix in a little bit of coke. You're up for 3 days straight.
I think the biggest problem is finding one who is not into cocaine, mdma or any other drugs. This seems so rampant in the city. Many are wealthy, but have a ton of baggage. When you find a guy who's nice, drug free, wealthy and treats you right - keep him close.

I think it comes with the territory. I don't know any rich people who don't use drugs.

:giggle: last time I brought up the white horse folks were acting like I was bout to do lines for the sake of finding a man

Allegedly, the wall streeters are big drug users. Abuse adderall...then,mix in a little bit of coke. You're up for 3 days straight.


chicks always want to know why I've never been a rich man chaser. This is why. It's the lifestyle. I know how/where to attract certain types bc of various friends and default environments but overall I'm very leery of men over certain income brackets. There is a dark side to success & ambition: power, access & ego. Power corrupts all IME. People over certain income brackets dont believe in rules. Many behave/act immortal in many areas of life as a result. I'm not that liberal. Not saying all rich folks do drugs, are abusive or act a fool but enough do that it makes me nervous and the primary reason I've never aspired to marry rich. Some women luck up and find a wealthy "nice" guy but that's not the norm IME. I personally dont bet my life on being a unicorn or exception to the rules. I'll take the pay cut. Gimme a guy that's just educated and well-off where his aspirations, and thus self-perception & actions have limits. :yep:

chicks always want to know why I've never been a rich man chaser. This is why. It's the lifestyle. I know how/where to attract certain types bc of various friends and default environments but overall I'm very leery of men over certain income brackets. There is a dark side to success & ambition: power, access & ego. Power corrupts all IME. People over certain income brackets dont believe in rules. Many behave/act immortal in many areas of life as a result. I'm not that liberal. Not saying all rich folks do drugs, are abusive or act a fool but enough do that it makes me nervous and the primary reason I've never aspired to marry rich. Some women luck up and find a wealthy "nice" guy but that's not the norm IME. I personally dont bet my life on being a unicorn or exception to the rules. I'll take the pay cut. Gimme a guy that's just educated and well-off where his aspirations, and thus self-perception & actions have limits. :yep:

what she said....Being around wealthy people has definitely made me leery and there's no undoing what I've seen heard and know
Wow. Then why are we following the suggestions in this thread if the drugs are true? I don't want a drug addict!

Because she's talking above a certain income bracket and I did not include that in the OP. Some are aiming to marry "well" not the fake Zuckerberg character in Temptation lol.
Wow. Then why are we following the suggestions in this thread if the drugs are true? I don't want a drug addict!

LOL like HollyGolightly said it comes with the territory.

every person, class, social group, culture has it's positives and negatives. Some environments have different norms, resources, acceptable behaviors, etc etc. For example, in you go to the hood or to the backwoods of redneck Kentucky you are likely to find fewer people that went to college, less informative/world natures, few that have traveled, teen moms, etc. those things are the norm. As far as drugs go youre likely to find more weedheads and crackheads.

Go to a richer environment, i.e. certain parts of NYC, Rhode Island, NOVA-DC, etc you're likely to find people that although they have financial assets, trust funds, business acumen, impressive education etc those people are more likely to have/went to shrinks, prevalence of prescription drugs and coke. Rich people like to be beautiful/thin/fit and are often driven. More access to doctors means more prescriptions that support such lifestyles (i.e. antidepressents, adderall, diet pills, amphetamine injections (JFK) etc. There is also more coke use because 1. coke is expensive which is why its considered the rich man's drug and 2. keeps you energized, alert and is an antidepressent bc it makes you temp happily so it supports being driven and keeps people thin. Then there's also weed because just like poor people need weed to relax and de-stress, rich people sometimes use it for the same reasons to bring them down off the addrenaline spurts that are what keep them up & driven making them more money.

what? you though people are just ambitious, w/will power and that's how they get to the top and stay there?!?!?! :lol: being at the top is work. will-power and moral drive is the exception IME. that ish aint the norm and isnt natural. lol. A lot of folks need aids to keep them running like the energizer bunny. So with rich folks thats why there are more docs, shrinks, more prescriptions, starbucks and youre more likely to find a cokehead. It is what it is. Comes with the territory. More money more problems...thus, when you date or aspire to marry rich youre more likely to run into a man that subscribes to such lifestyles....
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There is actually a stat (in the UK) that those of High SES (vs. Low SES) are more likely to be depressed and take more drugs and drink more alcohol than those of low SES.

I know this to be true in terms of boarding schools, in my grammar school drugs were unheard of (grammar school meaning you take a test and if you're smart enough you get in + its very middle class)in comparison many boarding school members are doing drugs. I know this to be true across many boarding schools, and this information from people went to them.

*disclamer: I'm English, this probably isn't true everywhere. Also, doesn't mean they're addicted and doesn't mean they are bad people (although I would never even try a cigarette let alone drugs). Also it doesn't mean if you ever meet someone from a boarding school that they are an awful drug addict to be avoided, there simply appears to be a HIGHER rate. Not an 100% rate, just a higher rate of drug and alcohol abuse*
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man this thread is taking me back to when I lived in Italy and all the rich kids used to try to buy my adderall from me so they could crush and snort it. :lol:

folks were always getting into trouble, getting arrested or having their passports being threatened to be taken away and half the time it was over something illegal w/drugs or seedy arse behavior. lol

like i said, a lot of rich people dont believe in rules or feel that rules simply dont apply to them. being rich buys you privileges and is a savior. you can do whatever you want. hence the immortal self-perception, entitlement and drug use that often occurs.
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There is actually a stat (in the UK) that those of High SES (vs. Low SES) are more likely to be depressed and take more drugs and drink more alcohol than those of low SES.

I know this to be true in terms of boarding schools, in my grammar school drugs were unheard of (grammar school meaning you take a test and if you're smart enough you get in + its very middle class)in comparison many boarding school members are doing drugs. I know this to be true across many boarding schools, and this information from people went to them.

*disclamer: I'm English, this probably isn't true everywhere. Also, doesn't mean they're addicted and doesn't mean they are bad people (although I would never even try a cigarette let alone drugs). Also it doesn't mean if you ever meet someone from a boarding school that they are an awful drug addict to be avoided, there simply appears to be a HIGHER rate. Not an 100% rate, just a higher rate of drug and alcohol abuse*

Allegedly, the wall streeters are big drug users. Abuse adderall...then,mix in a little bit of coke. You're up for 3 days straight.

You might want to correct this to include most stock brokers which are a different breed in and of themselves. I have to come to the defense because I know some amazing people who are drug free. I have friends in finance who are at the top of their game (vp's, etc) who do not do drugs, some do not drink at all, and one is a hottie who was waiting till marriage to have sex with excellent character and charm, drug and disease free, and super funny...someone I would consider dating if I didn't have a FH when he was free (and when I say hot I'm talking hotter than the guy on covert affairs (trying to think of his Indian match and he dated all types before settling down recently):

The ones at the top of the game (not the ones clammoring to get there and who some crash and burn aka stock brokers) usually need a clear head to conduct business in the billions.

I can't defend them all but the ones I know are the opposite and don't do drugs, and either social drinkers (or don't drink at all). With that said, the stock brokers are another breed and I did not even waste time dating them. If I sniff out shenanigans I'm out from the beginning :lol: I am sure there are some who are drug free too so I don't want to lump them all together.
You might want to correct this to include most stock brokers which are a different breed in and of themselves. I have to come to the defense because I know some amazing people who are drug free. I have friends in finance who are at the top of their game (vp's, etc) who do not do drugs, some do not drink at all, and one is a hottie who was waiting till marriage to have sex with excellent character and charm, drug and disease free, and super funny...someone I would consider dating if I didn't have a FH when he was free (and when I say hot I'm talking hotter than the guy on covert affairs

The ones at the top of the game (not the ones clammoring to get there and who some crash and burn aka stock brokers) usually need a clear head to conduct business in the billions.

So...what type of women is he looking for? I love Naan!
Only posted a pic of the covert guy because everyone assumes if someone doesn't do drugs or drink, and is abstinent into their 30's or whatever that there is something wrong with them, or they're ugly, or boring or whatever. I find that the guy I mentioned earlier was (I say was because I am not interested in married men) highly attractive and super sweet plus very take charge (a leader but one who is very diplomatic).

I don't want women thinking that they have to choose between coke heads or that they have to compromise their morals to date a guy. Find a guy that likes what you like, don't think you have to settle or that you will be "punished" for getting a guy who has his ish together.

There are just as many poor guys doing drugs as rich. Find the guys who you want, filter out the ones you don't. Also go places and be in situations that make you comfortable so you attract guys that have the qualities you want.
So...what type of women is he looking for? I love Naan!

Unfortunately he's off the market and recently married. He was interested in dating me but I knew that he was a past associate (college friends though they had drifted apart) with my FH and at the time my FH was interested in dating me too (we had not gotten serious and were not dating at all so I don't know why I thought it was a conflict but I assumed I should date the guy who approached me first. It was like...there are two amazing men...which one lol!).

It was one of the only times I paused like...hmmm should I just run off with this man or what? :lol: Like I knew that he was looking to settle down too because we already had these types of conversations and were good friends before this. We hadn't seen each other in years (but kept up via email or occasionally phone), he flew in to see me before going to Europe and we had lunch to catch up and we were both like: :lick::grin: :lachen:

So his type is a nice, intelligent woman. I've seen him date asian, white, black, Indian, etc. But again he just got married (and she is quite plain so let's say he looks to the "heart").
Only posted a pic of the covert guy because everyone assumes if someone doesn't do drugs or drink, and is abstinent into their 30's or whatever that there is something wrong with them, or they're ugly, or boring or whatever. I find that the guy I mentioned earlier was (I say was because I am not interested in married men) highly attractive and super sweet plus very take charge (a leader but one who is very diplomatic).

I don't want women thinking that they have to choose between coke heads or that they have to compromise their morals to date a guy. Find a guy that likes what you like, don't think you have to settle or that you will be "punished" for getting a guy who has his ish together.

There are just as many poor guys doing drugs as rich. Find the guys who you want, filter out the ones you don't. Also go places and be in situations that make you comfortable so you attract guys that have the qualities you want.

all relationships and every man will an be a risk and a compromise to an extent. Different categories of men have different norms and commonalities. Different women have different deal breakers. I can only speak for my own experiences and observations. Not talking upper-middle class, but as far as rich men go all--every single one---the women I know that dated/married RICH compromised on 1 or more 1 of the following: 1. fidelity 2.drug usage 3. availability (emotional and/or physical). As far as overall investment goes, I'm sure there are the exceptions but I dont think its fair, accurate to sell women exceptions of certain types of men. Reminds me of how many women are falsely sold the idea they can have it all simultaneously and when reality comes to light, there are many women that feel cheated or devastated when it doesnt happen or the experience was short lived. Every woman will kiss a couple toads before the prince but its all about preference. If your preference is money/rich be prepared for what you are *likely* to find. Same thing for women that prefer post-graduate education, fame, high-powered career, romantic w/time availability, etc be prepared for the avg typical man that fits that profile and be willing to except certain compromises that come to with the territory. No man is perfect. Just dont think its right to get the hopes up of women who may be naive of what they are likely to get if they want to marry rich.

again, not about judgment or prejudice just reality......
Uhmmm this thread just got real. Lol

Did it? I hope not real bad?:lol:

I appreciate all perspectives. I just feel bad for those who have ran into all these druggies. Environment change time! For real because I've yet to date one (and I'm not clueless so I'm not overlooking that factor and I live in NYC most of the time though I do travel too). I also think it's important that they share that perspective too but that it doesn't become a Tyler Perry film.

You will not be punished if you date a guy who has his ish together. YOu will find some jerks, and some amazing people just like you will in any other category (middle or lower class).
I'll say I know one billionaire status who is very clean. Very little alcohol and no drugs whatsoever. He is very instrumental in running his business, so maybe that explains why he's so clean.
I'll say I know one billionaire status who is very clean. Very little alcohol and no drugs whatsoever. He is very instrumental in running his business, so maybe that explains why he's so clean.

I have a close friend of mine that's engaged to an fairly wealthy local businessman, he doesnt do drugs and doesnt drink at all but her compromise is availibility. She's lonely at times bc he travels and works a lot, ninja aint neva home. If he were home tho, he wouldnt have so much money in the first place.

I get the impression some women hope or think they are going to find this rich guy thats perfect and they wont have to compromise on something. everyone compromises, some call it settling, but whatever everyone does it.
all relationships and every man will an be a risk and a compromise to an extent. Different categories of men have different norms and commonalities. Different women have different deal breakers. I can only speak for my own experiences and observations. Not talking upper-middle class, but as far as rich men go all--every single one---the women I know that dated/married RICH compromised on 1 or more 1 of the following: 1. fidelity 2.drug usage 3. availability (emotional and/or physical). As far as overall investment goes, I'm sure there are the exceptions but I dont think its fair, accurate to sell women exceptions of certain types of men. Reminds me of how many women are falsely sold the idea they can have it all simultaneously and when reality comes to light, there are many women that feel cheated or devastated when it doesnt happen or the experience was short lived. Every woman will kiss a couple toads before the prince but its all about preference. If your preference is money/rich be prepared for what you are *likely* to find. Same thing for women that prefer post-graduate education, fame, high-powered career, etc be prepared for the avg typical man that fits that profile and be willing to except certain compromises that come to with the territory. No man is perfect. Just dont think its right to get the hopes up of women who may be naive of what they are likely to get if they want to marry rich.

Before I say all this, I think we are on the same page with deal breakers. Everyone should have them. Mine happens to be infidelity, drugs, domineering, and no moral compass (and that's for me to determine because everyone has their own ideas on this and the guy I'm marrying has to be equally yoked).
Someone else may be okay with drugs, etc. But I will say this...if they are not, they should not resolve themselves to expecting that.

I am not selling exceptions. These are the types of guys I know. Maybe I'm a heck of a filter with abstinence. It's possible that the other guys don't bother me at all or waste my time. Same thing with education, they know when I open my mouth that I'm educated and have an opinion so that filters out guys who want you to sit and look pretty. But then I have to filter out other guys who prey on that or have a belief about the type of woman you are if you are abstinent till marriage (and that's another deal in and of itself).

As for no man is perfect that is definitely true but things like infidelity and drugs are character flaws that I don't accept. No person is perfect. What one person thinks is cute another thinks is annoying.

Everything is a trade off...when you chose one guy to marry, you are saying no to every other guy, when you choose one option in life or career others close. Then there are things like religion, etc. But I do think it's important to know your deal breakers and not make the assumption that you can't get a guy like you want.

But yes you will have to assess the environment. Some areas and states, guys marry earlier than others. Some areas you will have to accept an age difference, etc etc depending on the pool of men (all things I learned working with a matchmaker) but to me things like heavy drug use should not be on the list. But hey, that's me to each their own.
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